For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

I don't know the humidity, but the case came with a digital temp reader that is always between 69 and 75, so I don't think it gets too hot or too cold (when it gets to either of those extremes I adjust my bedroom window to compensate). I don't know about humidity though, it never feels humid except for a week or so of summer when its hot. Humidity in Kent, WA seems to usually fall in the 70% range, but I get the feeling that its not that high inside the case or even in my room. Right now its just under 60 apparently.

Haha I actually have a neat coincidental set up, I have an Atcs 840 case with this little box and fan thingy that goes over the pci slots n the back of the case and instead of the air blowing straight out the back it makes a 90 degree turn, this then blows the air out towards the rest of the room and is a few inches from the grow tower (separated by a thin amount of wood from the desk). So when it is cold my computer sucks air in through the top/and its front end then blows some of that and the warm air from the gpu out which then gets partially sucked in by the grow case to keep it warm! haha *i think the grow case kinda sucks some of the warm air around the corner of the desk.

The soil looks wet even this time * 23 hours after the watering, but the top half inch or less is dry, starts to feel a little wet below that. Right now they weigh about as much as I would right after watering them like i did the first couple weeks. I think every 2 days might be best cause they will be fairly dry but should still have a useful amount of water in the lower half.

They look better today than last night, the tall one actually grew up and touched one of the cfls! I kind a freaked but it doesn't appear to have done any damage. The way the lighting is built in this thing though is that since I have to raise the cfls over the tall one, they have to be farther and farther from the shorter ones (which seem to be growing more dense and out instead of up)
Sampson, 1 last thing (for tonight anyway).

I am still on the hunt for the proper way to house my moms. (All these ?;s pertain to photo-seeds only, autos are on their way).

Bear in mind I am working with a 18"x26" x60"tall space (for the moms only). Really been thinkin bout dirt since you mentioned it. Could you check out the attached link when u can & see what ya think of the "selfwatering pots" almost looks like some type of wick system.

The second link (all the way @ bottom) is another link for some different self-watering hydro systems.

Here's my deal, little or no room. Got the v-drip for inside the tent for flowering. The tray above the tent. Then the small area of space I told you above for the moms.

I believe that if I start another hydro system, that will be a total of x3 separate hydro systems, pumps, and all that jazz. Frankly, I'm sweatin my amperage. Right now all my gear is only coming in at about 6 amps. I really only have 1 outlet devoted to the closet. What would you do brotha?

Thanks, thanks, thanks again.
What up Sampson, need to solicit ur opinion regarding whether or not to water the rapid rooters.

So far we @ 100% success on germin. (you rock).

The only thing, is that some of those rooters are lookin extremely dried out.

My humidity is down to only 20% (yikes).

I put out some containers w/ water (prob. 4 for my small space) hoping they will evap. & gimme some much needed moisture.

I've had the dome off since last night, startin to see the beginnings of some teeny baby serrated leaves (they are so effin cute).

Yeah, anyway, just tryin to avoid losin some momentum here & wanna be sure I'm doin the right thing.

Would you water the cubes that look like they are hurtin, or do you believe their 30 minute soak before germination enabled them to retain the proper amount of H2O?

I read some guy somewhere talkin sayin that NEVER water rooters, & that they get everything they need from the soak. But dude, some of these are dry. Straight up, I have pulled them out & they are dryyyy.

Took the liberty of sprnklin some distilled water (very small amounts) just to help darken the cubes up. Some were gettin really light colored, hence my concern.

If possible, break off yo 2 cents when ya have a moment.

Thx as always

Well it is a plant and if you let it dry out it will wilt and damage roots.
I don't know the humidity, but the case came with a digital temp reader that is always between 69 and 75, so I don't think it gets too hot or too cold (when it gets to either of those extremes I adjust my bedroom window to compensate). I don't know about humidity though, it never feels humid except for a week or so of summer when its hot. Humidity in Kent, WA seems to usually fall in the 70% range, but I get the feeling that its not that high inside the case or even in my room. Right now its just under 60 apparently.

Haha I actually have a neat coincidental set up, I have an Atcs 840 case with this little box and fan thingy that goes over the pci slots n the back of the case and instead of the air blowing straight out the back it makes a 90 degree turn, this then blows the air out towards the rest of the room and is a few inches from the grow tower (separated by a thin amount of wood from the desk). So when it is cold my computer sucks air in through the top/and its front end then blows some of that and the warm air from the gpu out which then gets partially sucked in by the grow case to keep it warm! haha *i think the grow case kinda sucks some of the warm air around the corner of the desk.

The soil looks wet even this time * 23 hours after the watering, but the top half inch or less is dry, starts to feel a little wet below that. Right now they weigh about as much as I would right after watering them like i did the first couple weeks. I think every 2 days might be best cause they will be fairly dry but should still have a useful amount of water in the lower half.

They look better today than last night, the tall one actually grew up and touched one of the cfls! I kind a freaked but it doesn't appear to have done any damage. The way the lighting is built in this thing though is that since I have to raise the cfls over the tall one, they have to be farther and farther from the shorter ones (which seem to be growing more dense and out instead of up)

i wouldnt water every 2 days... wait until the soil is dry.. your plant will start drooping at the bottom before the soil is so dry it would hurt the plant... every 3 or 4 days should be about right.. you want to make sure there is very little, if any, moisture left in the soil.. this keeps the roots happy..

if humidity is around 60% its fine.. anything above that can cause issues.. high humidty causes the plants to close their stomata.. which means they stop or slow down their transpiring... a lot of water in a pot with little plant transpiration can mean problems since water wont get absorbed and utlized right...

it sounds like they are coming around tho.. they shouldnt do this to you any more...

What up Sampson, need to solicit ur opinion regarding whether or not to water the rapid rooters.

So far we @ 100% success on germin. (you rock).

The only thing, is that some of those rooters are lookin extremely dried out.

My humidity is down to only 20% (yikes).

I put out some containers w/ water (prob. 4 for my small space) hoping they will evap. & gimme some much needed moisture.

I've had the dome off since last night, startin to see the beginnings of some teeny baby serrated leaves (they are so effin cute).

Yeah, anyway, just tryin to avoid losin some momentum here & wanna be sure I'm doin the right thing.

Would you water the cubes that look like they are hurtin, or do you believe their 30 minute soak before germination enabled them to retain the proper amount of H2O?

I read some guy somewhere talkin sayin that NEVER water rooters, & that they get everything they need from the soak. But dude, some of these are dry. Straight up, I have pulled them out & they are dryyyy.

Took the liberty of sprnklin some distilled water (very small amounts) just to help darken the cubes up. Some were gettin really light colored, hence my concern.

If possible, break off yo 2 cents when ya have a moment.

Thx as always

if they are dry water them.. keep them moist.. if they dry out too much the roots will dry out and the sprout will die..

growth now will slow a little as it works on forming a root system... so dont expect much growth until after transplant...

if you can raise humidity you should.. otherwise you may end up watering a lot...

Sampson, 1 last thing (for tonight anyway).

I am still on the hunt for the proper way to house my moms. (All these ?;s pertain to photo-seeds only, autos are on their way).

Bear in mind I am working with a 18"x26" x60"tall space (for the moms only). Really been thinkin bout dirt since you mentioned it. Could you check out the attached link when u can & see what ya think of the "selfwatering pots" almost looks like some type of wick system.

The second link (all the way @ bottom) is another link for some different self-watering hydro systems.

Here's my deal, little or no room. Got the v-drip for inside the tent for flowering. The tray above the tent. Then the small area of space I told you above for the moms.

I believe that if I start another hydro system, that will be a total of x3 separate hydro systems, pumps, and all that jazz. Frankly, I'm sweatin my amperage. Right now all my gear is only coming in at about 6 amps. I really only have 1 outlet devoted to the closet. What would you do brotha?

Thanks, thanks, thanks again.

go with the second of the 2 systems you showed.. its a gravity fed hydro system.. no pumps i think.. you'll want an air stone for the res of course.. but you'll be fine on amps...
I had been watering every 3 or 4 days though, the only thing was it that i wasn't soaking them so the soil was absorbing as much water as possible, I was just watering them until they dripped out the bottom a lot which usually hit about double their dry weight. That is why I was using the scale, so I could tell when they were getting very close to their dry weight and then I would water. You guys figured that wasn't enough, so should I go every 3 or 4 days like before, except now soak the soil completely so it retains more water for that 3/4 day period?
I had been watering every 3 or 4 days though, the only thing was it that i wasn't soaking them so the soil was absorbing as much water as possible, I was just watering them until they dripped out the bottom a lot which usually hit about double their dry weight. That is why I was using the scale, so I could tell when they were getting very close to their dry weight and then I would water. You guys figured that wasn't enough, so should I go every 3 or 4 days like before, except now soak the soil completely so it retains more water for that 3/4 day period?

yep.. exactly.. just soak them every 3 or 4 days when they are dry... too much soaking will cause issues.. they just needed to adjust to the new watering style...

Sampson, could you take a peak @ my day 4 pics?

Went ahead & have been dropping very sparingly some distilled water & a trace amount of root 66.

I'm still runnin the flouro on 'em 24/0.

Should I maybe back down to 18/6? To expedite? Although, once these are big enough, I am gonna run them at least 20/4, if not 24/0.

I know you told me your veg room is 24/0 constantly, hence your reasoning for having them (seedlings/cuttings) in there.

They just kinda seem to have stalled & haven't done much in the past day or 2. (I know ya told me this will be longest part of my life). Just wanna be sure it is my lack of patience, and not me effin something up.

Bought a humidifier, kicked up humidity from 20% to 50% in bout 30 mins.

Safe to keep around 50%, right?

I was hopin the girlies would be ready to move to the v-drip this weekend, as once my work week starts, I get pretty sucked in. But hey, cross that when we get to it.

Lastly, how do I know if the rooters have the appropriate amount of moisture (squeeze, just feel 'em?)

Sorry for all the stupid newb questions. And please rest assured I realize just how fortunate I am to have you so willing to help (preesh goose).

"What are your qualifications? Well... I have a british accent, I'm possibly homosexual, and my wife is ghas----stly........ BOMBS AWAY!"

Lawdy I love that shiz. Anyway, lookin forward to hearin from ya & thanks as always partner!

yeah things will go slow.. trust that... it seems like forever at first....

leave them under 24/0.. 18/6 wont speed things up at all...

you pretty much want to be able to feel moisture on the cube when you touch it.. if it feels dry/crusty then moisten it.. i typically had to moisten mine 2 times a day... but thats in my setup.. you'll have to adjust to how your set up it.. just make sure they dont dry out...

50% humidity is fine...

your welcome as usual bro
Samps, thx keeping helpin keepn things full forward.

Below are day 5 pics from one of the most devleoped. I would say that 50% have the same single little white rootie @ the bottom.

As you will notice, the 3 up front on the shot of the whole tray are not above ground.

I can see down & have verified that germ. was successful, they both have a nice long tap root, it just hasn't made contact with the medium yet. Any suggestions you have to remedy that would be sweet. Unless that is just a lack of patience situation.

I'd love your 2 cents as always as to how much longer before I start fluffing some coco. (Obviously, never done that before, so wanna be ready, but don't wanna do too soon).

Thanks for everything my man!


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alright... i think that those tap roots are long enough you can put them into your system with little problem... that is established well enough...

so first thing you want to do is prep your coco coir if it isnt prepped... in order to do this you need to soak it in some ph'd water for a few hours.. over night would be good.. coco coir can fuck with ph some.. this will help at least lessen that "issue"... if you have some rooting hormones this would be a good thing to add to the soaking liquid...

when you put them into the system obviously the coco will be wet... let it drain some before putting it in... you want it basically not to drip... place a little in the site, then your cube, then fill in around it..

your first nute solution you want to use 1/4 strength... the first week or so of growth will be slow to start... you are letting the seeds for a solid root foundation during this time... once roots are established growth will explode...

after the first week... well.. we will talk about that when you get there.. lol
Wow, wicked thought you would say I needed a few more days.

Cause only 1/2 of my batch has sprouted & has a root sticking out the bottom.

Should I put the guys with the root stickin out into system & leave the others in the prop. tray?

Also, once in the system, should I get the 400 watt goin, or keep under the flouro for a few more days?

A lot of that depends on whether I should keep the guys with no root stickin out in the tray.

Obviously, if u think I should keep in tray, I will need flouro to keep those guys goin.

Just wanna get it done right. Gonna go ahead & prep some coco though.

THanks boss
throw the ones with the roots in the v-drip... keep the rest under floros.... keep the hps about 18" from the sprouts until you can see them start growing.. then start moving it closer... but wait until all the sprouts are in the v-drip and growing to start moving it real real close...
Yo Sampson, been reading around about coco prep & coco in general. Some say its awesome, some say they fiddled with it for years & gave up (which I realize is the case for virtually every facet of this hobby), but here's the thing, I really haven't seen many negative comments about hydroton, seems to be the industry standard that everyone uses succesfully.

I have enough hydroton to use instead of coco (I was planin to mix coco w/ bout 30% hydroton anyway), what would you do my friend?

If hydroton is a sure shot, and the jury is still out on coco (specially for newbs like me), the answer is pretty simple IMO.

What you think, or use personally (if you don't mind).
Well we're not doing so well, the bottom pair of leafs are yellowing on all my plants. Biggest one developed a new problem on the first pair of leafs after the ones that died and dried up. Kinda hard to see in the picture but its gotta dark marks on it like it was burnt and the end half of the leaf is dried out but still a decent shade of green. I don't know what happened with that, I don't think it could have been the bulbs because there was no way those leafs were too close. I may have gotten a little bit of water and some dirt on the underside of them when I watered the other day but I wiped it off with my finger as soon as I was done with them. If I am to water every 3 days then not tomorrow morning, but the morning after that would be their first time with 1/2 strength nutes and I think they really need it! I don't feel like nuteing them tomorrow would be so bad, probably better to take the water damage for that then damage from lack of nutes which I suspect to be most of the problem.


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Yo Sampson, been reading around about coco prep & coco in general. Some say its awesome, some say they fiddled with it for years & gave up (which I realize is the case for virtually every facet of this hobby), but here's the thing, I really haven't seen many negative comments about hydroton, seems to be the industry standard that everyone uses succesfully.

I have enough hydroton to use instead of coco (I was planin to mix coco w/ bout 30% hydroton anyway), what would you do my friend?

If hydroton is a sure shot, and the jury is still out on coco (specially for newbs like me), the answer is pretty simple IMO.

What you think, or use personally (if you don't mind).

i use both actually... the grow i am currently doing i have a bunch of autos in coco and photoperiod girls in hydroton...

here is how i feel about them...

i personally like hydroton to grow in more.. its inert... so it doesnt fuck with ph or anything... with it being round it leaves plenty of space for air... the problem is when your done growing what to do with it... in a situation like yours, you could easily wash the little bit you have removing roots to reuse it (yes, its reusable) with little to no problems... or even throw it out as it would only be a little bit.. with me tho, its much more difficult to prep (needs rinsed well) and wash (after harvest) or throw out (shit is HEAVY when your talking about 12 to 20 - 2 gallon pots of it plus root masses)..

thats where the coco came in.. its cheap and easy to use... and much easier to dispose of...

but honestly, ill probably stick to the hydroton... i need to set up a trash can with drain holes in it... then i can fill it up with the hydroton and prep wash it all... throwing it away will just be something i have to figure out at the times i need to do it..

Well we're not doing so well, the bottom pair of leafs are yellowing on all my plants. Biggest one developed a new problem on the first pair of leafs after the ones that died and dried up. Kinda hard to see in the picture but its gotta dark marks on it like it was burnt and the end half of the leaf is dried out but still a decent shade of green. I don't know what happened with that, I don't think it could have been the bulbs because there was no way those leafs were too close. I may have gotten a little bit of water and some dirt on the underside of them when I watered the other day but I wiped it off with my finger as soon as I was done with them. If I am to water every 3 days then not tomorrow morning, but the morning after that would be their first time with 1/2 strength nutes and I think they really need it! I don't feel like nuteing them tomorrow would be so bad, probably better to take the water damage for that then damage from lack of nutes which I suspect to be most of the problem.

here's the problem i cant figure out.. they look over watered... and that cant be... if you havent been watering daily... a little initial drop is one thing.. but they should be perked up again by now...

lets go over a few things it could be to eliminate possibilities first...

1) is your humidity high?? a high humidity will cause the stomata to close, thus slowing/stopping transpiration.. if this is the case water wont get used and absorbed right.. and can cause what you see... if the humidity is high you need to move the plants or drop the humidity.. whichever is easier..

2) was there water standing in the plastic tub i see them sitting in?? if they were not able to drain right, and just absorbed more water then it could be an issue...

have i asked you what kind of water and the ph it is??

im sorry if i am re asking already asked stuff.. just hard to remember everything...

we'll get things figured out.. until then dont water yet... unless the soil feels dry about an inch down..
yo whats crakalackin simpsonsampson? i havent checked out this thread in a while, just thought id come browze while im doing nothing

i have two ideas on why jdizzle's plants might not be soing so well.

1) they could be rootbound, how old are they? they probably need to be in bigger pots anyway

2) do those pots have proper drainage? if not water isnt escaping the pot and it would make them look over watered (because they would be...)
hey brotha.. how's it going? how ya been?? its been a while...

so on your ideas.. im sure their root spaced is maxed.. but root bound is somewhat a myth.. as long as you water and feed to keep up with the plants needs, they should be fine.. although those are VERY tiny root masses, and upgrading wouldnt be a bad idea anyways... i am thinking he has that in the works tho...

and as far as drainage goes, i know the cups do drain.. but as far as how well, that i dont know...
1) - I don't believe the humidity would be high, because it never really gets over 70% in Kent, WA and I would think that translates to even lower levels indoors. It definitely doesn't feel humid but then I don't have e tester so I guess I can't be sure of the levels in there...

2) - No there isn't wate rstanding in there because they finish 99% of their dripping before i even put them back in that tub, plus there is a little tiny ditch that goes around the bottom that would catch it anyway. i have seen a couple drops on the bottom before but that is it, certainly not enough to cause problems I imagine.

I do not know the ph I have not gotten any kind of testing kit. So far for all the water needs I have been using distilled water from gallon jugs as I figured that was a safer bet untested than untested tap water was.

I'm sure the soil would feel dry and inch down as it usually does within a day or 2 after watering. I guess I really should have purchased a ph test kit and a hydrometer. I don't know my excuse for not getting the ph kit yet, but I kinda didn't get a hydrometer yet because there don't seem to be any that get really good reviews and are reliable

I have to get ready and go to work right now so I won't have time for any of this for about 5.5 more hours. I won't have any money to buy anything with until tomorrow/about 12/15 more hours... I suppose everyone learns a lot their first time, I thought it would go better than this though haha :P
Sampson, thx. for candid opinion on hydroton.

If it comes down to merely coco being easier logistically for re-use, screw it, I'm goin with what is tried & true.

Not downin coco, if I had tons o' beans & tons o' space, and tons of time I'd love to try it. But I've seen the grow rocks as the standard since I was a teenager in early 90's.

Ok, well right on, I'm gonna rinse those jewels with hot tap water, then I think I will out into system & run the drippers on them w/ PH adjusted water & 1/4 strength nutes for a little bit before transferring the rooters in 'em, sound good?

Also, I have the Technaflora "Recipe for Success" so I have some Sugar Daddy, Thrive Alive, and Root 66 (obv. evthing in starter kit). They all advise to add to new seedlings. Does that sound OK to you?

Seems like a lot of stuff to all combine together. And on the bottles, it is pretty ambigous about exactly which ones to use.
Some clarification / advice would be much appreciated.

Sorry to lean on ya so much man, once the girls are in the system (today), I am confident that I will not have to bug ya as much.

Then it is on to startin the photo period beans!! (Please lemme know if I am drinving ya nutz w/ my questions). For real, dont wanna burn my bridge.

Thanks for everything me brova!

And sweet christ, yeah, I might invest in a forklift or something if I were you homey. Rinisin this x1 small bag of hydroton was a pain, I can only imagine what it must be like w/ ur set-up. WOW, hope to have that problem one day.
Blast! The indoor garden store was closed today! :( Also, so I believe the top of one plant got a bit burnt where it was touching the light for a couple hours this morning, weird thing about it - It doesn't look burnt, it looks like someone painted the leafs a little with model paint. As if it flicked off someones brush and landed, its has a very solid particular color that I would not have guessed was burn damage. Its not that bad or all over the place, but its one new problem. Should I leave the affected leafs alone or pluck them at all? is it ever a good idea to pluck off damaged parts of leafs if they be burnt, dry, discolored, etc?
1) - I don't believe the humidity would be high, because it never really gets over 70% in Kent, WA and I would think that translates to even lower levels indoors. It definitely doesn't feel humid but then I don't have e tester so I guess I can't be sure of the levels in there...

2) - No there isn't wate rstanding in there because they finish 99% of their dripping before i even put them back in that tub, plus there is a little tiny ditch that goes around the bottom that would catch it anyway. i have seen a couple drops on the bottom before but that is it, certainly not enough to cause problems I imagine.

I do not know the ph I have not gotten any kind of testing kit. So far for all the water needs I have been using distilled water from gallon jugs as I figured that was a safer bet untested than untested tap water was.

I'm sure the soil would feel dry and inch down as it usually does within a day or 2 after watering. I guess I really should have purchased a ph test kit and a hydrometer. I don't know my excuse for not getting the ph kit yet, but I kinda didn't get a hydrometer yet because there don't seem to be any that get really good reviews and are reliable

I have to get ready and go to work right now so I won't have time for any of this for about 5.5 more hours. I won't have any money to buy anything with until tomorrow/about 12/15 more hours... I suppose everyone learns a lot their first time, I thought it would go better than this though haha :P

depending on how the grow area is sealed, it is possible for humidity to get pretty high... it just doesnt seem to be using water right... see if you can check the humidity and let me know..

every grow can present potential problems.. even i still run into them... once you run into them and know how to handle them it becomes a simple thing to grow... like i said, we'll get things figured out..

Sampson, thx. for candid opinion on hydroton.

If it comes down to merely coco being easier logistically for re-use, screw it, I'm goin with what is tried & true.

Not downin coco, if I had tons o' beans & tons o' space, and tons of time I'd love to try it. But I've seen the grow rocks as the standard since I was a teenager in early 90's.

Ok, well right on, I'm gonna rinse those jewels with hot tap water, then I think I will out into system & run the drippers on them w/ PH adjusted water & 1/4 strength nutes for a little bit before transferring the rooters in 'em, sound good?

Also, I have the Technaflora "Recipe for Success" so I have some Sugar Daddy, Thrive Alive, and Root 66 (obv. evthing in starter kit). They all advise to add to new seedlings. Does that sound OK to you?

Seems like a lot of stuff to all combine together. And on the bottles, it is pretty ambigous about exactly which ones to use.
Some clarification / advice would be much appreciated.

Sorry to lean on ya so much man, once the girls are in the system (today), I am confident that I will not have to bug ya as much.

Then it is on to startin the photo period beans!! (Please lemme know if I am drinving ya nutz w/ my questions). For real, dont wanna burn my bridge.

Thanks for everything me brova!

And sweet christ, yeah, I might invest in a forklift or something if I were you homey. Rinisin this x1 small bag of hydroton was a pain, I can only imagine what it must be like w/ ur set-up. WOW, hope to have that problem one day.

rinse the hydroton well.. just until it runs clean...

i would suggest mixing the res up.. ph'ing it.. and letting it go for a while.. and check the ph again.. sometimes it can flucuate over the first hour... if it does you can adjust it...

do you have a air pump/stone?? make sure to use it... follow this as a feeding chart.. check the PPM after the first nute mixing and let me know.. if anything needs adjusting i will try to help you out...

it is such a pain in the dick washing pots of hydroton... thats why i like to coco.. but i dunno which ill stick with yet...

keep the questions coming if you have them...

Blast! The indoor garden store was closed today! :( Also, so I believe the top of one plant got a bit burnt where it was touching the light for a couple hours this morning, weird thing about it - It doesn't look burnt, it looks like someone painted the leafs a little with model paint. As if it flicked off someones brush and landed, its has a very solid particular color that I would not have guessed was burn damage. Its not that bad or all over the place, but its one new problem. Should I leave the affected leafs alone or pluck them at all? is it ever a good idea to pluck off damaged parts of leafs if they be burnt, dry, discolored, etc?

it sounds like the leaves started to dry out and burn.. maybe even light bleach a little...

move the light away and let the leaves go.. they will fall off if they are dead.. or repair themselves... no reason to remove them..
Perfect, thanks for quick response again.

No air pump, but will grab one this week.

I know this is a dumbass question, but I am mixing the 1/4 strength solution for the "Vegetative Growth" formula laid out on the technaflora mixing receipes (preesh that too!), correct?

Just wanna make sure that I am not still at the seedling stage. And need to mix seedling recipes.

So 1/4 strength niutes (Vegetative) for the first week, and then up to 1/2, or full?
