Growing Orchids

I know what you mean I'm usually pretty good for bringing my camera, it's just that I'm usually too busy chasing my 18mth around who's trying to take the pretty flowers home or dig in the soil. lol
that must be a lovely space...... i'm feeling the need to visit the tropical geodesic dome in vancouver now.... and i simply must start remembering to take my camera when i do the nursery circuit.

yes...good idea kitty. it's a great way to see public gardens that ppl wouldn't get to see otherwise:)
there are a few other arboreatums locally i wanna visit again. i'll share the pix as i get them.
Wow danny.. There are some real beauties in that bunch. All of them are beautiful but some are sort of dull and unappealing. I bet they fit so finely into the niche they were in tended for. Arboretums with hot houses are the greatest thing going but cost a FORTUNE to heat, don't really get a ton of visitors, little outside funding yada yada yada.
One of your pics shows a woman holding a great big ole camera. I used to be so impressed but my daughters little tiny camera that slips in your pocket seems to take better pictures without taking a course. PLUS!! Carrying one of those pigs all day starts to become work.
I have one of mine to throw out there. A little embarrassed with the company it has to keep but it's mine. Actually one of my favorite no name/no tag $2.00 special NIOD. This is it's third bloom cycle. Don't know what this orchid species is off hand but I could figure it out. Naming it is a different story for sure but I guess I only care a little bit. My outside plants all have copper tags but the orchids and I don't like to enter into long term relationships for the most part. If they are not too fussy they can live here.

Bear.. if you look closely what do you see? The guy from alien right??


Wow danny.. There are some real beauties in that bunch. All of them are beautiful but some are sort of dull and unappealing. I bet they fit so finely into the niche they were in tended for. Arboretums with hot houses are the greatest thing going but cost a FORTUNE to heat, don't really get a ton of visitors, little outside funding yada yada yada.
One of your pics shows a woman holding a great big ole camera. I used to be so impressed but my daughters little tiny camera that slips in your pocket seems to take better pictures without taking a course. PLUS!! Carrying one of those pigs all day starts to become work.
I have one of mine to throw out there. A little embarrassed with the company it has to keep but it's mine. Actually one of my favorite no name/no tag $2.00 special NIOD. This is it's third bloom cycle. Don't know what this orchid species is off hand but I could figure it out. Naming it is a different story for sure but I guess I only care a little bit. My outside plants all have copper tags but the orchids and I don't like to enter into long term relationships for the most part. If they are not too fussy they can live here.

Bear.. if you look closely what do you see? The guy from alien right??



Bahhaha yea they all look like the guys from predators, which i think is another reason i love these flowers so much lol. see

And as you can see just like the orchids, their colors and patterns change too, probably to find a pollinator for themselves. lol :lol:

Here's what 2 orchids fighting would be like lol!


And here's what it would look like if one was trying to attack you from it's wall mount.

I'm a little disappointed bear. I was confident that you would really see a vagina in picture number 2. Like 1 of those ink blotch psychological test. In hindsight however I will never look at orchid is the same. Alien was a great series of movies for the primitive. Of which I am 1 of. So you passed a ink blot test And I failed horribly Cuz I see a vagina. At least I am not seeing balls. LOL
I'm a little disappointed bear. I was confident that you would really see a vagina in picture number 2. Like 1 of those ink blotch psychological test. In hindsight however I will never look at orchid is the same. Alien was a great series of movies for the primitive. Of which I am 1 of. So you passed a ink blot test And I failed horribly Cuz I see a vagina. At least I am not seeing balls. LOL

Bahahaha That's funny good things you don't see balls for sure, i do very much agree with you about the alien series and predator series being for the primitive types which I too am a proud member of. If anyone is wondering if they're a primitive type take a look at yourself lol, myself I spend much time in the bush with a walking stave, I hunt by bow or slingshot and can start a fire multiple ways without the use of matches, lighters or other modern fire starting devices I'm just more comfortable in the bush and i'm very easily amused or entertained lol.

As for an Ink blotch test, If i was to look at picture #2 I see a clitoris giving me 2 fingers :finger:, and picture #1 looks like some strange butterfly you thought you saw when you were on mushrooms lol.
I'm a little disappointed bear. I was confident that you would really see a vagina in picture number 2. Like 1 of those ink blotch psychological test. In hindsight however I will never look at orchid is the same. Alien was a great series of movies for the primitive. Of which I am 1 of. So you passed a ink blot test And I failed horribly Cuz I see a vagina. At least I am not seeing balls. LOL

I see ... a knifing about to happen ... (salivates, twitches) cn
Thank you to everyone on this thread. It has been a very inspiring (and funny) read. Orchid research and cultivation will be my next project.
AAHHH... Nepaljam X Oaxaca you start this nightmare of a thread and then come floating back in. What are you trying to stir things up even more. Personally I think you know tons about orchids but are just messing with us. Well good job my friend it worked!!
How much is the black orchid kitty?? Make sure it's not spray painted or dyed. If it's more than $10.00 I'm out anyway. So your going to breed them Justcoasting. Good luck and keep me updated. I have trouble keeping them alive in my very low light low humidity desert.
pip.. Further research has me believing that the picture I posted is of a Phalaenopsis. Further research however reveals that it is a named variety but it is not "Alien Clit", but rather one called "gaping Maw" They do look very much a like so I can see how you made the mistake. cn... There will be NO knifings of any kind and why would you want to enter the fray. You looking to get cut?? I got a broken off beer bottle with your name on it. It is from a micro brewery which is cooler than a bottle from a 30 pack. Much more classy.
bear.. You may be primitive but right now I am marinating the last tenderloin from a bow killed little 6pt. He has been a fine eating deer but not as good as the little doe that met the same fate. Most of the buck was turned into jerky and summer sausage. mmmm. The marinating tenderloin will be going on the grill shortly. Charcoal of course. Would not be right to put this piece of meat on the gas grill. YUK YUK!! I can build a couple of fine working snares bear but admit to being a pretty poor fire starter. I can do it under perfect conditions with the right wood for bow and drill but under stress I would be toast!! EVER HEAR OF A BIC LIGHTER BEAR!!! WTF. To top it off bear I have about a five pound bag of "Hen Of The Woods" I found early last October. It was the biggest one I have ever found and must have wieghed in excess of 15 pounds. That's a big shroom and has to be considered a good yielder and will go well with the meat and will simply be fried in an obscene amount of butter.
lol, Rottedroots ... I was just riffing off the Rorschach reference.
It's like the lovely story of a fellow going for his court-ordered psych eval back when the docs used the blots.
The patient/inmate would describe each blot in luridly obscene terms.
The doc shook his head and said "You see violent sex in everything, don't you??"
Unperturbed, the patient said "I dunno Doc ... YOU're the one showing me all the dirty pictures!"
~grin~ cn
AAHHH... Nepaljam X Oaxaca you start this nightmare of a thread and then come floating back in. What are you trying to stir things up even more. Personally I think you know tons about orchids but are just messing with us. Well good job my friend it worked!!
How much is the black orchid kitty?? Make sure it's not spray painted or dyed. If it's more than $10.00 I'm out anyway. So your going to breed them Justcoasting. Good luck and keep me updated. I have trouble keeping them alive in my very low light low humidity desert.
pip.. Further research has me believing that the picture I posted is of a Phalaenopsis. Further research however reveals that it is a named variety but it is not "Alien Clit", but rather one called "gaping Maw" They do look very much a like so I can see how you made the mistake. cn... There will be NO knifings of any kind and why would you want to enter the fray. You looking to get cut?? I got a broken off beer bottle with your name on it. It is from a micro brewery which is cooler than a bottle from a 30 pack. Much more classy.
bear.. You may be primitive but right now I am marinating the last tenderloin from a bow killed little 6pt. He has been a fine eating deer but not as good as the little doe that met the same fate. Most of the buck was turned into jerky and summer sausage. mmmm. The marinating tenderloin will be going on the grill shortly. Charcoal of course. Would not be right to put this piece of meat on the gas grill. YUK YUK!! I can build a couple of fine working snares bear but admit to being a pretty poor fire starter. I can do it under perfect conditions with the right wood for bow and drill but under stress I would be toast!! EVER HEAR OF A BIC LIGHTER BEAR!!! WTF. To top it off bear I have about a five pound bag of "Hen Of The Woods" I found early last October. It was the biggest one I have ever found and must have wieghed in excess of 15 pounds. That's a big shroom and has to be considered a good yielder and will go well with the meat and will simply be fried in an obscene amount of butter.

Thats awesome plus rep to you for being so primitive lol, I suck at snaring, only good at fishing so you snare em and ill cook em. That is also the biggest mushroom I hear of someone picking, around here we collect what we call puff balls and cook it in butter MmmMMmm! It's just a giant white well puff ball mushroom that grows wild and my uncle found a 9 lbs one but never close to 15lbs. good job!
The "hen" is more like a clump bear. They say they can get to 50 pounds. I love puff balls when they are just little fellows and your right about the BUTTER. Shrooms just love BUTTER. I don't pick a lot of different mushrooms bear. Can be like living on the dark side if you are not sure.
The trout fishing sucks around here all hatchery fish. No sweet little wild brookies frying up in BUTTER witha mess of fiddle heads frying up in BUTTER. Sounds like a nice feed. I wish spring was here in NE.
Rep to ya, Rottedroots - just awesome.
I had a chance to sample some Hen of the Woods when I was up in Massachusetts.
Down here the best things are the Oyster Mushrooms, Beefsteak Polypores(small ones), Old Man o the Woods, I sometimes find Chantrelles - those are probably the most desirable. Little inky caps and shaggy mane grow on my lawn. Nothing like a lawn raised mushroom omelet - all I need now are the chickens.
I've also found out that the Little inky caps can bring on hysterical laughter if you eat a good amount of them raw.
pip, bear and anyone else that wants to come along I say we have a GET TOGETHER. pip can provide the mushrooms because he knows his shrooms and I'm afraid of them. bear can start the fire and provide the fresh caught little brookies and I will provide the finest cuts of hormone and steroid free venison. Maybe we can find some spring greens. Anyone else feel free to contribute what you can muster. Just like that OLD story called "Stone Soup" which might have been one of Aesops fables. Maybe if we can scrounge anything up we can burn one or two fatties. I should be able to weasel a stone out of this anyway. Maybe I kind find some Phalaeopsis " gaping Maw"
:D :D
Danny can you play the guitar and I'm sure you know Kumbaya and cn you can tell the jokes. I am not sure what you have to offer kitty. Maybe you can make the masks so we can maintain our faceless identities. arg!!

pip.. I'm VERY impressed with your knowledge of Mushrooms!! Sure I know hens and puff balls but mushrooms are not really something that lends itself to poor identification. NOID shrooms are bad.... Very Bad. I did eat a really nice mess of Chantrelles last year and what a fine dish that was. Yes.. BUTTER.
bear...Did you know the shroom is the worlds largest life form or something like that. The fibrous roots can stretch for acres or sumpin. I forget exactly but it is some sort of bullshit like that. I think I the thought the Aspen was the largest but not anymore. IDK.... Sorry guys.. I'm wicked stoned and it is pissa buzz