got ripped off :(


Well-Known Member
ive taken clones a few times, 75 percent of the time they go floppy i hope they perk up for you 2 day :)


Active Member
as already stated you need a high humidity environment cover them with whatever work and spray them with straight water every now and then also and just as important make sure the light is not to close the closer the light the more the plant needs water and as it cant supply enough as is any extra demands will def tip it over the edge . by the way that dont look like rockwool it looks like a jiffy pot and you leave them in it permenatly just bury it in the soil down so the top of the pot is flush with the top of the soil , remember until you got good roots u need high humidity, not sopping wet substrate just moist and not to much light at first ,


Well-Known Member
you dont need a dome, just water them. I never use a dome and I always get roots. just dump a little bit of water on each one in a few hours they'll start to look better.


Active Member

the two in the spindle were mad wet noodle, but they are starting to pickup

same two plants, top view (they arent resting on the spindle :darkcool:)

2nd best looking one

best looking one, the tiny tips are starting to turn brown, then yellow, then green

container view

one of the bad shape ones


Well-Known Member
If you bought these from a co-op they should be ashamed, these were not ready for sale yet. You still may be able to salvage them. The humidity dome "is" a good suggestion esp. in this case. The cutting has no roots therefore no way to get enough moisture. The dome contains the moisture-laden air and will supply it until roots form. RE-cutting them won't help, you could remove any larger leaves on the really wimpy ones to attempt to resuscitate them. Less leave area means less moisture needed. If you don't have a dome (get one with adj vents!!) you can use a large gallon plastic bag. Breathe into it, your breath is 44% CO2 let them get "fresh" air 15 minutes once a day. Wait and you should see roots in ten days. Peace Bad...

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
That really is disgraceful, but it looks like 4 out of 6 may pull through

Less leave area means less moisture needed. Bad...
Less leaf area also means less roots needed. I'd trim the big leave tips, and cut the 2 worst ones back to healthy growth (lowest healthy node). It will stunt the growth, and you'll end up with a plant with 4 main stems, but it's better than nothing.