Band aids definately provide gas exchange, or else they wouldnt heal our little cuts and scrapes so well. They let your cuts breath but dont let bacteria in. Also, they come sterile already unlike masking tape.
Poking the holes after was definately risky but was your only chance of salvaging your project, next time, make your filter holes first! They go on before you PC your jars to sterilize them.
Popcorn is less commonly used because its harder to get the perfect moisture content in them consistantly so contams are more prone with popcon. Go to and watch the grain prep, its done with organic rye berries that you get at the health food store.
The Shroomery is the best source of info out there for this hobby. They ask that you search the topics you have questions about first beacuse they have most likely been covered before. You shouldnt ever really need to ask questions anyways with how good thier search engine is. There are some real knowlegable people there that have helped everyone in this hobby even if you have never been to the site.