Good Ideas you had while puffing herb

I had the brilliant idea one day of going to Burger King and ordering a PENTA stacker. 5 patties, cheese, a bun, and some bacon. I had it my way:hump:. But I have to admit the pound burger I had at a different place (cheeburger cheeburger) was better, and bigger:blsmoke:. AND I got my picture on the wall for eating it :hump:
Has anyone else thought that your world started at that exact moment in time that you had that thought and all previous memories of ur life are just programmed in. you would have no way of knowing becuase you would think that you have benn alive through out your entire memory span but in reality it just started.
Has anyone else thought that your world started at that exact moment in time that you had that thought and all previous memories of ur life are just programmed in. you would have no way of knowing becuase you would think that you have benn alive through out your entire memory span but in reality it just started.

or that reality is merely a dream in which the creator is the person that is dreaming. that person creates that reality and when they wake up it comes to an end. idk:blsmoke:
When we're dreaming, are we really dreaming? Who's to say that what is "reality" is really what we see in our dreams and our day to day life is just a dream.

Or another idea about reality:
I was thinking the other day about DMT and the crazy visuals you have and the feeling that you understand the world and yourself. Maybe you are tapping into another dimension and our brains just need to be aided (with a little help from DMT) to see the world how it really is.

hmm, now to go smoke a joint:blsmoke:
About reality and illusion :
Descartes first pointed out that even if all we percieve is illusion, then we must still exist as individuals in order to be deluded.

Seeing as though what the 'I' is, is typified by how we construct ourselves around our memories, even if we were living an illusion, we would still be able to delude ourselves that it was not an illusion.

We could therefore build a reality out of the illusion, and then NOT be in the original illusion.

The illusionary effect of our imagination liberates us from delusion. We could always be able to logically say, "perhaps this is illusion", and then we would technically not be deluded!
If you could fire a laser into a one way mirrored cube,(that obviously only reflected on the inside),circle,rectangle etc. that was totally sealed and the internal edges were concaved the light would never be able to escape and we could have a permanent light source that never ran out.
We could see in and it would glow but would be unable to escape.:blsmoke:

I thought about that years ago, and wondered whether it would work. I realized that when light hits any surface some of its energy is consumed by the surface, and this lowers the wavelength of whatever electromagnetic wave you used, be it visible, ultra violet ect. into infrared, this is either absorbed by the surface that it came in contact with, or, now having different reflective properties, can pass through the surface.
I thought about that years ago, and wondered whether it would work. I realized that when light hits any surface some of its energy is consumed by the surface, and this lowers the wavelength of whatever electromagnetic wave you used, be it visible, ultra violet ect. into infrared, this is either absorbed by the surface that it came in contact with, or, now having different reflective properties, can pass through the surface.
Lasers are never absorbed by highly polished mirrors especially if the mirrors are concaved and properly sealed i.e. no edges.
In theory the light would last for all eternity which is why they don't make them as they could only sell you one,not to mention the fact that they would cost a fair bit to make.
So basically your wrong lol sorry.:mrgreen:

Reflection of light (and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) occurs when the waves encounter a surface or other boundary that does not absorb the energy of the radiation and bounces the waves away from the surface
Lasers are never absorbed by highly polished mirrors especially if the mirrors are concaved and properly sealed i.e. no edges.
In theory the light would last for all eternity which is why they don't make them as they could only sell you one,not to mention the fact that they would cost a fair bit to make.
So basically your wrong lol sorry.:mrgreen:

Well then you are going against what experiments have concluded, unless you've experimented yourself? Laser light is not absorbed instaniously; every collision draws energy from the laser light untill its wavelength is reduced to that of one which can pass through or be absorbed by the material that it was reflecting off. And no light lasts for 'all eternity', hence the light from the big bang has now been reduced to microwaves. So sorry but your wrong.:mrgreen:
Well then you are going against what experiments have concluded, unless you've experimented yourself? Laser light is not absorbed instaniously; every collision draws energy from the laser light untill its wavelength is reduced to that of one which can pass through or be absorbed by the material that it was reflecting off. And no light lasts for 'all eternity', hence the light from the big bang has now been reduced to microwaves. So sorry but your wrong.:mrgreen:
Yeah i always go against other peoples experiments especially when i think they are flawed lmfao.:mrgreen:

I am sorry to say it but your knowledge of this matter is apparently just something that you have read and not actually studied.
The portion that i pasted and quoted to you was from a scientific study of light and reflection for university studies.

You can see stars in the sky that have not actually been there for millions of years,long dead,but their light remains and will continue to shine across the galaxy for a long long old time.

What i think you may have confused yourself with is the fact that light is made up of a wave and a particle and is actually impossible in a sense as physics tells us that something cannot be both a wave and a particle but light is both.

As soon as something travels at the speed of light which light does all of the natural laws are bent so to speak.
Anyway i appreciate you finding my post out to try to ridicule it and me but i aint that easy lol:mrgreen:
Glad to see you put your knickers back on anyway hahaha:blsmoke:
Yeah i always go against other peoples experiments especially when i think they are flawed lmfao.:mrgreen:

I am sorry to say it but your knowledge of this matter is apparently just something that you have read and not actually studied.
The portion that i pasted and quoted to you was from a scientific study of light and reflection for university studies.

You can see stars in the sky that have not actually been there for millions of years,long dead,but their light remains and will continue to shine across the galaxy for a long long old time.

What i think you may have confused yourself with is the fact that light is made up of a wave and a particle and is actually impossible in a sense as physics tells us that something cannot be both a wave and a particle but light is both.

As soon as something travels at the speed of light which light does all of the natural laws are bent so to speak.
Anyway i appreciate you finding my post out to try to ridicule it and me but i aint that easy lol:mrgreen:
Glad to see you put your knickers back on anyway hahaha:blsmoke:

Ahh, I see your quoting from other peoples work and trying to pass them off as your own ideas, how refreshing. Actually I have studied this topic and resolved it when I was 12, I asked my physics teacher what would happen, and he replied exactly what I stated before.
The light from stars reaching us has degraded hugely, except the light hasn't been bouncing off surfaces for millions of years, it has been traveling through a vacuum. Furthermore, light, red shifts from galaxies and stars far away, due to the Doppler effect, which is how scientists determined that the universe is expanding, and ultimately proves that light is weakened and reduced in wavelength over time. Light is not a particle and a wave in the crude way you suggested; Light has characteristics of waves and particles, but the jury is still out on which one it really is, although recent experiments show it to be more wave like. Also all the natural laws are not bent for light just because it travels at the speed of light, your confusing that with objects that have mass, in which some of the laws of physics breakdown when these objects approach the speed of light. just to finish off, I wasn't trying to ridicule you, but I have notice from other posts that you get very distressed when people disagree with you, (although as i mentioned earlier it wasn't your idea at all). But nice try anyway, next time bring some crayons along so you don't get bored.:sleep:

Scientists trap light in nano-soup

Oh and here's a link that shows how laser light can be trapped, but this was in a magnetic field, and so does not interfere with light like matter does.
P.S observe this sentence in particular: 'in all other reports, storage time of photons is restricted to a few nanoseconds,'
Ahh, I see your quoting from other peoples work and trying to pass them off as your own ideas, how refreshing. Actually I have studied this topic and resolved it when I was 12, I asked my physics teacher what would happen, and he replied exactly what I stated before.
The light from stars reaching us has degraded hugely, except the light hasn't been bouncing off surfaces for millions of years, it has been traveling through a vacuum. Furthermore, light, red shifts from galaxies and stars far away, due to the Doppler effect, which is how scientists determined that the universe is expanding, and ultimately proves that light is weakened and reduced in wavelength over time. Light is not a particle and a wave in the crude way you suggested; Light has characteristics of waves and particles, but the jury is still out on which one it really is, although recent experiments show it to be more wave like. Also all the natural laws are not bent for light just because it travels at the speed of light, your confusing that with objects that have mass, in which some of the laws of physics breakdown when these objects approach the speed of light. just to finish off, I wasn't trying to ridicule you, but I have notice from other posts that you get very distressed when people disagree with you, (although as i mentioned earlier it wasn't your idea at all). But nice try anyway, next time bring some crayons along so you don't get bored.:sleep:

Scientists trap light in nano-soup

Oh and here's a link that shows how laser light can be trapped, but this was in a magnetic field, and so does not interfere with light like matter does.
P.S observe this sentence in particular: 'in all other reports, storage time of photons is restricted to a few nanoseconds,'
I have not tried to pass anything off as my own work and have no wish to degrade this thread into one of your hissy fits because you speak before you think.
None of what you say is relevant to my actual idea.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if your now only 13.:mrgreen:
Natmoon, you grow great weed, so respect for that... But dude... this light box thing is completely ridiculous... It isn't possible.

Like I said before, if the light is reaching your eyes, it ISNT staying in the box

get it?
I cant be bothered to argue with children tonight who form instant opinions with little to no knowledge of what they are actually arguing about.:mrgreen:

A high intensity laser light fired into a vacuum sealed titanium coated concaved one way mirrored casing would be visible for a long time,how long exactly i don't know,but a good while.

There is a whole lot they still don't know about light,and they recently discovered that you can actually travel faster than the speed of light totally negating Einsteins theories and have done it with optical fibres.
I can appreciate that my ideas seem weird to you,maybe its because i was in the womb for to long lmfao:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Children eh? You are really good about talking out of your ass.

Have fun building your titanium light box and living in that little world in your brain called your IMAGINATION
Children eh? You are really good about talking out of your ass.

Have fun building your titanium light box and living in that little world in your brain called your IMAGINATION
My whole point exactly:mrgreen:
I have an IQ of 157 when i am stoned,what is yours?:blsmoke:
I cant be bothered to argue with children tonight who form instant opinions with little to no knowledge of what they are actually arguing about.:mrgreen:

A high intensity laser light fired into a vacuum sealed titanium coated concaved one way mirrored casing would be visible for a long time,how long exactly i don't know,but a good while.

There is a whole lot they still don't know about light,and they recently discovered that you can actually travel faster than the speed of light totally negating Einsteins theories and have done it with optical fibres.
I can appreciate that my ideas seem weird to you,maybe its because i was in the womb for to long lmfao:mrgreen::blsmoke:

You honestly have some issues when it comes to debating. You seem to think your the fountain of knowledge. You keep bringing up age for some reason, just because your what, middle aged? Well the way you write and respond to comments makes you sound like you're in your late teens. You obviously didn't look at the link I provided, that stated (as I told you earlier) that light in any sort of reflective contrivance designed to trap it there, will only last for a few nanoseconds, is that a while for you? Your moronic sentence claiming scientists have 'discovered' that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, dear oh dear. obviously you skim read whatever source you got it from, you didn't understand the whole concept. here it is explained in someone else's words:
Faster than light
Let's put that another way, verbatim from a statement issued by the University of Rochester:
"As the pulse enters the material, a second pulse appears on the far end of the fiber and flows backward. The reversed pulse not only propagates backward, but it releases a forward pulse out the far end of the fiber. In this way, the pulse that enters the front of the fiber appears out the end almost instantly, apparently traveling faster than the regular speed of light."
What about Einstein, who said nothing can exceed light-speed?
"Einstein said information can't travel faster than light, and in this case, as with all fast-light experiments, no information is truly moving faster than light," Boyd said.
A spokesperson at the university's communications department added this: "Everything that defines the pulse that enters, also defines the pulse that exits. But the energy of the light does not travel faster than light."

Just type that again in case you missed it: "BUT THE ENERGY OF THE LIGHT DOES NOT TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT" Adios.:blsmoke:
Yeah and the earth is flat and god floats around on a cloud with a trumpet watching out for master baiters:mrgreen:
Yeah and the earth is flat and god floats around on a cloud with a trumpet watching out for master baiters:mrgreen:

I believe it's "masterbaters" wise old man :blsmoke::hump:. But on a serious topic.. ten dimensions?! Check out this video:
YouTube - Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Or there is a theory that when you die you still continue living in another dimension because there was a chance that you could've stayed alive. (since there is another theory that when every event occurs that has other possible outcomes, all the other outcomes happen in a different dimension)