A trait very explicitly stated about the Anti-Christ.
This thread is retarded.
How fucking long do you think it'd take to build a new powerplant? They aren't manufactured homes, so it's not like the trailer park you live in. It takes years. And who was in control, years ago, and from Texas???
Republicans drive this country into the ground. And just when it is at its worst Democrats try to do the right thing and pick us back up only to have the very same republicans that ruined our country claiming the Dem's did it. I cannot even wrap my head around the stupidity. It is a willing ignorance, clearly, and is the result of your lame ass public school education.
Yeah... Obama caused the cold weather in Texas...
Oh no wait... That'd be climate change. The result of pushing an assload of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere from... burning coal.
Simple minds...
You're from the Netherlands anyway. How could this impact you? Do I give a shit about what goes on in the Netherlands? FUCK NO! There is a reason they call it Nether Land.
I live in Oregon. We have all the power, fresh water, art, science, and beauty anyone could ask for. No rolling blackouts here. Maybe that is because the people here were progressive, and rather than allowing their aging power system to be a gross polluter they upgraded to reduce pollutants before the Gov't HAD to get involved. In Texas you had money grubbing ass wipes running ancient facilities that needed to be updated but instead were ignored. We don't need more power plants. We need more efficiency. 1/2 of the energy you plants produce is lost during transmission. If they fix that problem, by just 20%, and you don't need to build anything new. Just upgrade what you have.
Blame the people who run the power. They are much more responsible than your article would have us believe. It is the equivalent to a child who lets the water run when they are brushing their teeth. Eventually dad is going to have to come in and say "Either you turn that down to a trickle, or I'm going to turn it off for you." And somehow it is Dad's fault? Brilliant...