Well-Known Member
I just picked up another Lumix GX8. It's used but was taken care of really well. I put my Oly 12-40 f2.8 on it and I'm thinking of taking it diving. I still have a Nauticam housing for it which cost me $2k+ with the lens port. Anyway I love the camera. The tilting EVF on a lumix body with sensor shift image stabilization is in my opinion one of the best rangefinders to ever bear the Leica mark.
As for jumping ship, I think in the context of the petrodollar empire. They had to control the oil supply to force the world to buy it in dollars. That's how they use the military to prop the dollar. As long as 80%+ of the world's supply is controlled and sold by Uncle Sam, demand for dollars reigned. Now they need to control the next commodity that will facilitate the storing of energy for later use. So we went to war in Afghanistan, where the lithium abounds. The opium is making a pretty penny too.
Chile and Bolivia both have much more lithium than Afghanistan, and easier to control.