Good Ideas you had while puffing herb

lol, i thought of using the earths magnetism to try and get a craft to levitate. if you hold two magnets at the same pole we all know ther repel each other. if you control the direction in which they repel you could use them to levitate and fly so to speak. the earth has its own magnetic field so we could try and manipulate a stronger variable magnet to repel off it in the desired direction, by variable magnet i mean one in which you could change the strength of pull. this would mean no fuel, better climate
Man I've had the same thoughts. And I am convinced that the answer to proper levitation (Like the kind that could support say a floating city above the ocean) is though the use of the Earths magnetic fields. My thinking is that you would have to figure out a way to direct or focus the magnetic field of the levitation device itself. I think its a sweet idea because when I was a boy I was promised flying cars by the year 2000. I was very disapointed when there was zero flying car commercials. I want flying cars damnit!!!...:evil::bigjoint::mrgreen:
The idea of using the earths magnetism to support a floating city was first explored in the 18th century novel : Gullivers Travels. But the earths magnetic field is too weak. Still there may be a way to funnel it or to condense it.

The light in the box of mirrors does not need to be seen to exist. I remember exploring this idea with a PhD scientist, and was told that this is (more or less) how a lazer is generated : by concentrating the light : by letting it building up, and then releasing it in a solid stream. Similar to the way a water pistol works, but with light instead of water.

How to extract air out of water :
Digital Philosophy (-: How to Breathe the Air out of Water :-)
a ounce should never be more then 100 bucks no matter what. the money is nice but its for the love of the plant man.


ye man. here i can get my hands on an ounce for $120. i good idea i just came up with was toking up in space. think about it floating above earth looking at the stars.
I came up with the idea to make a movie about a guy who owns an old cop car, who lives in a far off place. As he sees people come by at night he gets in his car and turns on his cop lights. They pull over and he pulls in behind them, but he turns off all his lights (adding suspense). Then he walks over then BAM he knocks them out. Takes them back to his house in the middle of nowhere. When they wake up he tells them they have 4 months to grow the stickiest, of the ickiest, of the dankest bud hes ever smoked. And if it does not please him when he smokes it he cuts them up and uses them at fertilizer for his own plants! And what he doesnt use for that he feeds to his pet mountain lion!
It be cool to have a nature documentary on marijuana. There are some about the origins and past use of it, but im talking about marijuana in the wild, how and why everything works how it does. Do animals avoid it or consume it because of the THC. If yes, then what does the plant get out of it. Stuff like that.
It be cool to have a nature documentary on marijuana. There are some about the origins and past use of it, but im talking about marijuana in the wild, how and why everything works how it does. Do animals avoid it or consume it because of the THC. If yes, then what does the plant get out of it. Stuff like that.
There are some good marijuana documentaries out there.
Not maybe quite exactly what your talking about but there are some.
I will find you some links:blsmoke:
Using the earths magnetic field to hover :
perhaps a large lightweight net-like electro-magnet can funnel the large amount of electromagnetic energy needed to lift a person.

If you spin the electromagnetic field it creates, you can spread the polarity over a large volume of space. Perhaps if you use a powerful charge you may be able to create 10m.s^2 over 100kg!

Any physics students out there? How big must the electro-net be?
Black light engineering
Future News... 27 November 2307 A.D.

This idea is based on the notion that as black objects absorb light, so there must be a feint residue of that light retained in the object. With polished dark furniture, the polish traps the light in. Future nano-tech civilisations will be able to play this back like a video. An exact window on the past.

Privacy no longer has meaning!
The big stumbling block against mj legalisation, is that the people concerned have not yet the capacity to organise themselves into a viable political movement. MJ legalisation must be the rallying point for green politics. People that smoke, but are not activists need to be TALKED to quite passionately.
i have always wanted to do something about MJ reform in florida
but wtf can i do when i live in the shittiest state when it comes to weed
i like the plane...but the inadvisability thing, i saw sumthin with kinda the same concept on the military channel about a year back. looks really cool

me and my friend came up with a plan for world domination when we were joke:mrgreen::blsmoke: