The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
Ghandi was racist pig, Aristotle was pervert, and Martin Luther King Jr. was an angry drunk.
Lol, again, I've read everything you've posted and I've understood everything you said and again, it doesn't make you any less a dick. We can use big words if that's what you wish, but you apparently fail to understand points being made. Regardless of the words chosen, the point remains that someone is just giving there view and instead of saying "hey man that's not exactly right, check this article out in such and such" you just jump to ... NO NO NO! Thats wrong .. speculation, speculation!
Lol seriously? I wasn't saying WHO ARE YOU TO BLAH BLAH BLAH, in the way you're making it out to be. I mean jesus, we are throwing philosophy into this now. Ok then, but you have proven my point. If Masterphonic established himself as someone who knew anything, like einstien for example, then i wouldn't have a leg to stand on, nor would i even TRY to stand on it. A persons opinion without evidence is just that, an opinion. Big P showed what he read, gave his views on it and was basically told he's a retard for believing such nonsense.
After all is said and done, it boils down to this, Big P presented this article he read over here .... Master has presented ... his opinion on it.
So wait, you're just upset because I have a differing opinion than the author of that article?
My opinion was simply that the article he posted was just that; opinion. It's not fact. Your ridiculous ad hominem arguments really have no merit and aren't adding to this discussion in any way.
In what way.Your whole argument is one giant logical fallacy.
Well one thing is fact. If we as Humans dont pull together and really work at it.....we are fucked and Mother Nature will march on without us. But that is a monumental task I dont see happening....just my 2 cents...
It was greed, apathy, and sheer comfortability that led us to the current state of our infrastructure. Politicians who know nothing about science and art cutting funding. Business people who understand nothing about the environment or sustainability destroying the ecosystem while maintaining an unsustainable business model. Rather than reach for the best we have settled for what we have. Burning coal.There are two kinds of sufferers in this world: those who suffer from a lack of life and those who suffer from an overabundance of life.I've always found myself in the second category.When you come to think of it,almost all human behavior and activity is not essentially any different from animal behavior. The most advanced technologies and craftsmanship bring us, at best, up to the super-chimpanzee level.Actually, the gap between,say, Plato or Nietzsche and the average humanis greater than the gap between that chimpanzee and the average human. The realm of the real spirit, the true artist, the saint, the philosopher, is rarely achieved.
Why so few?
Why is world history and evolution not stories of progress but rather this endless and futile addition of zeros? No greater values have developed. Hell, the Greeks years ago were just as advanced as we are. So what are these barriers that keep people from reaching anywhere near their real potential?
The answer to that can be found in another question, and that's this:
Which is the most universal human characteristic--fear... or laziness?
Your whole argument is one giant logical fallacy.
I concur on this one. But we just finished our first decade, and we've done some pretty "Cool" shit. Now we just need the practical shit.Where is our 21st century Tesla???
And Einstein married his cousin.Ghandi was racist pig, Aristotle was pervert, and Martin Luther King Jr. was an angry drunk.
Amen to that.And Einstein married his cousin.
Jefferson owned slaves (and smoked cannabis).
Yet these people have changed how we live our lives. I think you totally get it. Personal faults do not trump the fantastic achievements of these peoples lives. Even Newton got a few things wrong... But I'd still listen to the guy with a fervent desire to learn everything he had to say if I could.
Prove what? That the article was clearly biased? Isn't it glaringly obvious to you?
If you had read what I wrote in regards to that article you'd realize that all I said was to take in facts and make your own decisions, rather than relying on personal opinion and political propaganda to form your opinions.
The only time I said someone was explicitly wrong was when they linked sunspot activity to dispel climate change. There is no proof that sunspot activity has any relationship whatsoever to climate change. That is speculation. This cannot be challenged. The burden of proof is on you to prove that it isn't.
yea theres a great deal of evidence that all this warming up until 2000 and the cooling been happening since 2000 is realy all caused by sunspot activity, the sun goes through repeated cycles of a lot of sunspot activity and then very little sun spot activity.
now the sunspot activity is waning and its predicted there will be a mini ice age in europe that has happen before because of these cycles. last time Europe had a mini ice age was around the 1600's if i remeber correctly.
and there was a huge sacandel where all the top scientist were caught lieing and falsifing evidince that the warming was man made. and now they are trying to say the cooling is caused by man too lol
The way I see it, if man burns all the coal in the world uses all the oil from the earth and destroies all the water ways he will destroy himself. And mother nature will repair her self and say fuck humans.
global warming is pure propeganda mostly, the earth is cooling since 2000
Each of the last 13 years (19972009) was one of the 14 warmest on record.
we have actuall emails from scientists talking about how the global warming stopped and how they were covering it up. the earth has been cooling since 2000
all the experts were wrong and trying to cover it up.
the earth has been cooling for the past ten years, how do you explain that? its proven fact that its cooling,
sunspot activity is to blame, but the scientists did not see that and were blaming it on pollution but the cooling and heating is all from sun cycles. look it up education yourselves![]()
man, you are really bad at thisFollowing fast on the heels of the hottest Jan-May and spring in the temperature record, its also the hottest Jan-June on record in the NASA dataset [click on figure to enlarge].
Its all the more powerful evidence of human-caused warming because it occurs when the recent minimum of solar irradiance is having its maximum cooling effect, as a recent must-read NASA paper notes.
So much ignorance in this thread.
The idea that sunspot activity is linked to climate change is mere speculation. It's funny to see someone so sure of their ideas, in spite of the fact that men who have devoted their lives to science still can't come up with an absolute answer. The picture you linked is fact, the idea that sunspot activity is tied to climate change is speculation. Do you see the difference?
How did this thread shift to global warming anyway? Even if global warming turned out to be a misconception it's beneficial for us to move away from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources.
Also, the argument "Let's not do anything because it'll be hard to get China to help" is absolutely ridiculous.