Hay Fever

It def looked real... but so do many other "false flags". ... Lets go ahead and derail this mother fucker. They may have needed an attention getter because not many people really watch the Oscars anymore. Too much other info/data blasting going on these days. We have 24/7 access to anything that happens in the world at the moment it happens... everybody talks about it for a min, then something else comes along. May have been a stunt?.... maybe not. Was 911 staged?...maybe.

That was totally staged for the benefit of both. Now people are talking about them. Chris Rock is back on tour and Smith is someone everyone's forgotten about. Now they're the talk of the town. They're probably sitting together, drinking a beer, and smoking a joint right now. If not it's still a pretty sure bet that Rock was in on the publicity stunt.

That was totally staged for the benefit of both. Now people are talking about them. Chris Rock is back on tour and Smith is someone everyone's forgotten about. Now they're the talk of the town. They're probably sitting together, drinking a beer, and smoking a joint right now. If not it's still a pretty sure bet that Rock was in on the publicity stunt.

You probably think the Moon landing was a hoax too, :lol:.

They have heated sidewalks there though. I was looking into possibly moving to Holland at one time. Seems like a nice place.
Tourist town. Avoid. LOL. Tulips are amazing. About it. And only heated sidewalks in front of small area. Good air for allergy people though. Lake MI filters well.
Damn. I won't be visiting any southern states anytime soon. Looks like there's probably a shortage of over the counter allergy medicines down there.

What the hell is up with this crap. I've lived for decades and never had an issue. Now these last couple of years I've been hammered with burning runny eyes that feel like they are full of sand and my nose runs 24/7. This crap sucks. When I was growing up my Father and Sister always were miserable from it but I was never bothered. Now I know the misery they went through.

I've been eating Bee pollen and all sorts of other natural remedies but nothing works. I'm hesitant to take any pharmaceutical pills but I'm coming to the end of the road with this misery. I can't make it through the summer like this. I don't want to be a Benadryl addict but I'm getting close because I need some relief.

Who's got some remedies that do not require me to damage my internal organs?
Local organic honey worked for me, 1tsp every day. I all but cured it in 2 years. And I’d struggled terribly with it all my life. Apparently it makes you immune to the pollen in your local area
Yeah the pollen cubes or local honey is supposed to work well. I get local honey and is a great add into dishes you don't even notice it.
I have wicked bad allergies and this year I started taking a generic singulair and it is helping my asthema alot. I will hopefully be able to ween myself off of a daily steroidal inhaler and be able to deal with allergy induced asthema attacks.

One thing I've read about is removing things that produce what you are most allergic to.

I got the allergy forecast app and when I have a real bad day, I see what is in the air the most that day. Turns out Ragweed was a big one here, and is what I'm most likely allergic to. I should really learn how to identify it and I hear you can just water weeds with vinegar to get rid of them so I'd prolly go that route (I'm mad lazy)

The honeywell hepa air purifier helps alot too. I use a/c in the summer and keep things shut, and is a big relief . You spend around half of your time inside