Got guns?

I think it's one of those things where anyone who can afford the piece in the first place probably wouldn't have to worry too much about how expensive it is to feed it. Put it this way, it's a problem I sure wouldn't mind having.
if you have to buy something for home defense youre better off spending the money.. when it comes to protecting you and your family and not having something to just shoot targets and fuck around with.. you better have something that fires every time you pull that trigger, if you buy a piece of shit and it jams it could cost you your life
yup 357 mag 3inch barrel,the flame that comes out will scare most people
You should see the flame coming outta this hand cannon at night.
Need a good pistol for concealed carry.
Any suggestions??
i have no idea. I'm the complete opposite of concealed carry. All my guns are big, and I keep every single one of them in storage and at familys houses. I grow. Guns and plants at the same place is not a good thing
itz not a clipz, itz a magazine

the safez a good place fer yur gunz. when someonez kickz down yer door you just yell "TIMEZ OUT!" and go get it

The layout of my house with cameras kinda works againest them breaking down my "door" and saying hello. I have to have it under lock... Just need it in a different safe.

I'm not a gun person at all lol ..most I've shot in my life is a red ryder BB gun and a simi auto BB gun. I figure pointy end goes towards bad guy thats not listening to words of advice and the signs. I would like to go get some training on it but currently no ranges in my area within 30 miles or so.