Good drugs / Bad drugs

no such thing as "bad" drugs all should be legal govt has no right whatsoever to tell any of us what we can put into our owbn bodies if you dont have the sense not to shoot up a 8 ball of ice a day then you are gonna fuck yourself but its not the govtys business
I agree, the government shouldnt be able to tell us what we can or cant put in our body......i juss wonder what it would be like if they actually were legalized?
I agree, the government shouldnt be able to tell us what we can or cant put in our body......i juss wonder what it would be like if they actually were legalized?
Think about crime rate and other things though? but i believe we should be able to do what we want with our bodies
I agrea that the government shouldn't be able to delagate what goes in to our bodys, And for the most part they don't. The problem is'nt using the drugs, it's aquiring and selling them. The tax free money they're not getting a cut of is what bothers them most. The couldn't give two craps about what you do to yourself. Sure, drugs effect the crime and poverty rate, that doesn't bother them either. Then who would all these tight ass politicle types have to look down own and feel good about themselves. I say F**K em, do what we want...
Also another reason they do not legalise drugs is cuz they make more money by catching people than they would if they sold it and got tax money off it.
i dont think thats you have anything to back that up, Id say its impossible to say because it all depends on how we went about doing it.
I don't think they make more money on arrest, then they would on taxing. You have to figure the costs to putting somone into prison. They have to pay somthing like over $75 a day to house each inmate. Since most of the people in jails are there for drug related crimes, and there are over 2 million americans behind bars, 1 out of every hundred. Does it really benifit to lock them up in the first place.. I think they would do much better by fining you instead of locking you up. Make it a set price, that gets doubled everytime you get picked up, Say $10 a gram, or somthing like that. And if they don't have the money, then by all means, lock them up.. Food for thought..
coke is fun i smoke weed everyday all the time and do coke every now and again but if i had the money i would chose coke over weed any day(if it good coke)
if they legalized/taxed coke and weed alone im pretty sure the government would make a shit ton. no proof. but if they legalized it im sure usage would go up alot from what it is now. it would probably be the same as alcohol and tobacco the shit out of it till people cant afford to use it.
if they legalized/taxed coke and weed alone im pretty sure the government would make a shit ton. no proof. but if they legalized it im sure usage would go up alot from what it is now. it would probably be the same as alcohol and tobacco the shit out of it till people cant afford to use it.

Legalizing Coke would be the downfall of our country. Thats why they outlawed it in the first place. To many people were getting hooked, dying and commiting awful crimes to feed thier addiction. I know everyone who tries it doesnt get hooked, but to many more people would be using it. Take for example OXIContin, alot of people tried it for the first time because it was a perscripiton drug and in thier mind "not so Bad". Now, many of them are hooked on heroin, a drug they said they would never do. Because, Doing the OXI made them feel good, now they cant afford it, and do heroin. There would be a Crap load people just like that only with coke, then within a matter of time they would be nothing more then a crackhead, not working and collecting wellfair, and in return, the government would lose money. The only way the government would make any money would be with the weed. Hopefully, make enought to cover the loss from the crackheads...
Legalizing Coke would be the downfall of our country. Thats why they outlawed it in the first place. To many people were getting hooked, dying and commiting awful crimes to feed thier addiction. I know everyone who tries it doesnt get hooked, but to many more people would be using it. Take for example OXIContin, alot of people tried it for the first time because it was a perscripiton drug and in thier mind "not so Bad". Now, many of them are hooked on heroin, a drug they said they would never do. Because, Doing the OXI made them feel good, now they cant afford it, and do heroin. There would be a Crap load people just like that only with coke, then within a matter of time they would be nothing more then a crackhead, not working and collecting wellfair, and in return, the government would lose money. The only way the government would make any money would be with the weed. Hopefully, make enought to cover the loss from the crackheads...

There is a down fall on every substance known to man.....Even Mcdonalds....People are going to do what they please weather you lock them up or let them do it..Ive seen fat kids all over the country lets close down McDonalds because kids dont know when to stop eating...

Hog wash government spends more money inforcing laws on things they cant control. They gave up on liquor its time to give up on everything else and fix the famillys not the drug problem...

When some old lady wakes up in the morning and takes her tylonal(every morning) she is addicted to it but I diserve to be locked up for smoking a bowl of weed before work? Or even snorth a line a coke? Im not out robbing people im going to work paying my bills.......

Just because you smoke pot you dont have a better cause then that guy out their smoking crack and working for a living...Your still getting locked up for nothing and thats still a problem.. Thinking your a better person and have more right to smoke weed then a crack head does to smoke crack is stupid and selfish...Same thing alcoholics do to pot heads...Its judgmental and labeling someone before you know them.
salvia rules!!! maryjane is a gift from nature so who the hell is responsible for that being considered?
i love anything that affects us as humans that was already here without any interveneing from us.Hardcore drugs a majior problem in the world and so is the black market,
if Horticulture was a yearly class in school humans would be way more in tune in a very different benificall way..

coke crack hbomb all that other stuff is CRAP!!! when people throw away every thing for something so small it is sad..

ill tell ya though hit that salvia it is one hell of a ride just my advice firstimers LOCK YOURSELF in your room alone i was everywhere..
a good hit of that leave will but you on a trip lasting aprox 45 secs. tops if hit off a bowl one good hit held in.. damnnnnnn.
Ya I dont know if any one has heard of an otc flu medication used by people with high blood preasure, anyways its called cloricieden. 16 pills come in a box, our original plan was to buy 5 boxes for the 5 people that were going to do it with us. to make a long story short the fifth person backed out on us which left 4 people, now with an extra box of sixteen pills divided by for puts us each at 20 pills each. I've never done acid shrooms lsd pcp...ect but I will say i tripped my balls off. for anyone looking for a fun trip that isn't hard to find I would say this is a good way to go, but at the same time watch how much you with all pills your weight and tolerance to the drug effects how the drug effects you. i weigh 170 and about 5 11. the smallest of my other three friends who did it with me...for people my size 20 is way to many. i would reccomend maybe 14 or 15. Just becareful when experimenting with different drugs, you gotta be careful what you put into your body. oh and along with other psycadelic drugs, be expecting a good puke. and after the puke hold on cuz your in for a pretty crazy ride. just make sure you have a good enviroment and a good state of mind, that has alot to do with your "good or bad" trip. PEACE
There is a down fall on every substance known to man.....Even Mcdonalds....People are going to do what they please weather you lock them up or let them do it..Ive seen fat kids all over the country lets close down McDonalds because kids dont know when to stop eating...
Hog wash government spends more money inforcing laws on things they cant control. They gave up on liquor its time to give up on everything else and fix the famillys not the drug problem...

When some old lady wakes up in the morning and takes her tylonal(every morning) she is addicted to it but I diserve to be locked up for smoking a bowl of weed before work? Or even snorth a line a coke? Im not out robbing people im going to work paying my bills.......

Just because you smoke pot you dont have a better cause then that guy out their smoking crack and working for a living...Your still getting locked up for nothing and thats still a problem.. Thinking your a better person and have more right to smoke weed then a crack head does to smoke crack is stupid and selfish...Same thing alcoholics do to pot heads...Its judgmental and labeling someone before you know them.

Well, I dont see to many fat kids robbing fast food resturants to get their fix of Trans Fat. Unlike the Heroin addicts who rob pharmacys, break into our homes and steal anything that isn't bolted down. I have seen a crackhead steal the spayer off of my garden hose, and pawned it for .60 cents. A good friend of mine had his house broken into and they killed his dog, all for money to support thier CRACK HABBIT. I understand that government shouldn't be able to say we can do one thing and not another. And for the person who might snort a line of coke occasionaly before work, that just fine for him. But most people don't stop at one line, they continue using untill it's gone and then get more. And when the money's gone and the drugs are running out of thier systems, thats when crimes against others are commited to feed their addiction, regardless of weather it is sold at a local pharmacy or by a street level dealer, people will steal to get High. Stealing = police, Police = jail, Jail = tax payers money. Legalizing hard drugs like cocaine would only cost our country more money. Remember up in till about 80 years ago, it was legal. We learn from our mistakes, and try not to repeat them. And for what it's worth, I am better then That guy smoking crack, I USED TO BE HIM.
all drugs are great in moderation...

"i don't advocate drugs sex and violence to anyone...they've just always worked good for me"...
it's not the drug thats good or bad,it's how one chooses to use them/abuse them.If you don't know,or know what your limits are then try a sport.
it's not the drug thats good or bad,it's how one chooses to use them/abuse them.If you don't know,or know what your limits are then try a sport.

That could almost be true. Alot of people, don't have a chose, the drug triggers somthing dormant in there brain, and once that happens, it's almost impossible to quit without proper help. I do agrea with the fact, that a particular person chooses how and when to do drugs. If drugs were available at your local pharmacy for anyone to have, There would be a much greater number of people becoming hooked on them. Although, getting drugs is as easy as buying a snickers for some people like us. (I am also south of beantown). There are tons of young stupid hick farm boys who would never get the opportunity to buy them. Those are the people who get hooked, with nothing to do but milk cows, drink cough syrup and fuck chickens, when drugs come around them, they use them. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see drugs legalized. But knowing what I know about the science of addiction (which is quite a bit), I know just by numbers alone, the addiction rate would sky rocket.. Do you know that 1 out of every 3 people who tried Oxicontin more then 3 time, became addicted to it. And even worse is that out of those people (almost 1 million in the U.S. alone) almost 70% turned to heroin within 2 years. Crack cocain has even higher numbers. I just don't want my kids be all fucked up because of the availability of drugs, as of now, I have atleast a chance of keeping from using. It really is my largest concern as parent. Plus, they have my DNA, and we all know that addiction is passed on generation after generation.
"I think drugs have done some good things for us, and If you don't believe drugs have done some good things do me a favor. Go home, take all your albums, tapes, and CD's and burn them. You know all those great musicians who enhanced our lives throuout the years. Real fuckin high on drugs!"

Rev. Bill Hicks.
There is a down fall on every substance known to man.....Even Mcdonalds....People are going to do what they please weather you lock them up or let them do it..Ive seen fat kids all over the country lets close down McDonalds because kids dont know when to stop eating...

Hog wash government spends more money inforcing laws on things they cant control. They gave up on liquor its time to give up on everything else and fix the famillys not the drug problem...

When some old lady wakes up in the morning and takes her tylonal(every morning) she is addicted to it but I diserve to be locked up for smoking a bowl of weed before work? Or even snorth a line a coke? Im not out robbing people im going to work paying my bills.......

Just because you smoke pot you dont have a better cause then that guy out their smoking crack and working for a living...Your still getting locked up for nothing and thats still a problem.. Thinking your a better person and have more right to smoke weed then a crack head does to smoke crack is stupid and selfish...Same thing alcoholics do to pot heads...Its judgmental and labeling someone before you know them.

Ah, don't you love hypocricy? oops, I ment to say America!