Ran across this pretty neat article from "American Handgunner" magazine. Note the grip. The picture is his wife in the 1940's. He salvaged a piece of plexiglass from a shot down nazi Storch aircraft and fashioned the grip for his 1911 and put her picture under it. Carried it all through out the war.
True Love, Total War
And A Young Soldier’s Pistol. My mother-in-law calls her father, now well into his 90’s, by his first name. Her three younger siblings call him paw or daddyamericanhandgunner.com
You have a awesome skill set. The smithing is excellent, and the leather work is first rate.View attachment 4645674made all this my dc
View attachment 4645674made all this my dc
nice work! could you make me a wallet that says Bad Mother fucka ?View attachment 4645674made all this my dc
For a friend of yours?nice work! could you make me a wallet that says Bad Mother fucka ?