Greengenez's Grow

Plant 3 and 4 are 32 days since the flip. I was figuring christmas would make 9 wks about.
1 and 2 are apprx. 7 days behind them
Hey doc, if ya do journal these put a link in here so I can follow. Would love to see what you can do with them.
It's official my Jack the ripper is female.
I bought a 5 pack a while back, and had some problems where only 1 sprouted (done same time as the dope). I was praying that it would be female, and ,,,,it was.

Her's a few shots of HER.
Hey doc, if ya do journal these put a link in here so I can follow. Would love to see what you can do with them.

Will do...

It's official my Jack the ripper is female.
I bought a 5 pack a while back, and had some problems where only 1 sprouted (done same time as the dope). I was praying that it would be female, and ,,,,it was.

Her's a few shots of HER.
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I've finally got 2 Chocolate Rain clones of each plant (=4) I will put 1 of each into flower soon (after very short veg.) to determine the sex of each plant. while the others veg for the test run.
These mothers are beginning to grow fast, and are ready to give up multiple clones.
Plant 1 (Chocolate Rain)
Plant 2 (Chocolate Rain)
So much goodness about to come through I can't decide which to be the most excited about.
Now for the Double Barrel O.G to come up.(fingers still crossed.)
Was looking over my chocolate rain plants last night and think I may have spotted a male pre-flower. I'll try and get a picture up today of what I seen, and maybe get some confirmation someone.

I knew I should have done more seeds of these, but plant counts have my hands tied. (Stupid plant count really doesn't leave room for seeds.)
From what I've heard I'd keep some of the chocolate rain pollen for breedin!

They look great!
I'm going to grow out the male and collect the pollen. I have a Plant that I've kept over 10 years, and I feel that it has lost a little, do to genetic drift.(I do believe in it.)
My hopes is to find a good male of something special and breed into her. Then try and cube her back into life.
I put the smallest male clone into flower today to find out for sure.
I will prob keep the original male plant (if it turns out male) around just in case it turns out to be a good breeder.
10 yrs is a long time. Bravo!
I have heard that tissue cultures will bring your moma plants Back to their Origional state.
An can get rid of viruses an dissesases she may have cought.
Its truly the best tasting smoke ever. (when cured prop. it almost taste like smoking cocaine. I don't condone smokin' coke)
She has prob. been restarted around 15/20 times.( clone from clone) and she is getting hard to keep healthy.
I want to breed my double barrel into her as well.

A lot of genes have come and gone but she is still one of my top plants. I figure I can keep her around in spirit anyway.

Scarhole, what ya think of putting the pollen on my femed Pineapple express/ the dope? You think it would be, even a little more prone to hermaphrodite ?
Never seen a hermi PineApple Express report.
She sounds stable as hell. An would-be great for breeding ImHo.

What do you Think makes up pineapple exp?
KandykushxC99 ?
Mine is over a yr old and have had no trouble with it.

I have no clue. I don't believe I've had true c-99.
Here's a couple pics. of one I just pulled.
Thought I'd throw up a couple pics of the 3 double barrel og.
They come from reg. seeds so I'm hopin' to get a decent female out of the 3.
These are really starting to take off now. these pics are a little out of date.
I wanted to bring everything up to speed here.