Free Speech Rally

I just picked up another Lumix GX8. It's used but was taken care of really well. I put my Oly 12-40 f2.8 on it and I'm thinking of taking it diving. I still have a Nauticam housing for it which cost me $2k+ with the lens port. Anyway I love the camera. The tilting EVF on a lumix body with sensor shift image stabilization is in my opinion one of the best rangefinders to ever bear the Leica mark.

As for jumping ship, I think in the context of the petrodollar empire. They had to control the oil supply to force the world to buy it in dollars. That's how they use the military to prop the dollar. As long as 80%+ of the world's supply is controlled and sold by Uncle Sam, demand for dollars reigned. Now they need to control the next commodity that will facilitate the storing of energy for later use. So we went to war in Afghanistan, where the lithium abounds. The opium is making a pretty penny too.

Chile and Bolivia both have much more lithium than Afghanistan, and easier to control.
The guy who developed the lithium ion battery is back, and he's got a new battery that has 5 times the energy density and will tolerate many more discharge cycles.
Is that the guy who's battery was bought by Texaco when GM dropped the elec car?
I just picked up another Lumix GX8. It's used but was taken care of really well. I put my Oly 12-40 f2.8 on it and I'm thinking of taking it diving. I still have a Nauticam housing for it which cost me $2k+ with the lens port. Anyway I love the camera. The tilting EVF on a lumix body with sensor shift image stabilization is in my opinion one of the best rangefinders to ever bear the Leica mark.

FYI This guy started in Monterey, tell him you know me and you'll get a funny look. But he will deal if you can make him laugh.
Well they produce more and have bigger reserves yes but apparently some geological survey found a site in Afghanistan that has more than half the world's supply, and that's just one site. Even if it never leaves the ground it is important.
"America's War on Terrorism", by Michael Chossudovsky.

Well well well... It seems that there is much more to the Afgan war than the military political complex would have us think.

They got everything from natural gas to emeralds- and the heroin produced has increased from 10 tons to 6700 tons annually... And that's just up through 2010 when the book was written.

I love it when I learn stuff!
Never mind, I thought it was a battery for an electric car possibly.
With high charge density, fast charging time and high cycle lifespan, I'd think it would be ideal for electric vehicles. What's an electric car but a battery with wheels on it and space for some passengers?
With high charge density, fast charging time and high cycle lifespan, I'd think it would be ideal for electric vehicles. What's an electric car but a battery with wheels on it and space for some passengers?
You're correct, there's some subsystems for motor control, regenerative charging, thermal control, etc but they are essentially batteries in a frame with wheels and motors.

If the article you posted is correct I'm personally very excited but there's been alot of announcements about "revolutionary battery technology" recently that were all complete rubbish.

Battery technology is really the only thing holding back humanity; solid state, safe and high energy density batteries would change everything.
this picture was taken at a 'free speech rally'.


the guy doing the nazi salute under the guise of 'free speech' was later arrested for murdering two people who kept him from assaulting two innocent muslim ladies.
Are there anymore? Of course that guy is a piece of shit but is the whole movement like that? I'm thinking probably not because he wouldn't have done so alone if they just wanted to kill Muslims or some stupid shit like that.
Are there anymore? Of course that guy is a piece of shit but is the whole movement like that? I'm thinking probably not because he wouldn't have done so alone if they just wanted to kill Muslims or some stupid shit like that.
Kiddy diddler AND terrorist sympathizer. Your folks must be proud.
him talking about ladyboys is at least a welcome relief from him talking about what kind of meth he gives to children, and how he visits child pornography websites.
Lol, the doctors give the kids meth not me and I bitched about child porn in my end the prohibition of prostitution rant the world would be a better place with whorehouses!! There would be a lot less lonely men who can't get pussy because the whores will treat them great. Therefore less of a demand for the sick shit people are into you spend a night with Gina you will feal great even if you have a micro penis because she won't judge she's seen it all. Lol
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He was embraced and enflamed by the (bowel) movement, dumdum.

Thanks for finally giving up on defending the kiddy diddling, though.
Before or after he killed the Muslims?

I also never defended kiddy diddling they should all be killed.