Growing Cannabis, Smoking Cannabis and damn drug Tests.

Does your employer make you drop randoms or yearlys?

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I live in a state where med marijuana is only legal, but can not grow any plants. Which is bullshit. Anyways, I'm a union electrician, so any time can be randoms here and there, and yearlys. I'm getting sick of carrying quickfix everyday, and worrying about keeping it at correct body temp. Anyone from legal states that has med marijuana/rec legal, do the employers tend to chill out about piss tests, once the laws is well established? I thought I'll create a poll to see how many people deal with piss tests.

Was going to post in med thread, but that place is dead.
I live in a state where med marijuana is only legal, but can not grow any plants. Which is bullshit. Anyways, I'm a union electrician, so any time can be randoms here and there, and yearlys. I'm getting sick of carrying quickfix everyday, and worrying about keeping it at correct body temp. Anyone from legal states that has med marijuana/rec legal, do the employers tend to chill out about piss tests, once the laws is well established? I thought I'll create a poll to see how many people deal with piss tests.

Was going to post in med thread, but that place is dead.
Even with med and rec states certain professions will still test and maintain a particular drug policy.
No, I work in construction and there aren’t any tests. But the thought of having to dodge them is what keeps me from using my degree and getting a better job so they kind of affect me.
I did buy a wizzanator when I was interviewing with places after college and that thing is BULKY. Turns out they just ask you to go to a lab afterwords and take the test
There's always going to be drug tests in certain occupations regardless of the legality of consuming cannabis in the state you reside. Much of it is driven by the insurers and not the employer. Employers can get discounts for drug testing. And some occupations that require the use of heavy machinery will never stop the practice of drug testing.

I don't see an end to drug testing for occupations like electricians ever happening. You work with high voltage and could potentially elecrocute yourself or wire something incorrectly potentially causing a fire or personal injury.

Some industries and occupations have relaxed drug testing for cannabis and some have stopped altogether. That's never going to happen in your industry and it shouldn't. You may be responsible with your cannabis use but take away testing in occupations like yours and you'll have electricians baked on the job working with high voltage electricity. It only takes a second for something terrible to go wrong.
There's always going to be drug tests in certain occupations regardless of the legality of consuming cannabis in the state you reside. Much of it is driven by the insurers and not the employer. Employers can get discounts for drug testing. And some occupations that require the use of heavy machinery will never stop the practice of drug testing.

I don't see an end to drug testing for occupations like electricians ever happening. You work with high voltage and could potentially elecrocute yourself or wire something incorrectly potentially causing a fire or personal injury.

Some industries and occupations have relaxed drug testing for cannabis and some have stopped altogether. That's never going to happen in your industry and it shouldn't. You may be responsible with your cannabis use but take away testing in occupations like yours and you'll have electricians baked on the job working with high voltage electricity. It only takes a second for something terrible to go wrong.

That's a good point about the insurers. I've heard that one before from some management. You're right about being more accident prone while under the influence. Here's the kicker man, you can show up to work popping opioids, fail piss test, all good, lab calls you ask for a proof of a script and you're good to go. I've failed one because of vic, but all good because of my script. Guys pop them like candy at work. But that damn devils lettuce sinners spinach evil edamame, sends us home with 30 days off and drug counselling lol not to sound like a baby back bitch, I'm sure most can relate.