Hay Fever


Well-Known Member
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
As a lifelong victim of respiratory allergies I hope something of use comes up. My allergies seem to worsen over the years. And OTC "pills" become useless in a pretty short time. Also see way more pollen around here. Green/yellow dust covers everything.

I run an inline and filter for some help indoors. And expensive furnace and air filters.

On the bright side. You're not high. It's just allergies if questioned about the blood shot eyes. A great day and relief for you.
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
Benadryl is only thing l know of, could take gravol if need to sleep. Other than that l just sniffle alot. If you find something let me know please.
I woke up with my eyes burning, watering, and covered in crust. My nose was full of crap that took 5 minutes to clear and then it just came back. This is a nightmare. I don't want to but I think I'm going to break down and take some pills. Hopefully I'll be able to see through the tears to drive to the store for some Benadryl.

Damn this sucks. I've never experienced anything like this. And I hate it. It sucks big time.
I woke up with my eyes burning, watering, and covered in crust. My nose was full of crap that took 5 minutes to clear and then it just came back. This is a nightmare. I don't want to but I think I'm going to break down and take some pills. Hopefully I'll be able to see through the tears to drive to the store for some Benadryl.

Damn this sucks. I've never experienced anything like this. And I hate it. It sucks big time.
Benadryl may cause drowsiness. Yet should be everyone's med cabinet. Life saver for bee and food allergies. Those unknown or unexpected in particular.
As a lifelong victim of respiratory allergies I hope something of use comes up. My allergies seem to worsen over the years. And OTC "pills" become useless in a pretty short time. Also see way more pollen around here. Green/yellow dust covers everything.

I run an inline and filter for some help indoors. And expensive furnace and air filters.

On the bright side. You're not high. It's just allergies if questioned about the blood shot eyes. A great day and relief for you.

I have crust building up on my eyelashes. I'm a nasty snotty mess. It's starting to effect what I can do. I can't focus on small things because of all the tears clouding my vision. It's like a faucet that won't shut off in my eyes and sinuses. This is just a miserable situation.
I have crust building up on my eyelashes. I'm a nasty snotty mess. It's starting to effect what I can do. I can't focus on small things because of all the tears clouding my vision. It's like a faucet that won't shut off in my eyes and sinuses. This is just a miserable situation.
My covid mask makes a bit of a change. Sorry man.
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
I feel the same..not the eyes, but my nose is constant this year.
I woke up with my eyes burning, watering, and covered in crust. My nose was full of crap that took 5 minutes to clear and then it just came back. This is a nightmare. I don't want to but I think I'm going to break down and take some pills. Hopefully I'll be able to see through the tears to drive to the store for some Benadryl.

Damn this sucks. I've never experienced anything like this. And I hate it. It sucks big time.
Sometimes that's all that's left...no guilt and I hope you feel better soon.
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
So, I've had "hay fever" all my life. I first realized it around the age of 5 after I way playing in a vacant lot where the spring wildflowers had overgrown. I suddenly found myself completely itchy, sneezing, with red itchy watering eyes. I ran to my mom wondering what was wrong with me, and she promptly answered "hay fever". I didn't understand, and she explained that it was a grass or pollen allergy . Later in my childhood I was I had a blood test and discovered literally hundreds of allergies. I even got allergy shots as a kid, which didn't really work much, and I had a bad reaction at one point.

So honestly in my decades of experience with this, I can tell you that this single most successful remedy for me has been to drink excessive amounts of water continually to flush your system. Maybe you already "drink a lot of water", but even if that is true, try drinking 3x as much as you do now. If you know you already don't drink enough water, drink 5x as much. Try it for a day or two, and see how you improve.
What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
Stinging nettle is nature's antihistamine. It can be purchased as loose leaf tea, capsules or you can make your own tincture. It works well for all seasonal allergies - spring tree pollen, golden rod, ragweed, etc. Stinging nettle has been said to be one of the top 5 most beneficial plants.

I stuff a Mason jar full of stinging nettle leaves and cover with vodka. 1ml as needed works well.
Stinging nettle is nature's antihistamine. It can be purchased as loose leaf tea, capsules or you can make your own tincture. It works well for all seasonal allergies - spring tree pollen, golden rod, ragweed, etc. Stinging nettle has been said to be one of the top 5 most beneficial plants.

I stuff a Mason jar full of stinging nettle leaves and cover with vodka. 1ml as needed works well.

Stinging Nettle is also good to eat as greens. If I remember correctly my father used to drink nettle tea decades ago. He'd get it so bad that his eyes would almost swell shut. So did my sister. I was never bothered by it until just a couple years ago and it seems to be getting worse. It doesn't help that I have a cluster of fir trees in the backyard. They dumped so much pollen this year that everything in the backyard was covered in yellow dust. I'm out back planting radish seeds in a cloud of pollen.

I am going to be doing some hikes here in the near future and a little foraging while in the woods. Nettles grow all over here in western Oregon so I'll see if I can't find a patch while I'm out in the woods. When we were kids we'd have fights with those things. Whipping each other with them. Those were some good memories.
Stinging Nettle is also good to eat as greens. If I remember correctly my father used to drink nettle tea decades ago. He'd get it so bad that his eyes would almost swell shut. So did my sister. I was never bothered by it until just a couple years ago and it seems to be getting worse. It doesn't help that I have a cluster of fir trees in the backyard. They dumped so much pollen this year that everything in the backyard was covered in yellow dust. I'm out back planting radish seeds in a cloud of pollen.

I am going to be doing some hikes here in the near future and a little foraging while in the woods. Nettles grow all over here in western Oregon so I'll see if I can't find a patch while I'm out in the woods. When we were kids we'd have fights with those things. Whipping each other with them. Those were some good memories.
Yeah, I stayed in this semi-remote cabin for a while which had a lot of stinging nettles around it. I learned to pick them, and then steamed them up and are them with rice and soy sauce. Quite nutritious.

Also, have you tried me excessive water suggestion? Any luck?
Yeah, I stayed in this semi-remote cabin for a while which had a lot of stinging nettles around it. I learned to pick them, and then steamed them up and are them with rice and soy sauce. Quite nutritious.

Also, have you tried me excessive water suggestion? Any luck?

Well beer is around 95% water. Does that count? :mrgreen:

Actually I have started drinking more water. I should have already been drinking more than I have. The last few days haven't been bad since we've been having a little drizzle and rain here. I'm just glad I don't farther south in the Willamette valley where they grow grass seed.
Well beer is around 95% water. Does that count? :mrgreen:

Actually I have started drinking more water. I should have already been drinking more than I have. The last few days haven't been bad since we've been having a little drizzle and rain here. I'm just glad I don't farther south in the Willamette valley where they grow grass seed.
Naw it doesn't count at all. In fact when you drink beer you should drink even more water. I'm telling you bro, the excessive water drinking thing works. Take it from a life-long allergy sufferer.
How the humidity in your house and area? I keep mine at a constant 45% - 50% (guitarist) and have noticed that it really mitigates the seasonal allergy effects. Might be worth checking into.
It's that time of year again.

It was a beautiful day yesterday and I spent much of it outside working in the yard. Later in the evening I started to feel my eyes itching and I was having some sinus issues. This morning I woke up with my eyes crusted shut. I took a look at the pollen count and found the reason. It's tree pollen season.


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Well that explains a lot
I’m more of a WC Fields type