God did not Create the Universe, says Hawking

The definition of smite - To destroy the life of by beating, or by weapons of any kind; to slay by a blow; to kill; as, to smite one with the sword, or with an arrow or other instrument.

Therefor to smite is to kill. That then means that Exodus 21:15 says that if a child kills his parents than he or she shall be put to death. So if a child kills his parents they are violating two commandments.
...but that was the OT.

(you and me both know it will continue on like this...)

That is true, what people need to realize that the old testament is the law that convicts us of our sins. The new testament is the new covenant, the good news that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He came to save us from the convictions. All men sin but only Jesus saves.
The definition of smite - To destroy the life of by beating, or by weapons of any kind; to slay by a blow; to kill; as, to smite one with the sword, or with an arrow or other instrument.

Therefor to smite is to kill. That then means that Exodus 21:15 says that if a child kills his parents than he or she shall be put to death. So if a child kills his parents they are violating two commandments.
Nice of you to completely ignore the cursing aspect of Ex 21:17 that I brought up.
That is true, what people need to realize that the old testament is the law that convicts us of our sins. The new testament is the new covenant, the good news that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He came to save us from the convictions. All men sin but only Jesus saves.
“Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God. But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.”
(Lev. 26:44–45)

Nice of you to completely ignore the cursing aspect of Ex 21:17 that I brought up.

sorry if you felt left out. I don't spend all of my time on this site. Besides that Exodus 21:15 & 17 go hand and hand. I think that I have proven my point. This could potentially go on for ever. My point was simple. That point is that most people do just as you all are doing. You are not looking at those passages in the proper context. So yes, when you only read those individual passages they can seem to say something completely different. But if you just take the time and study instead of nit pick than you will see the true meanings.
Yeah...he bypassed a couple more questions too...

What did I bypass? Did I not do as I said I would and debunk your claims. Like I said in my last post. I proved my point. Why don't you try looking at something other than the usual passages. Dig deeper, read more, and come back with something of real substance.
“Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God. But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.”
(Lev. 26:44–45)

This chapter is called the promise of Blessing and Retribution. This whole chapter is about how God will keep his promise even when we are unfaithful. I really don't see how this shows God or the Bible in a negative way. It actually confirms what I have been saying. This is referring to the old covenant which was replaced by Jesus and his new covenant.
crackerboy said:
sorry if you felt left out. I don't spend all of my time on this site. Besides that Exodus 21:15 & 17 go hand and hand. I think that I have proven my point. This could potentially go on for ever. My point was simple. That point is that most people do just as you all are doing. You are not looking at those passages in the proper context. So yes, when you only read those individual passages they can seem to say something completely different. But if you just take the time and study instead of nit pick than you will see the true meanings.
So with a wave of your hand you dismiss the idea that execution of children that curse their parents is not evil, yet you provide no explanation except to say that I'm reading out of context and that it goes hand-in-hand with smiting parents. You said you would explain yet you don't even go to the trouble of putting it in context and describing how it is similar to your answer for Ex 21:15.

This chapter is called the promise of Blessing and Retribution. This whole chapter is about how God will keep his promise even when we are unfaithful. I really don't see how this shows God or the Bible in a negative way. It actually confirms what I have been saying. This is referring to the old covenant which was replaced by Jesus and his new covenant.
Yes, it is referring to the old covenant telling the Hebrews that it will remain in effect. IOW, God doesn't change his mind. He might make a new covenant with people but that doesn't replace the ones he already made. The Mosaic covenant should be considered in full force and effect yet Xtians want to disregard almost all of it (except the Decalogue and any passage that pertains to homosexuals).

I think is IMAGE of Jesus is a fraud now a days.

-If you remember correctly I mentioned Idol worship?

I mean seriously...Mind Control. The media controls/censors EVERYTHING. So why not control Religion?? Something that is so powerful in EVERY SINGLE PERSONS LIFE. No matter what, you make a conscious decision(Sometime in your life) about whether or not you believe in God!

God will always be there for you. You just have to trust Him.

I love Moses story. He saved a NATION! The Israelites. Ever heard of the Holy Land, The Promised Land? Our Saviour Jesus Christ came then. Now, the Devil has control over the masses. There will be a False Messiah!!!!!!! He will be powerful. Like no other being we have ever fathomed. But dont fret...We will all be saved. He will come again!
I think is IMAGE of Jesus is a fraud now a days.

-If you remember correctly I mentioned Idol worship?

I mean seriously...Mind Control. The media controls/censors EVERYTHING. So why not control Religion?? Something that is so powerful in EVERY SINGLE PERSONS LIFE. No matter what, you make a conscious decision(Sometime in your life) about whether or not you believe in God!

God will always be there for you. You just have to trust Him.

I love Moses story. He saved a NATION! The Israelites. Ever heard of the Holy Land, The Promised Land? Our Saviour Jesus Christ came then. Now, the Devil has control over the masses. There will be a False Messiah!!!!!!! He will be powerful. Like no other being we have ever fathomed. But dont fret...We will all be saved. He will come again!
So I guess the false messiah and the anti-christ didn't read Revelation, otherwise they would know they don't win.
What did I bypass? Did I not do as I said I would and debunk your claims. Like I said in my last post. I proved my point. Why don't you try looking at something other than the usual passages. Dig deeper, read more, and come back with something of real substance.

Here were the one's you failed to answer...

-Does everyone who follows a totally different religion other than christianity go to hell?

-What makes your God so much more special, and credible, than all the others?
So with a wave of your hand you dismiss the idea that execution of children that curse their parents is not evil, yet you provide no explanation except to say that I'm reading out of context and that it goes hand-in-hand with smiting parents. You said you would explain yet you don't even go to the trouble of putting it in context and describing how it is similar to your answer for Ex 21:15.

Yes, it is referring to the old covenant telling the Hebrews that it will remain in effect. IOW, God doesn't change his mind. He might make a new covenant with people but that doesn't replace the ones he already made. The Mosaic covenant should be considered in full force and effect yet Xtians want to disregard almost all of it (except the Decalogue and any passage that pertains to homosexuals).


Fine if you must make me do your homework for you than I will explain what the word curse meant to the Hebrew people. It did not have the same meaning as we use it today. The Hebrews believed that when you cursed someone that you where not just calling them an ass hole like today. When one person cursed another they where essentially releasing demons on that person and that curse would become literal. This is a form of paganism. So yes it is very serious business.

I will admit that I did not watch the video. I will do so later, But as for your second comment you are correct that Gods promise to the Hebrew people will always stand. What the new covenant does is provide forgiveness. So once again yes we are to still follow the law of the old testament and yes man continually breaks these laws and as you said try and pick and choose which law they want to follow. All you are doing is telling us about the corruption of man not God or the Bible. You continually prove my point. Thank you.
Here were the one's you failed to answer...

-Does everyone who follows a totally different religion other than christianity go to hell?

-What makes your God so much more special, and credible, than all the others?

Ok so to the first question the answer is yes. I know that this seems hard to understand or accept. But the Bible is clear. There is only one way to go to heaven and that is through the saving grace of Jesus. The law convicts us of our sins and every man sins including myself. But if you do not repent of those sins and ask God for forgiveness than you will surely go to hell. I will answer your second question later. Im out of time.
Fine if you must make me do your homework for you than I will explain what the word curse meant to the Hebrew people.
Oh, I see, now you're doing my homework? What happened to the offer, " I ask you to show me a passage that tells man to do evil and I will help you to understand what it is really telling you to do." ? Don't go around blaming me for not researching something you said you would explain.
It did not have the same meaning as we use it today. The Hebrews believed that when you cursed someone that you where not just calling them an ass hole like today. When one person cursed another they where essentially releasing demons on that person and that curse would become literal. This is a form of paganism. So yes it is very serious business.
It's only serious business if it is true. An all-powerful god should realize that there is no such thing as a literal curse and he wouldn't condemn people to death for superstitious nonsense. You can't have it both ways, that the bible was either written by god and should demonstrate that by giving us answers and moral guidance that could not be known by men at the time, or it was merely written by superstitious, bronze-age goat herders that created their own laws and only attributed them to a god. If that's the case, then we should give the book no more relevance than Homer or Plato and our belief in Yahweh should be no stronger than it is for Zeus and should give the story of Noah and the ark no more credence than Atlantis.
Oh, I see, now you're doing my homework? What happened to the offer, " I ask you to show me a passage that tells man to do evil and I will help you to understand what it is really telling you to do." ? Don't go around blaming me for not researching something you said you would explain.

It's only serious business if it is true. An all-powerful god should realize that there is no such thing as a literal curse and he wouldn't condemn people to death for superstitious nonsense. You can't have it both ways, that the bible was either written by god and should demonstrate that by giving us answers and moral guidance that could not be known by men at the time, or it was merely written by superstitious, bronze-age goat herders that created their own laws and only attributed them to a god. If that's the case, then we should give the book no more relevance than Homer or Plato and our belief in Yahweh should be no stronger than it is for Zeus and should give the story of Noah and the ark no more credence than Atlantis.

Look you are missing the point. All you are trying to do is stump me. And all I am trying to do is to get you to see that you should look deeper than just the surface. If you are going to take a stance on these issues shouldn't you do the proper research on them. My problem with your point of views is that you and most other people on here have obviously never really spent the time to understand what you read. This whole thread started with a scientific discussion. But when it comes to the facts about God nobody did any research they just settled with whatever they have heard. There is nothing scientific about that. As for your response, its not superstition demons are real.

But with all that said I will still try and answer whatever questions you have. If you are really interested in knowing than I will help. I will say that I am not a Bible scholar by no means. But I have done my fair share of reading and studying. So there are indeed some things that I still don't know. But if all you are going to do is try and find one of my many weaknesses and just to attach it than don't bother.
The problem is the lines are blurred...commandment 6, "Thou shall not kill"....but yet it's ok to kill if there's and act of adultery:

Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."

...among other sins, such as the unruly child discussion. So you're telling me that it's not ok to kill for personal reasons, but God believes in capital punishment? Again...seems a contradiction to the commandment.

And to condemn a man to infinite torture in the afterlife for being brought up in a different set of beliefs is fascism, plain and simple.