Hay Fever

Local honey can help. It is based on all of the local pollens in your area. Like a teaspoon every morning can help...I used to have horrible allergies and hay fever till we started our own hives. Now we eat a fair amount of their honey and both of our allergy issues are almost gone.
I;m still eating a shrimp or 4 after 35 years of allergies. TY Tetanus shots. But I can eat a few now. Acquired tolerance or resistance I care not. Black Tiger prawns are Delicious. And I get high to boot?? Tolerance and psychosomatic issues come into play here. So push and you will overcome. Keep a bottle of benadryl in cars and home just to be safe.
It's a tiny needle that they stick in your arm. No big deal, even when I was a kid. I also got them for years. Made my allergies better actually.
I never minded needles before, but after so many years something switched over. Plus my mom who is a nurse started doing it so that we didn't have to go to the hospital every week, and that made it more of a mental thing for whatever reason. I don't mind them now, but they had me shook up for a few years afterwards.
I never minded needles before, but after so many years something switched over. Plus my mom who is a nurse started doing it so that we didn't have to go to the hospital every week, and that made it more of a mental thing for whatever reason. I don't mind them now, but they had me shook up for a few years afterwards.
That doesn't faze me. But needles in my veins freaks me out, :lol:. I can literally feel the life draining out of my body, lol.
I noticed my eyes have been stinging lately. I usually only get fall allergies, so I too have been wondering what was up.

I had to get shots. All it really did was eventually made me afraid of needles for a few years.
It's a tiny needle that they stick in your arm. No big deal, even when I was a kid. I also got them for years. Made my allergies better actually.
I never minded needles before, but after so many years something switched over. Plus my mom who is a nurse started doing it so that we didn't have to go to the hospital every week, and that made it more of a mental thing for whatever reason. I don't mind them now, but they had me shook up for a few years afterwards.
That doesn't faze me. But needles in my veins freaks me out, :lol:. I can literally feel the life draining out of my body, lol.
I never much minded the needles for injection, but I too don't like needles in my veins. I did have a bad reaction to a shot one time, after I had already left the doctor's office. I had waited the usual 15 minutes after the injection, and started riding my bike home. I got about half-way home and realized that I was starting to feel real itchy and was swelling up. I turned around right away and went back. Then ended up injecting me with cortozone or something, and waited until my parents came to pick me up an hour later. That kinda soured me on experimental injections a bit.
Has it not rained in awhile? That will help when it does. Might just take your body a little adjusting. And it'll probably pass on it's own.

A few sprinkles here and there. But tshirt weather at least for me. The ornamental plum trees were in full bloom when I had issues. They're all dropping petals now instead of pollen so maybe that was the source.

I'm definitely going to be prepared and wear a mask when I'm out back working in the yard/garden while that nuclear pollen drop is occurring from the Fir trees.
A few sprinkles here and there. But tshirt weather at least for me. The ornamental plum trees were in full bloom when I had issues. They're all dropping petals now instead of pollen so maybe that was the source.

I'm definitely going to be prepared and wear a mask when I'm out back working in the yard/garden while that nuclear pollen drop is occurring.
The other thing which has often helped me is just going to the beach. It sounds crazy, but the ocean air is always relatively pollen free, like a massive filter. It's good to go get the fresh air if you can to give your system a break from the high pollen count and be able to recover.
A few sprinkles here and there. But tshirt weather at least for me. The ornamental plum trees were in full bloom when I had issues. They're all dropping petals now instead of pollen so maybe that was the source.

I'm definitely going to be prepared and wear a mask when I'm out back working in the yard/garden while that nuclear pollen drop is occurring from the Fir trees.
20F and snow balls falling here.
The other thing which has often helped me is just going to the beach. It sounds crazy, but the ocean air is always relatively pollen free, like a massive filter. It's good to go get the fresh air if you can to give your system a break from the high pollen count and be able to recover.

The beach is only a little over an hour away. I wish I was there right now breathing the wind from the Pacific ocean.

It's that time of year again.

It was a beautiful day yesterday and I spent much of it outside working in the yard. Later in the evening I started to feel my eyes itching and I was having some sinus issues. This morning I woke up with my eyes crusted shut. I took a look at the pollen count and found the reason. It's tree pollen season.

I see your 10.2, and will raise you by 1.1-1.4.....
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