Good Ideas you had while puffing herb

Someone tag me... I was busy building my future, what's good sucka?
I read some post about a guy dreaming about growing huge trees....and then I was like @Garden Boss!!! I just thought he should know.. then we started rapping about baby bongwater ...sorry bro I didn't mean to slow down the construction of your future! !false alarm batman!
I read some post about a guy dreaming about growing huge trees....and then I was like @Garden Boss I just thought he should know.. then we started rapping about baby bongwater ...sorry bro I didn't mean to slow down the construction of your future! !false alarm batman!
All good, atleast it was you. What's cracking man? hows that fire outdoor smoking? or did you sell it all for casino money?
lol, i thought of using the earths magnetism to try and get a craft to levetate. if you hold two magnets at the same pole we all know ther reppel each other. if you control the direction in which they reppel you could use them to levetate and fly so to speak. the earth has its own magnetic field so we could try and manipulate a stronger variable magnet to repel off it in the desired direction, by variable magnet i mean one in which you could change the strength of pull. this would mean no fuel, better climate
One day some bitch is gonna bump this thread like 3 years from now

And I'll probably look at this post and be like "damn I was right holy fucking tits"