Obama’s Blocking Of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts

The way I see it, if man burns all the coal in the world uses all the oil from the earth and destroies all the water ways he will destroy himself. And mother nature will repair her self and say fuck humans.
The way I see it, if man burns all the coal in the world uses all the oil from the earth and destroies all the water ways he will destroy himself. And mother nature will repair her self and say fuck humans.

yeah, it was never a question of will our earth survive... its will we and our ridiculous lifestyles survive...
Yes, abandoning fossil fuels and advancing the research of clean, renewable sources of energy are clearly horrible things! You've got to be an idiot if you'd take such an obviously biased "news" report seriously, no matter what side of the fence you're on. You're being fed lies by despicable people who wish to further their own agenda. Make your own political decisions after reading the FACTS, not some ridiculous conjecture put out by the far left, or in this case the far right. Wake the fuck up.
they say farts from cows is way worse for the environment than enything we put out. Plants breath in the C02

there are more trees in american now then there was 100 years ago believe it or not.

the sun will cool and heat the earth way more than anything we put out.

china and india put out way way way more than us and they aint gonna stop so whats the point.
ps the economy sucks, we will all be eating bamboo soon wont have to worry about global warming anymore when the world nukes itself

i hazard humans will nuke each other way before the environment become uninhabitable from pollution
sorry but that just sounds like a bullshit conservative republican argument so you can keep building coal based power plants and drillin oil.....

well i def aint agaisnt control on emissions as long as everyone else is playing by the same rules. But for us to go back to horse and carrige while China and india and mexico are chugging along unstopped

then we will still have global pollution and we will be the turds of the world ridin bikes to work.

so unless you guys can get china and the like to sign up it definatly a fools errend and your not solving anything without them.

so why is it hard to convince nations with starving people to be good to the environment?

well cuz they are starving.

i remeber back in the 80's they had us convinced that by now 2011 we wouldnt be able to go outside without a hazmat type UV protection suit on.

global warming is pure propeganda mostly, the earth is cooling since 2000, we have actuall emails from scientists talking about how the global warming stopped and how they were covering it up. the earth has been cooling since 2000

all the experts were wrong and trying to cover it up.

if you guys still think its 100% proven your just not looking at the facts.

the earth has been cooling for the past ten years, how do you explain that? its proven fact that its cooling,

sunspot activity is to blame, but the scientists did not see that and were blaming it on pollution but the cooling and heating is all from sun cycles. look it up education yourselves:D

aint no yeeehaw about it. comments like that just show u aint never stepped into the south. Stereo typing people:D
its goes up and down every 11 years


This graph shows the number of sunspots counted each year for several decades. Notice how the sunspot count rises and falls in an 11-year cycle.
Windows to the Universe original artwork by Randy Russell
But aren't we going into another Ice Age? I honestly don't give a shit either way. Humans should exterminated. I hate humans. Filthy gluttonous bastards.
in this chart you will see when the mini ice age occured around 1650,

and now we are coming into another mini ice age that will last for maybe 50 years!!!!!!!

So much ignorance in this thread.

The idea that sunspot activity is linked to climate change is mere speculation. It's funny to see someone so sure of their ideas, in spite of the fact that men who have devoted their lives to science still can't come up with an absolute answer. The picture you linked is fact, the idea that sunspot activity is tied to climate change is speculation. Do you see the difference?

How did this thread shift to global warming anyway? Even if global warming turned out to be a misconception it's beneficial for us to move away from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources.

Also, the argument "Let's not do anything because it'll be hard to get China to help" is absolutely ridiculous.
So much ignorance in this thread.

The idea that sunspot activity is linked to climate change is mere speculation.

How did this thread shift to global warming anyway? Even if global warming turned out to be a misconception it's beneficial for us to move away from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources.

Also, the argument "Let's not do anything because it'll be hard to get China to help" is absolutely ridiculous.
Fuck China. God damn greedy chinks..
This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the "Little Ice Age" when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past. The connection between solar activity and terrestrial climate is an area of on-going research.