Can you prove that was Fox that altered the photos and not the guy reporting it?
I watch Fox regularly and I have never seen obviously doctored photos.
Really, with all the money Fox has you think the best they could do was an amature Photoshop airbrush job that looks so obviously doctored that it is commical?
Either it was some kind of joke or Fox didn't do it. That should be obvious.
Get over it man. How can you defend FOX news??? Everyone knows its nothing but Christian Conservative lies. Like the time Glenn Beck said that President Obama was racist.. That is a lie and those types of comments are why Beck was fired from CNN. A news station loses all credibility when they have folks like Beck, Hannity, and O'reilly telling lies on air unchecked. I remember watching CNN and FOX news programs about the economy on the same day roughly about a year before the recession hit and on CNN they were saying the economy is getting bad while at the same time on FOX they were still in full denial, trying to say the economy is great and Bush is a genius.
Is this what far right wing conservatives talk like?
Hi Doob, missed you.
Get over it already. Not all Conservatives think alike, we don't all take marching orders from Limbaugh.
Shep Smith and Judge Andrew are cool. I like a few of the others too but O'Realy, Beck, and Hannity are just shows, not FACTUAL news reports. They have their RW agenda and if you don't like it don't watch. I sure don't watch those wingnuts but you can't beileive anything else from other news sources so what's the point?
We need more than a two party system as the two we have now both suck donkey shit.
I just love it when a guy asks for verifiable proof of something and people post up some BS videos that show some dim Witt spouting opinions about Fox.
Since we are supposed to be talking about fact, how about this piece by ABC - are they covering for Fox who was one of the few news outlets that covered the Rev Wight story? But of course if you are a brain dead Leftists this isn't news.
Dude, what's your claim exactly?
That Fox News doesn't or hasn't EVER fabricated a story, or doesn't blatantly lie on air or what? Because the way I see it, whatever "proof" anyone comes with you still won't acknowledge. Someone comes in with a clip showing exactly what you've been asking for [youtube]YKV_JswtO58#[/youtube], you brush it off as simply incorrect journalism, but they didn't mean to do it on purpose... Give me a break man. They all do it on purpose. All of them, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, all of them have an agenda to push. You are being a naive fool if you think Fox is an exception.
What is "proof" to you?
Check this channel, clearly the guy has biased views, anybody can see that, but he's also got facts, so if you're going to use that as a reason why his information lacks credibility, you will pretty much be supporting a hypocritical position, in that nothing he says to you is correct simply because he has the handle "LiberalViewer" -
I'd really hope you're above that.
But go ahead anyway, I'd love you to analyse any of this guys videos and break it down for me and tell me where he's wrong, I'm almost positive you'll oppose most of it...
Don't tell me about facts and bias. The liberal media has become nothing but Pravda. Fox News is the most watched and the most powerful news organization simply because it is the least biased. And that's a fact.
the photoshopping incident!!