Got guns?

I didn't have the EOTech when I still had my scout, so never tried it. I picked it up for the socom. I can shoot a bowling ball all day long at 100 yards though. Much tighter in a lead sled:-D but that's not too often. I can shoot way tighter groups with my loaded m1a's match/battle sights though. They do have a 3x magnifier for this red dot. Something I also might get after i purchase that new chassis.
The EOTech I have has a .308 reticle. Which would be very awesome if all the lines were spot on. Although it's close at 200 yds, after that it's not, And i've loaded rounds which had the ballistics for what that reticle was made for. The 150gr. M59.
.the pig look so much bigger thru the scope. View attachment 3475259 135 paces head shot dead right there

and how does that e o tek work as a scout scope? i would like to set up a garand with a scout scope
more gun porn from Rock Island:

Circa 1911 Ulrich engraved Winchester, .401, 97% est. $100-180K.

Bank robber Chicago piano, est $50-100K
If you've ever been in the thick of shit then you know what COD is.....bongsmilie
Yep cause we all know you video game players will be the first to get out and shake some bushes when the shit hits the fan, right? oh you may be alil disapointed when you can't respawn brah!
I have a crack barrel 10 gauge shot gun, full choke with 36 inch barrel, that I wanted to use as a primitive gun in this years primitive deer season. I had a reloader make me up some slugs and buck shot for it,

went this last Saturday to zero the slug an pattern the buck shot. I fired one buck shot and quit...screw that, the recoil was way to stout for this old fart.

guess I will have to break down and buy a modern primitive rifle for the season,
I have a crack barrel 10 gauge shot gun, full choke with 36 inch barrel, that I wanted to use as a primitive gun in this years primitive deer season. I had a reloader make me up some slugs and buck shot for it,

went this last Saturday to zero the slug an pattern the buck shot. I fired one buck shot and quit...screw that, the recoil was way to stout for this old fart.

guess I will have to break down and buy a modern primitive rifle for the season,

12 gauge turkey loads kill me after a few, can't even imagine a 10 gauge. How much does that thing even weigh with that long of a barrel?

I just picked up a Ruger American series bolt-action in 30-06 Springfield the other day and got her sighted in pretty good for not having a actual rest. Nothing fancy, I wanted wood, but settled for synth because it was on sale. I really, really, really want a M1903 Springfield, preferably surplus from WW1, but I just can't justify $1500+ dollars right now. Jetski is calling my name more ha.
