ink the world
Well-Known Member
YYou already know that companies are sitting on trillions. The way to unleash it is to tell them it's OK to make a profit. Telling them they are evil if they make money is not going to do it.
It really is that simple. Growth doesn't happen at the point of a gun.
Im gonna try to understand your logic here Jeff, bear with me.
Are you saying that while corporate profits are the highest in history that Obama has been holding business hostage somehow?
Can you actually point out how? I mean they are having record profits and still have their Bush tax cuts and subsidies, what has he actually done policy wise to hurt business?
Yea fuck them republicians for trying to stop the country from going bankrupt. Put the democrats back in so those bastards can destroy the country.
You laying the blame for the economy on Obama is laughable, See, thats the great thing about history and historical fact compared to baseless rhetoric.
Answer this, how was the economy, job growth and deficit before Bush took office?
How was it after?
How come hes the first modern president to see average personal wealth actually drop?
This theory that you and a lot on the right have abut tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy somehow creating jobs has been proven wrong by the last decade. That is a fact, you cant argue with actual figures. You can say whatver you want but the bottom line is that the Bush doctrine on the economy was an absolute failure in every way to everyone except massive corporations.
The people in your movement and people that share your policies are the very ones that put us into this mess to begin with. Asking your side how to fix the economy is like asking Trump for hairstyle advice.
Thankfully they were stopped before burning the entire barn down. An it still is your fault, its the politicians and their policies that you support that got us here Jeff. You cant undo history as much as your side seems to like to attempt.these guys are great aren't they?
Not a single economic policy enacted by a conservative in well over 2years, but somehow it's still our fault.