Got guns?

12 gauge turkey loads kill me after a few, can't even imagine a 10 gauge. How much does that thing even weigh with that long of a barrel?

I just picked up a Ruger American series bolt-action in 30-06 Springfield the other day and got her sighted in pretty good for not having a actual rest. Nothing fancy, I wanted wood, but settled for synth because it was on sale. I really, really, really want a M1903 Springfield, preferably surplus from WW1, but I just can't justify $1500+ dollars right now. Jetski is calling my name more ha.

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Check my post # 240.
She's an A3-03 with a Timminy trigger in 30-06 Ackley improved (re chambered by Mcgowan) sitting in a Bell & Carlson stock in freedom tan.

I've met many moose & bear that flat out just don't like her (anymore). :wink:
Check my post # 240.
She's an A3-03 with a Timminy trigger in 30-06 Ackley improved (re chambered by Mcgowan) sitting in a Bell & Carlson stock in freedom tan.

I've met many moose & bear that flat out just don't like her (anymore). :wink:

That is one fucking awesome rifle man. You got some great taste. Beautiful picture too.

Wish I lived out West like you, where you can actually make you use of a round that is effective at 500+ yards. I've never even drawn a bead on a deer past 50 yards where I live. Too much undergrowth, not enough hills.
That is one fucking awesome rifle man. You got some great taste. Beautiful picture too.

Wish I lived out West like you, where you can actually make you use of a round that is effective at 500+ yards. I've never even drawn a bead on a deer past 50 yards where I live. Too much undergrowth, not enough hills.

I neglected to mention the 3 - 10 Swarovski I upgraded to.
I had a nice Cabelas outfitter scope before that I thought was pretty good until it fogged up when I was on a Bull a couple of years ago.
I killed the moose, took out my driver set, removed the scope off the mounts & threw it as far as I could down the mountain.
Generally I frown on littering, but I thought it justified.
the jungle carbine can get you into the fight for sure.
i have a few wwII enfields . 2 in .308 my favs
i did have the jungle carbine , but it ended up being a fake and i traded it off...
i should have kept it.
Update on CMP 1911 program

by Rob Reed - All outdoor - 1/19/16

The Civilian Marksmanship Program had a booth at the 2016 SHOT Show Industry Day at the Range. I spoke with CMP Chief Operating Officer Mark Johnson about the 1911 pistols the CMP is expected to receive from the U.S. Army for civilian sales.

In an earlier story I incorrectly wrote that the CMP expected to receive 100,000 1911 pistols from the Army. Johnson corrected my bad information by pointing out that while the National Defense Authorization Act legislation did include a provision that the CMP was “authorized” to receive up to 100,000 pistols, there was no guarantee that the Secretary of the Army will release the pistols, and that the CMP was limited to receiving only “up to” 10,000 pistols a year.

“When the army releases the pistols they could release any amount up to that 10,000,” Johnson said. “There’s no guarantee how many that would be.”

Here are the highlights from the short video interview with Johnson. (The audio quality is faint due to the microphone automatically adjusting for the noisy range)

Johnson said:

They have no idea on the condition of the pistols in inventory. But, based on their experience with M1 Garand the CMP expects there will be Rack Grade, Field Grade, Service Grade, and Collector Grade pistols available and that he expects 10% to be in the worst condition, 10% to be in the best condition, and the rest somewhere in the middle. (He later added that the CMP will thoroughly inspect, repair, and test fire all pistols prior to sale).

The pricing is expected to start at about $1,000 per pistol with the better grades “priced accordingly.”

The Secretary of the Army has to officially release the pistols to the CMP and there currently is no Secretary of the Army. Consequently, the release of the pistols is dependent on who next fills that post.

The CMP has no additional info available at this time, and any updates will be posted to the CMP website.
I have a crack barrel 10 gauge shot gun, full choke with 36 inch barrel, that I wanted to use as a primitive gun in this years primitive deer season. I had a reloader make me up some slugs and buck shot for it,

went this last Saturday to zero the slug an pattern the buck shot. I fired one buck shot and quit...screw that, the recoil was way to stout for this old fart.

guess I will have to break down and buy a modern primitive rifle for the season,
Guns only kick when your sighting them in!
I've Never noticed any recoil when shooting a critter:mrgreen:
Need a good pistol for concealed carry.
Any suggestions??
sig sauer p229 .40 ...had it and loved it. never misfired and it was fun to shoot
Beautiful, but I'd hate to have to feed that ravenous bitch.

I think it's one of those things where anyone who can afford the piece in the first place probably wouldn't have to worry too much about how expensive it is to feed it. Put it this way, it's a problem I sure wouldn't mind having.