Hay Fever

I haven't had a drink since New Year's Day/Eve this year. Been feeling good.
Nice man.

Ive been looking into local bee pollen for my allergies, dont know too many bee keepers though. Ive just been rocking claratin

Ive always been a camel though in the summer and i have horrible seasonal allergies, maybe my body was trying to tell me something?
Nice man.

Ive been looking into local bee pollen for my allergies, dont know too many bee keepers though. Ive just been rocking claratin

Ive always been a camel though in the summer and i have horrible seasonal allergies, maybe my body was trying to tell me something?
Bee pollen never worked for me, my parents tried that for me decades ago. I even went through an allergy treatment which involved weekly injections when I was a kid, but that never seemed to work either really. I've tried all the over the counter drugs, and Claritin seemed to work best, but still not as well as just simple excessive amounts of water.

I use my RO system to filter water at home, and just pop this remineralization filter to the end when I'm filtering water for drinking, then remove it for pure RO: https://www.hydrologicsystems.com/products/ecospring-post-remineralization-carbon-filter
Natural remedies or nothing for me. I don't take pharmaceuticals of any kind if I can help it. I still have bottles of pain pills going back years that I never finished that were prescribed for various injuries and some dental issues. The lady eats Tylenol or Advil or one of the over the counter pain medications like they're candy. I told her that stuff isn't good for you. She says "My back is sore." I say welcome to the club. Deal with it.

I don't trust the FDA one bit to be looking out for the consumers interests. Some of that stuff is hard on the liver and kidneys.

I'm sticking with natural remedies. Herbs like nettle, chamomile, liquorice "not the candy", garlic, onion, etc...
I noticed my eyes have been stinging lately. I usually only get fall allergies, so I too have been wondering what was up.
Bee pollen never worked for me, my parents tried that for me decades ago. I even went through an allergy treatment which involved weekly injections when I was a kid, but that never seemed to work either really.
I had to get shots. All it really did was eventually made me afraid of needles for a few years.
I noticed my eyes have been stinging lately. I usually only get fall allergies, so I too have been wondering what was up.

I had to get shots. All it really did was eventually made me afraid of needles for a few years.
That grid test was fun stuff. Ended up immune to Chlorotrimeton and addicted in my late teens.

Just talk anal, I mean nasally now if I don't keep my furnace and fan filters clean. Spring is here people. Sorry.
I noticed my eyes have been stinging lately. I usually only get fall allergies, so I too have been wondering what was up.

I had to get shots. All it really did was eventually made me afraid of needles for a few years.
It's a tiny needle that they stick in your arm. No big deal, even when I was a kid. I also got them for years. Made my allergies better actually.
It's that time of year again.

It was a beautiful day yesterday and I spent much of it outside working in the yard. Later in the evening I started to feel my eyes itching and I was having some sinus issues. This morning I woke up with my eyes crusted shut. I took a look at the pollen count and found the reason. It's tree pollen season.

Just take an antihistamine and be done with it. Benadryl is my go to but Phenylephrine won't make you drowsy and if it gives you jitters take some Chlorpheniramine with it.. Also some of the newer ones like Claritin, if they don't give you a headache, are very good. Really sorry you're going through this but looks like your exposure rate finally triggered your epigenomic response, so sorry :hug:

My dark blue/black car turned yellow the other day and I just started slamming Benadryl. Better living through chemistry: Monsanto!
Just take an antihistamine and be done with it. Benadryl is my go to but Phenylephrine won't make you drowsy and if it gives you jitters take some Chlorpheniramine with it.. Also some of the newer ones like Claritin, if they don't give you a headache, are very good. Really sorry you're going through this but looks like your exposure rate finally triggered your epigenomic response, so sorry :hug:

My dark blue/black car turned yellow the other day and I just started slamming Benadryl. Better living through chemistry: Monsanto!

I'm going natural with plant based remedies.
I'm going natural with plant based remedies.
Fresh twist of citrus or mints in water. Pills make it worse in long run. Vicious sales cycle. Suppress natural tolerance build to create dependency. My wife is permanently addicted Afrin. Another issue.

Keep you body doing its thing.
Have you tried citric acid?

I've been drinking a blend of rose hip, nettle, ginger, and chamomile tea the last couple of days. I've been out in the yard quite a bit yesterday and today and I feel fine.

It's strange. I never suffered from hayfever my entire life until just recently. I don't know if it's been the tea I've been drinking, all the water I've been consuming per @PJ Diaz recommendations, or my body just adapting. But I'm not having any symptoms today and the tree pollen count is still high. The fir trees haven't started dropping pollen yet though. When they do they drop clouds of pollen and everything is covered in it.
I've been drinking a blend of rose hip, nettle, ginger, and chamomile tea the last couple of days. I've been out in the yard quite a bit yesterday and today and I feel fine.

It's strange. I never suffered from hayfever my entire life until just recently. I don't know if it's been the tea I've been drinking, all the water I've been consuming per @PJ Diaz recommendations, or my body just adapting. But I'm not having any symptoms today and the tree pollen count is still high. The fir trees haven't started dropping pollen yet though. When they do they drop clouds of pollen and everything is covered in it.
Has it not rained in awhile? That will help when it does. Might just take your body a little adjusting. And it'll probably pass on it's own.