General Organics is fine. Good old Earth Juice Original is fine, too. The Bio-Weed kelp extract is made from...get this... seaweed. The Bio-Marine is made from

real squid that were once

The CaMg+ comes from... oyster shell, dolomite and some form of vinegar to solubilize it (all natural ingredients last I checked). The liquid humic acid comes from.... natural deposits of lignite (omg). And other products in the line are derived from such natural ingredients as, alfalfa, rock dust, soybean & kelp meals, plant extracts and

mined minerals. No synthetic chelating agents or laboratory derived chemicals are in the product. Can't say the same for the Fox Farm line.
You know what I hate, though? When people who think they know things about a product or product line, just because it comes in a bottle (as opposed to what... a box or a pouch or fresh out the cow?) talk down to and discourage other would-be growers because they are apparently incapable of helping in any actual fashion... just because different people maybe need to do things...

differently. But, oh they couldn't possibly understand- why can't everyone be just like them?
Do you go down to the bogs and harvest your own sphagnum? Perhaps you live in Singapore or somewhere you can collect your own coco fibers? Are we all supposed to live on a beach and be physically capable of diving for or otherwise collecting our own kelp? Not to mention taking that weekend trip out to the quarry to mine our own rock dusts? Not to mention, assuming everyone is even physically capable of mixing their own soil or doing any of that.
And hey, blackstrap comes in a bottle, fuck that. We should all be growing our own beets or cane and spinning our own sugar for molasses. Everybody has their own worm bins here right? Because ya know, if you didn't see it come out the worms ass, it can't possibly be organic! As for local compost, sure I could get it for free, but I wouldn't DARE put that crap on my garden. Know why? Local doesn't = quality. My town, for example, makes compost from autumn leaves, street debris and municipal yard waste. Composted ingredients also include dog shit, condoms, hypodermic needles, Styrofoam cups, FritoLay chip bags, and broken crack pipes. Now that's what I call organic!