Having hell cloning..


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 CloneKings, and they worked great when I first got them. I had 99% success rate. After a couple of uses, I can't get shit to root in them. the stems just rot. I didn't even try that hard when I first got them, and they worked great. Thinking of going to a Rapid Rooter with a dome. Does anyone have any recommendations on a kit? Getting tired of fucking with these clogged jets, broken jets, cleaning the damn pumps, getting squirted in the face to see if the jets are working, etc. Looking for a 100 spot, or 2 50's, or something close.
If the water gets too warm in the cloner this will happen. Generally this is the cause if the unit has been sterilized properly.
If the water gets too warm in the cloner this will happen. Generally this is the cause if the unit has been sterilized properly.
I've monitored the water temps, tried plain water, PH'd down water, adding nutes, not adding nutes... IDK what the fuck im doing wrong.
Plain water works best for cloning, no need to worry about pH until you have roots and start feeding.

What was the h2o temp running at?
why does the water get so hot? If you are running pump on 24/7, perhaps a recirculation timer would lower the heat gain.

Sterile is key
I'd take the cuts, wait a day, swap the water, wait a week, swap the water
the first water swap gets rid of any tid bits that wash off, then after a week a second change is good to just make things fresh
I used to run a drop of clorox bleach in my res too. I'm sure h202 would work as well

I switched from an aero to a bubble cloner because its much smaller and easier to manage

but after a while I just went to plain water- but it isn't well water it is town water ~110 ppm and has chloramine in it, which probably prevents bacterial growth
I hate rockwool, shit stays too wet. I don't use aero cloners, I have been using rapid rooters since about 2003. Before that I rooted in solo cups with perlite that I hand watered a couple times a day. Damn that seems like forever ago.
when do you do this do you let the water drain thru or hempy style with mini rez?