First time grower, AlphaKronik Gobstopper , soil

indeed , but i did just flush em . I dripped a bit on that plant and thought that might be it. I will have to mix some new nute juice just to be sure. Its sat since i flushed.
I really have heard of flushing in the middle of veg before. Cool you learn somethin new
I had hydrophobic soil. Rather than set it in a puddle of fresh water to hydrate it , I let it sit in nute run off , AND basted it with the run off for 3 hours.

As my buddy said, my coolaid got too concentrated. The plant started acting sickly so I did three waterswith 50% run off to flush out all the crap I had put in soaking in evaporating nute juice.

case of play stupid games... win stupid prize.
ok sometimes the embarrassing shit you do is worth sharing cause maybe someone else can learn from it.

So topping. What I thought , Was I was gonna snip the tip where I did and those microscopic growthtips (hairs) were going to be like popeye on spinach and become a fork in the stem. Its ok , you can laugh.

So Almost immediately after cutting it I saw changes. but not where I thought.

When you cut it, if you cut the fourth node off the third. The first, second, and the third nodes have a chance to become 2new colas ea .

For the truckloads of weed ive smoked I have absolutely no idea what im doing. This is great.
Observe. . . She’s really sad now all droopy and tired


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My personal life is a trash fire rn, Few family members with life threatening illness or injury One parent in nursing care and lost my brother and had to break the news to both parents this week. Not an hour after the post above everything went to shit. Ive managed to keep er on track despite every aspect of life being a complete joke rn.

so, using about 1L of nute juice a water . The big pot is light after about 24 hours. IMO this means it needs a tp. Boss says let it recover from topping first. The little one has some green shit growing in the dirt boss says its algae and it doesn't hurt anything and when the leafs get big it will die from shade. It feels like shes stunted, but i suspect shes layin down roots and about to explode upwards. Shes holding at 2.5 3 days a water.

So the bottom 4 growth tips all exploded and the two tiny ones are rapidly growing but tiny still. The top where i cut looks like a FIMOP and might get 4 stalks on the top. Boss doesnt think so.

Running on like an hour of sleep it feels like will take pics later.
New nodes exploding on biggie , slight darkening at heart of largest leafs. This is me not being consistant with watering. Last water was a quart nute juice and 2 quarts water. My target in my head, is right between the two shades of green on the largesleafs on both. Little is slightly too light and big is too green slightly.
Water schedule should be 1x3 days every other water nutes and fresh what i ended up with is 2 or 3 fresh to flush the soil of the nutes i soaked them in, now the plant is so mature it seems to need transplanting, so im watering almost every 24 hours and have been mixing in a tiny bit of nutes every watering instead of every other because it just didnt feel like it would take that much. I think i was right too mixing in one jar of nute juice to 2 parts fesh made it super green.

Drilled like 10 holes in a 20 oz bottle cap. tried it , its aight but gotta squeeze it out a bit . Put it on a 1.5L bottle and been watering with that it kinda helps not digging holes. I really wanna tp the big one . I wanna use happy frog and im convinced the first watering it will make the other soil less hydrophobic as it will basically be sitting in a puddle for ever then. I would probably cull and replant if i ended up in this spot again. Its a pain in the ass to water hydrophobic plants. Regularity of water cycle determines roots. if you top water daily or twice daily , it will grow a gigantic tap root and no little white hairs. It looks like a worm. If you water and let the soil dry a bit , the roots explode searching for water.

it does not appear that plants grow when you water them they grow when they chase the water as it dries. watch some timelapses of plants growing , focus on the dirt. You can watch it dry up in stages. this is significant. Over watering prevents healthy roots. watering too frequently is a problem. ideal is water , let dry out abit, water, let dry out a bit.

I wanna get a picture of the new tips. its actually doing pretty well. I adopted my brothers cat. Its been difficult to open the tent cause i dont know how hes gonna be . Scared hes gonna go in the vent tube and eat it. So far hes being cool. Im glad i have him .

I see 2 growth tips coming out of the FIMOP , I had studied topping and mainlining and probably did that on purpose.
I think its clearly 4 new shoots below, i think the two growthtips up top are growing too, and then 2 in the fim. Potentially 8 colas.


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Whatcha think is it a fim or a top ?
it looks like the top growth tips are not swelling so not growing . I think if I cut off the top again in the same place they will swell and grow but I’m not sure what’s growing out of the tip


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The normal schedule, is actually twice as strong (about) and only fed every other feed. 3 days inbetween. So it comes out to feed once a week and water with ph water in between. My juice is roughly half strength to mitigate noob watering stupidity and is probably the only reason ive managed to keep this thing alive. I know the green im going for , and have been adjusting the ratios of water to nute juice to achieve it. BAsically im countering the hydrophobic soil.

This pot is having some extreme problems where the hydrophobic soil, is making the water dry out so fast the nutes are concentrating in the sides of the pot as white shitstains when it drys out. And does it dry out. Currently watering 1 time a day with a liter plus. Trying to keep it moist so it doesnt concentrate. Trying hard tolet the topping heal and recover before i tp it to a 10gal and use happy frog which should create a permanently moist cup around the hydrophobic soil causing the problem to slowly fade. Till then its a matter of reacting to the green.

Dark -WAY to much nutes. Near lockout, back off to 2 waters no feed with 30-50% runoff.
Light -too little nutes about to go into deficiency , unless immediately new growth which also is light.

Perfect green - water with water, 3 days, water with feed. Repeat
Sorry if the question seemed a little silly, I was asking because I never really grew anything in 100% Coco. And of course with my plants every time I water I feed. Cool you learn something new everyday.. Cheers!
yeah this is foxfarm happy frog , and ocean fresh. The ocean fresh is from amazon and is super ultra hydrophobic it floats . The happy frog is good. Both are soils. Not coco i dont think infact it has bark and chorizos which i think is some microbe that eats stuff and poops nutes (only in happy frog). Coco you would treat like hydroponics , which you would feed all the time.

Soil, is weird. So im told dont give nutes till 3 weeks in. The soil has some. But then there are a few counter points...
I germ'd in a rockwool cube and soaked in super dilute nute juice to germ and then fed. Ive been feeding them the entire time since it was a seed and then backing off when it darkens.

I have no idea what im doing so im over watering, under watering drying out concentrating, then hydrophobic soil then weird red spots . I think the goal of the unmodified schedule is basically eb n flow nutes. Slam it with extremely potent nutes and let it recover. Repeat.

Worth noting the boss reused soil, so its understandable hes not saying to wait a while but if you use soil and transplant does that mean another 3 weeks no nutes? When they are light i feed, when they are dark i water.
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So.. im not saying it wrong, I havent heard of watering and feeding in soil like that. I usually water and feed at the same time. I use a wet dry cycle. Basicly that just means that you wait till your medium is dry before you feed /water. You can feed/water after a transplant. I usually wait till my plant needs water before a transplant, it makes it easier to do it.
right, i definitely dont know what im doing. Ive read 5 books, Ive spent my fair share of circles sharing recipes but My first successful germ is the big one and im just doing what im told more or less. your soil looks like mine where the top inch is like poorly mixed hot coco and under that its dry. So i was considering poking mine with a stick too. But i think ill wait and just try the tp into a bowl of good soil method instead in a day or two.
If or when you choose to probe use something like chopsticks.. well the diameter of chopsticks at least..
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Little got cleaned out a bit. They didnt get much light and were sickly with spots and such. There were growth tips by them, unlike the other plant. I pinched them off like dandylions


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See how littles leafs look like a spider that’s n toxicity clAwing . Sadly not desired cause it looks cool as shit .

still justwater cause they still keep getting greener and show toxicity

biggie is doing a bit


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biggies pot cant keep up watering 1-2 times daily to avoid damage (leafs basically dry up and fold in half , boss calls it folding , water and humidify and it resolves in fresh growth .) 1581011840626.png
The thirst is real !!!

2 gals water only . Soo much nitrogen in happy frog .

the claaaaaaaaaaw!!! (Jim Carrey shenanigans)


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