Obama’s Blocking Of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts

Basicaly they decided you can freeze to death, because of their legislation to try and curb the bogus CO2 temperature connection.
Welcome to the new world order.
Basicaly they decided you can freeze to death, because of their legislation to try and curb the bogus CO2 temperature connection.
Welcome to the new world order.
I'm coming to stay with you ANC. We can hideout in a cave in the Sahara with a couple fine females and smoke DMT and some Kine Bud, doing Ayahuasca and Peyote rituals every month. It'll be some kinda way of life. :D
yawn..... meh.....

so the OP is intelligent enough to believe that power plants could have been built and up and running since Obama came to office? The whole piece is a simple smear without any truths. Surely people are smarter than this?

In fact, Obama directed Reinvest in America bail out funds towards a new, up to date electrical grid, a smart grid it's called, to prevent brownouts and power problems. He has also called for construction of new nuclear power plants. Coal plants can take 2 to 3 years to build. Blaming bad weather and power outages on Obama is ridiculous.
I believe in Global Warming. Greenland is the only reason though. I also believe that shit has been getting to fucking cold in the winters and not hot enough in the summers for it to be going on track anymore. :D
So instead of providing any further arguments for your cause you resort to personal attacks? Brilliant.

A marijuana forum full of uninformed, right-wing conservatives spouting off unintelligible rhetoric they've heard from other idiots. Simply mind blowing.
So instead of providing any further arguments for your cause you resort to personal attacks? Brilliant.

A marijuana forum full of uninformed, right-wing conservatives spouting off unintelligible rhetoric they've heard from other idiots. Simply mind blowing.
Aah damn. You were doing fucking excellent up until 'rhetoric'. :(
So instead of providing any further arguments for your cause you resort to personal attacks? Brilliant.

A marijuana forum full of uninformed, right-wing conservatives spouting off unintelligible rhetoric they've heard from other idiots. Simply mind blowing.

So you yourself have proven, or not proven all this BS to sit here and tell everyone they are all wrong ... oh I'm sorry, didn't know we were in the presence of such greatness. The point was who are you to say people are wrong, or even right for that matter. If you read something it doesn't necessarily mean its true, however with something like global warming or the amount of fuel thats left on earth, we kinda have to take what we read and make up our own mind. So again who are you to say who is right and who is wrong ...

EDIT: ... BEYOTCH!! <--- Forgot to add that on the end, my bad.
You obviously haven't read anything I've written in this thread, or you have very poor reading comprehension.

Oh I've read everything you've said my friend. And yer sitting here trying to seem intelligent, when all yer doing is telling everyone that what there reading is wrong. I see the OP posting shit he has read and giving his views on it. THEN I see you storm in and call everyone conservative A-Holes and blah blah blah. Refute his findings, argue with things that disprove his posting, wow us with your knowledge!

The point is, someone is showing what they read and yer being a dick because ... i honestly dont know why. So come on in here with yer dictionary, but give some proof of these things being "speculation"
You obviously haven't read anything I've written in this thread, or you have very poor reading comprehension.

Well one thing is fact. If we as Humans dont pull together and really work at it.....we are fucked and Mother Nature will march on without us. But that is a monumental task I dont see happening....just my 2 cents...
Well one thing is fact. If we as Humans dont pull together and really work at it.....we are fucked and Mother Nature will march on without us. But that is a monumental task I dont see happening....just my 2 cents...

Agreed, man's greed will be his undoing. In all honesty, wether it be mother nature or people turning on each other, things are gonna get pretty nasty and fast.
Do you know how hard it is to take someone seriously when they're all "HUURRR DURRRR YOU AND DEM THERE BIG FANCY BOOK LEARNIN' WORDS"

"give some proof of these things being "speculation"."

Hahaha, christ. We're all fucked.
lol... The ol' "Who's to say" argument. Obviously, someone here never took a college level philosophy class.

Who was Einstein to say?
Who was Gandhi to say?
Who was Aristotle to say?
Who was Thomas Jefferson to say?
Who was John Lennon to say?
Who was Pablo Neruda to say?
Who was Mark Twain to say?
Who was George Clinton to say?
Who was Martin Luther King Jr. to say?

Who is anyone if we are all assumed to be no one?

Seriously. Of all the house of cards arguments, who is to say, the worst.
Almost as bad as "Just saying..." As though "just saying" something gives a person warrant to say whatever they choose. "Your mom is a total ho-bag and your girl friend is fat as shit... Don't get mad. I'm just saying..."

Understand that I am Mother Fucking (__insert name here__) and that what I say has value because it is the verbal token representation of factual truths. It doesn't matter who I am, who you are, who they are, or who we aren't. It is about the quality of the information being said and never who is saying it.

Anyone who says:
Just saying.
Who is to say.
A whole new (as though there was 1/2 a new).

Your lack of education becomes apparent to those who are educated.

So... who are you to question who we are?
Fuck college. Good Will Hunting is laughable, but the end all be all quote for modern day society was voiced in that movie.

You dropped 150 grand on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.
You realize college has absolutely nothing to do with the point he was making. Hahahaha, this is the most pointless dicussion I've ever engaged in.
Do you know how hard it is to take someone seriously when they're all "HUURRR DURRRR YOU AND DEM THERE BIG FANCY BOOK LEARNIN' WORDS"

"give some proof of these things being "speculation"."

Hahaha, christ. We're all fucked.

Lol, again, I've read everything you've posted and I've understood everything you said and again, it doesn't make you any less a dick. We can use big words if that's what you wish, but you apparently fail to understand points being made. Regardless of the words chosen, the point remains that someone is just giving there view and instead of saying "hey man that's not exactly right, check this article out in such and such" you just jump to ... NO NO NO! Thats wrong .. speculation, speculation!

lol... The ol' "Who's to say" argument. Obviously, someone here never took a college level philosophy class.

Who was Einstein to say?
Who was Gandhi to say?
Who was Aristotle to say?
Who was Thomas Jefferson to say?
Who was John Lennon to say?
Who was Pablo Neruda to say?
Who was Mark Twain to say?
Who was George Clinton to say?
Who was Martin Luther King Jr. to say?

Who is anyone if we are all assumed to be no one?

Seriously. Of all the house of cards arguments, who is to say, the worst.
Almost as bad as "Just saying..." As though "just saying" something gives a person warrant to say whatever they choose. "Your mom is a total ho-bag and your girl friend is fat as shit... Don't get mad. I'm just saying..."

Understand that I am Mother Fucking (__insert name here__) and that what I say has value because it is the verbal token representation of factual truths. It doesn't matter who I am, who you are, who they are, or who we aren't. It is about the quality of the information being said and never who is saying it.

Anyone who says:
Just saying.
Who is to say.
A whole new (as though there was 1/2 a new).

Your lack of education becomes apparent to those who are educated.

So... who are you to question who we are?

Lol seriously? I wasn't saying WHO ARE YOU TO BLAH BLAH BLAH, in the way you're making it out to be. I mean jesus, we are throwing philosophy into this now. Ok then, but you have proven my point. If Masterphonic established himself as someone who knew anything, like einstien for example, then i wouldn't have a leg to stand on, nor would i even TRY to stand on it. A persons opinion without evidence is just that, an opinion. Big P showed what he read, gave his views on it and was basically told he's a retard for believing such nonsense.

After all is said and done, it boils down to this, Big P presented this article he read over here .... Master has presented ... his opinion on it, dickishly!
It is the equivalent to a child who lets the water run when they are brushing their teeth. Eventually dad is going to have to come in and say "Either you turn that down to a trickle, or I'm going to turn it off for you." And somehow it is Dad's fault? Brilliant...

Excellent analogy.