First time grower, AlphaKronik Gobstopper , soil

5 gals in about 7 quarts out .
Slight tip burn my camera is not getting true color with the new lights

only water this time still getting excess nitrogen’s last was 20ml base 10 ml calmAg will be watering and feeding alternating


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Boss thinks its my calmag , not (only) the soil, replacing asap, 1582738559545.png

Logic :
Nitrate nitrogens..... This is the pure stuff i mentioned before , rapidly transports , near instantly used by plant.

This fits... The nitrogens in the soil are slow release. Stuff has to process it and make nitrates. So i got minor burn in 24 hours from myfeeding.... this means the nitrogens are rapidly being absorbed. NOT broken down in the soil.

The problem is my calmag (maybe and the soil combined)

This , combined with untrue color is to cause for tip burn , i finally figured out the color thing on accident Im colorblind so to me the right color of leafs looks bright neon yellow. Once i see green , its too much. Because of this disconnect between what i see and whats really there , I thought the pics boss was getting showed the true colors. I was wrong.
Sorry came to the party late, from what I read it looks like you're using Cal Mag with a soil grow? I can't remember if you are using hydroponic mediums.
Yeah Foxfarms Happy frog, And hydrophobic Ocean fresh i abandoned at 1gal in one pot.

We thought it was the soil, cause boss reused his . So it was depleted. but we just realized we need to remove the N from the calmag and go with the other stuff for flower. Just ordered flower nutes and the camg+. I had the calmag already and gh tripple jugs flora or what ever they are called. Pretty much waste of money. Bloom + camg+ for veg now that ive got ntox and then 0-52-34 + camg(+) for flower. Both on the way now.
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Minor pest problem, small missing parts of leafs. Boss says it looks like green catepillars but shouldnt be inside. About 2 or 3% leaf damage mostly on new ones or leafs i noted were twisted or wet before. Boss thinks we still may be ok but i got some pantry moth traps to lay out for physical proof.

I spent an hour intently looking at my plants , staring as hard as i could so the little bastards would be seen if they were there. . . Nothing. Boss says wind damage / humidity while untwisting. For now... We wait. Rule 2dont fix stuff you dont know is wrong. Tiny leaf holes might be wind damage / burn. I had airflow issues and damp leafs where they touched.
Set up the dehumidifier in prep for making cages , can’t empty it where is is so have to use ext bucket

Both just recovering


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OK so topping, what i just saw in a video is cloning. Topping is much much much less.
Take the head, where all the new growth is , spread the thing, its two tiny leafs covering hairs . Cut the hairs 60% off or more for topping, less for fim.

The white line, is too much and removes your leafs which will supercharge the topping growth below. See pic one.

Pic 2. I hacked off too much Both leafs, AND the hairs.

Pic 3 shows some good topps , and one where i cut the leafs ,

Less is more. Unless you want clones.

Worth noting the smaller bits of hairs failed to top. The two extremes are bad, right in the middle is a nice functional top with leaving the leafs.


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yeah ive been reading (too much) and smelled weed in there today. :) Ive been getting wiffs here and there where its like , is that them?
Cleaned up some fims into proper tops and staked the cage . Humidifier is setup and just did some decent defoliating to expose heads


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yeah ive been reading (too much) and smelled weed in there today. :) Ive been getting wiffs here and there where its like , is that them?
Wait till your 3rd or 4th week in flower, especially after you defoliation..lmao
So, less is more with topping, but 60% is the least you should take. I had 4 that kept growing/ repaired (read stunted) that looked like cauliflower or something. Nipped it and moved leafs and got it ready to grow.

Hunting invisable leaf eaters. Any suggestions appreciated. No idea whats putting holes in the leafs.

I swear i saw a little brown dot jump off the last pic when i cliped the damaged part .


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Looks like inchworms 2nd pic is the type of damage they do, the 3rd is their poo. If you move the leaves with poo on them it just falls off, might be the brown spot you saw. You can use BT Spray on them to get rid of them.