No problem here. I have my biases and I well know you have them also. I cannot see a solution outside of armed insurection, and basically I'm too damn old to go to war. I fear for my children and grandchildren. This is not at all like the world I grew up in. The way I see it, my generation saw the best of times. I can't see any positives in the future with the world teeming in so much hatred. Even in our government, the hatred between the two parties is very disturbing. I have never see this much vitriol in my 70 years on the planet. The reality of all this hatred is the war between the haves and the have nots, it is a class war. People can write all they want about how the repubs are better or the dems, the reality is they are actually one in the same with very slight variations on the bigger theme, they are the haves, and we are the have nots, (Majority that is). If only 2-4% make over 250K That leave at least 96% that don't. I believe that, in high school terms, is a majority. Although congressmen do not make over 250K (174K) in base pay, I'd say with all their outside interests they make well over that amount and qualify for the elite status, so here's the real deal: they are not going to help the 96%, they are going to help themselves and their friends in the top 4%, end of story. It is a class war, period.