New nodes exploding on biggie , slight darkening at heart of largest leafs. This is me not being consistant with watering. Last water was a quart nute juice and 2 quarts water. My target in my head, is right between the two shades of green on the largesleafs on both. Little is slightly too light and big is too green slightly.
Water schedule should be 1x3 days every other water nutes and fresh what i ended up with is 2 or 3 fresh to flush the soil of the nutes i soaked them in, now the plant is so mature it seems to need transplanting, so im watering almost every 24 hours and have been mixing in a tiny bit of nutes every watering instead of every other because it just didnt feel like it would take that much. I think i was right too mixing in one jar of nute juice to 2 parts fesh made it super green.
Drilled like 10 holes in a 20 oz bottle cap. tried it , its aight but gotta squeeze it out a bit . Put it on a 1.5L bottle and been watering with that it kinda helps not digging holes. I really wanna tp the big one . I wanna use happy frog and im convinced the first watering it will make the other soil less hydrophobic as it will basically be sitting in a puddle for ever then. I would probably cull and replant if i ended up in this spot again. Its a pain in the ass to water hydrophobic plants. Regularity of water cycle determines roots. if you top water daily or twice daily , it will grow a gigantic tap root and no little white hairs. It looks like a worm. If you water and let the soil dry a bit , the roots explode searching for water.
it does not appear that plants grow when you water them they grow when they chase the water as it dries. watch some timelapses of plants growing , focus on the dirt. You can watch it dry up in stages. this is significant. Over watering prevents healthy roots. watering too frequently is a problem. ideal is water , let dry out abit, water, let dry out a bit.
I wanna get a picture of the new tips. its actually doing pretty well. I adopted my brothers cat. Its been difficult to open the tent cause i dont know how hes gonna be . Scared hes gonna go in the vent tube and eat it. So far hes being cool. Im glad i have him .
I see 2 growth tips coming out of the FIMOP , I had studied topping and mainlining and probably did that on purpose.
I think its clearly 4 new shoots below, i think the two growthtips up top are growing too, and then 2 in the fim. Potentially 8 colas.