Health insurance Not the problem


New Member
Sure,,, I'l go along with the crappy doctors, some of who shouldn't be practicing, but paying the good ones like the bad ones won't help.
While stuff does get left behind, and some mistakes are made, I think that they are a rareity not the usual practice.
Should you get your left foot choped off instead of the right one because of an error, you should be compinsated. BIG TIME (insert ANY major SNAFU here)
but just because the hospital nurse mistakenly shaves your junk when you where in to have an x ray of your pinky finger. Headline would be "Man sues over shaved junk!!!"
Even if they settal out of court the lawyers still send a bill to the hospital, the shaved junk guy's lawyer even gets a taste
I don't think that should fly.
I guess I just hate Lawyers more than Doctors
Lotta hatin goin on, Me I reserve my hatred to a general area, rich dicks. They could be lawyers, doctors, or indian chiefs, they all think their farts don't stink, when I smell one of those elitest assholes, I clean the guns and realize my second amendment rights do not allow me to commit murder. That is my very slim hold on sanity. Who knows when the dam will burst.

Baja Rick

Sorry if I came off as hatin, I wasn't trying to get anybody into a lather. I'm just debating here. I'm NOT looking for anything other than debate.
I hope this clears things up


New Member
Sorry if I came off as hatin, I wasn't trying to get anybody into a lather. I'm just debating here. I'm NOT looking for anything other than debate.
I hope this clears things up
No problem here. I have my biases and I well know you have them also. I cannot see a solution outside of armed insurection, and basically I'm too damn old to go to war. I fear for my children and grandchildren. This is not at all like the world I grew up in. The way I see it, my generation saw the best of times. I can't see any positives in the future with the world teeming in so much hatred. Even in our government, the hatred between the two parties is very disturbing. I have never see this much vitriol in my 70 years on the planet. The reality of all this hatred is the war between the haves and the have nots, it is a class war. People can write all they want about how the repubs are better or the dems, the reality is they are actually one in the same with very slight variations on the bigger theme, they are the haves, and we are the have nots, (Majority that is). If only 2-4% make over 250K That leave at least 96% that don't. I believe that, in high school terms, is a majority. Although congressmen do not make over 250K (174K) in base pay, I'd say with all their outside interests they make well over that amount and qualify for the elite status, so here's the real deal: they are not going to help the 96%, they are going to help themselves and their friends in the top 4%, end of story. It is a class war, period.


Well-Known Member
Lotta hatin goin on, Me I reserve my hatred to a general area, rich dicks. They could be lawyers, doctors, or indian chiefs, they all think their farts don't stink, when I smell one of those elitest assholes, I clean the guns and realize my second amendment rights do not allow me to commit murder. That is my very slim hold on sanity. Who knows when the dam will burst.
Right!!!!! Again with the whole "cleaning your guns" thing in order to intimidate folks into thinking you could actually whip your way out of a wet paper sack. Grow a pair of grapes man! If you want to commit violent acts against a group of people you disagree with, then just come out and say it instead of these pansy, veiled threats. :roll:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No problem here. I have my biases and I well know you have them also. I cannot see a solution outside of armed insurection, and basically I'm too damn old to go to war. I fear for my children and grandchildren. This is not at all like the world I grew up in. The way I see it, my generation saw the best of times. I can't see any positives in the future with the world teeming in so much hatred. Even in our government, the hatred between the two parties is very disturbing. I have never see this much vitriol in my 70 years on the planet. The reality of all this hatred is the war between the haves and the have nots, it is a class war. People can write all they want about how the repubs are better or the dems, the reality is they are actually one in the same with very slight variations on the bigger theme, they are the haves, and we are the have nots, (Majority that is). If only 2-4% make over 250K That leave at least 96% that don't. I believe that, in high school terms, is a majority. Although congressmen do not make over 250K (174K) in base pay, I'd say with all their outside interests they make well over that amount and qualify for the elite status, so here's the real deal: they are not going to help the 96%, they are going to help themselves and their friends in the top 4%, end of story. It is a class war, period.

Ever considered peacefully withdrawing your consent? A few people with guns will quickly be dismissed as "fringe and radical" and likely dismembered by those seeking to keep their role of control over others lives. "They" have all the guns and the advantage of a compliant and fearful populace and media. Violent revolution will likely not work, but have at it and see.

Ideas are harder to kill than dissidents. Teaching others that they should peacefully own themselves, may take longer. but is likely to have a better outcome in the long run than random violent solutions. I'm not saying that eventually there will not be violence as the frogs in the pot begin to realize their hot tub is beginning to boil. It's just that the present system is so close to the last few moves towards a check mate on liberty that fighting back in a physical way is strategically not a good idea when the odds of popular support are so low. In other words "the people" will likely not "rise up" and any dissidents using guns against government will be summarily disposed of and dismissed as kooks. Win the war of ideas and change will happen, maybe not in our lifetimes though old fellow.
Forward thinkers are usually rewarded centuries later, but maligned in their own lifetimes.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It is the cost. Even a healthy individual who rarely needs medical attention comes out ahead financially by having insurance rather than not. This doesn't make sense and defies the entire principal of insurance which should. If even the most seldom of users actually pay less through an insurance program than they would for buying services directly out of pocket then the whole system is broken and doesn't make sense. It's collusion that is forcing everyone to play the game at a constantly rising cost.