Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

You might be right. I would think that the sunset would make a lot of laws disappear and cause the workload of government to shrink, at least I would hope that would be the effect.

I think it would cause a GIANT rash of lawmakers always lobbying for the reinstatement of them. I would imagine the legal system and the paperwork would never be quite right as it was constantly changing the rules in which it operated.

Wanna fuck with people really bad? Give them constant change. People don't like change.
I think it would cause a GIANT rash of lawmakers always lobbying for the reinstatement of them. I would imagine the legal system and the paperwork would never be quite right as it was constantly changing the rules in which it operated.

Wanna fuck with people really bad? Give them constant change. People don't like change.

people do like the notion of 'rights held by the people' though (at the moment anyway lol) so why not seize the moment in the streets and in courts?...
We just passed, in my little town, a gun ordinance, that there is already an injunction against. It requires, among other things, that the two gun stores left, keep careful notes on who buys what, and when, how much, etc. It has to be open for inspection by "city officials." No court or suspect involved. Just for political fishing.

They say..Oh not the guns, just the ammo. (so, anti-con, they don;t even see it) Just the ammo tells nothing. Just the ammo doesn't tell everything about personal gun ownership in this town.

Idiots. I actually like to see it. I like to see the Courts get there asses in and tell us yet again, like in Heller vs D.C. But, they will probaby get the trigger locks and some other nonsense.

But, the ban against owning a Magazine of some specification, may stand, because it is already illegal for sale.

7 rounds was too much, is 10 enough?

Federal District Court Judge William M. Skretny has found that most provisions of NY’s SAFE Act–passed only one month after the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting–do not infringe the Second Amendment. He did, however, find that the provision that limits magazine capacity to only seven rounds was unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. This seemingly small win for gun owners is actually very important.
We just passed, in my little town, a gun ordinance, that there is already an injunction against. It requires, among other things, that the two gun stores left, keep careful notes on who buys what, and when, how much, etc. It has to be open for inspection by "city officials." No court or suspect involved. Just for political fishing.

They say..Oh not the guns, just the ammo. (so, anti-con, they don;t even see it) Just the ammo tells nothing. Just the ammo doesn't tell everything about personal gun ownership in this town.

Idiots. I actually like to see it. I like to see the Courts get there asses in and tell us yet again, like in Heller vs D.C. But, they will probaby get the trigger locks and some other nonsense.

But, the ban against owning a Magazine of some specification, may stand, because it is already illegal for sale.

7 rounds was too much, is 10 enough?

Federal District Court Judge William M. Skretny has found that most provisions of NY’s SAFE Act–passed only one month after the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting–do not infringe the Second Amendment. He did, however, find that the provision that limits magazine capacity to only seven rounds was unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. This seemingly small win for gun owners is actually very important.

Easily thrown out in court because it is unconstitutional. i.e. the 14th Amendment equal protection clause which specifically says that no state SHALL make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;........nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

People that are wealthy enough to own a second home in the state are being given immunity from the law, while less wealthy people who can't afford a second home in another city in the state are being treated differently.
Yeah, that's the other thing. Equal protection. OK if you have a house somewhere else? Idiots.

There is another one, that has been struck down by the 9th Circuit. CA had a law that said Counties may issue concealed weapons permits.

Nope, it has to say shall, meaning, All Counties have a duty to, except in individual cases.

Instead, may means get around to it, or not, ho hum.
The gun grabbers, at least some of the honest ones, have stated that registration is the first step in the process of confiscation of guns from citizens.

Mental people keep getting guns (Legally owned by their mum or brother)
and going on killing spree's in shopping malls and fucking schools

My mind boggles that ANYONE would be against guns being taken out of society.

I'm English
We have less gun murders in a year
than the US has in about 17seconds!!!

I can think of more than one occasion when, if I had had a gun, I would have used it.
Thank fuck I didn't have one!
And how many people are accidentally shot, every year, by family members who mistake them for burglars
or drunken dad's mishandling the weapon....?

And, if you're going to use the reasoning that
'Gun ownership protects our liberties from governmental interference....'.
By that logic the average American should be terrified at the prospect of the US Army
having a war against Mexico?
Guns sop governments
Governments control armies
Ergo Mexico has lots of guns
Mental people keep getting guns (Legally owned by their mum or brother)
and going on killing spree's in shopping malls and fucking schools

My mind boggles that ANYONE would be against guns being taken out of society.

I'm English
We have less gun murders in a year
than the US has in about 17seconds!!!

I can think of more than one occasion when, if I had had a gun, I would have used it.
Thank fuck I didn't have one!
And how many people are accidentally shot, every year, by family members who mistake them for burglars
or drunken dad's mishandling the weapon....?

And, if you're going to use the reasoning that
'Gun ownership protects our liberties from governmental interference....'.
By that logic the average American should be terrified at the prospect of the US Army
having a war against Mexico?
Guns sop governments
Governments control armies
Ergo Mexico has lots of guns

I agree with you on this. Liberal progressives should not have guns; their pent-up rage that some people refuse to knuckle under to their demands has them always on the verge of mass murder.

You guys can't have pocket knives either, right? How about plastic bats and wiffle balls?

It's a good thing your grandfathers were made of sterner stuff than you current lot or you would be goose stepping and speaking German.

I agree with you on this. Liberal progressives should not have guns; their pent-up rage that some people refuse to knuckle under to their demands has them always on the verge of mass murder.

You guys can't have pocket knives either, right? How about plastic bats and wiffle balls?

It's a good thing your grandfathers were made of sterner stuff than you current lot or you would be goose stepping and speaking German.


what about extremist racist white supremacy neo-nazis like yourself? should we trust homicidal racists like yourself to properly identify the "common street thugs" (aka any black teen whatsoever) and gun them down?

your answer to this one is appreciated.
what about extremist racist white supremacy neo-nazis like yourself? should we trust homicidal racists like yourself to properly identify the "common street thugs" (aka any black teen whatsoever) and gun them down?

your answer to this one is appreciated.


Are your eyes bulging? Is your clitoris engorged? Are your soft, white Gollum-like fingers spasming?

Are your eyes bulging? Is your clitoris engorged? Are your soft, white Gollum-like fingers spasming?

no, i'm simply pointing out things you have said before about normal black teens with no history of fighting ever. you call them "common street thugs" when you're not too busy joining white supremacy groups.

if you can question northofengland's judgment, why am i not allowed to question your judgment since you are clearly a homicidal white supremacist?
no, i'm simply pointing out things you have said before about normal black teens with no history of fighting ever. you call them "common street thugs" when you're not too busy joining white supremacy groups.

if you can question northofengland's judgment, why am i not allowed to question your judgment since you are clearly a homicidal white supremacist?

Admit it, Buck. I arouse you, don't I? It's OK. I have that effect on women and effeminate men.

NorthofEngland has judgment? Seriously, have you read his detached from reality posts?

Admit it, Buck. I arouse you, don't I? It's OK. I have that effect on women and effeminate men.

NorthofEngland has judgment? Seriously, have you read his detached from reality posts?


i have read your 'detached from reality' posts, specifically the ones where you try to write off a white supremacy group as interested in mexican food before you eventually joined the white supremacy group, and where you call kids who run away from unidentified strangers who follow them in the dark "common street thugs" even though they have no history of fighting whatsoever.

so why are we to trust your judgment as a homicidal white supremacist? care to make that case for us?
it seems that we agree on everything (including gun reg) except the 'living constitution' part...i feel that everything in the document should be taken to mean what it says and so the 9th amen is self evident in its meaning imo and should be reachable for parties in court etc and in that way i see the document as 'living'...does that make sense in your view?

you just made a literalist/constructionist argument which is the opposite of the "Living Document" ideology.

"Living Document" means the language in the constitution, and all of it's provisions are subject to the sort of tortured parsing and re-definition that bill clinton excels at.
examples of the "Living Document" principle in action:

the commerce clause as an unlimited power to "regulate" everything, even selling your old jeans to the thrift shop.
the Controlled Substances Act itself
the formation of the FBI as a national police force
the formation of the NSA as a national secret-police force
the formation of a standing army despite the provisions prohibiting such.
embarking on foreign adventures without a declaration of war
the IRS laying taxes directly on the people
the courts laying fines against people in excess of $25 without a trial by jury
warrantless searches of your electronic correspondence cuz "the bill of rights dont say shit about electronics"

thats what DD is speaking against.
you just made a literalist/constructionist argument which is the opposite of the "Living Document" ideology.

"Living Document" means the language in the constitution, and all of it's provisions are subject to the sort of tortured parsing and re-definition that bill clinton excels at.
examples of the "Living Document" principle in action:

the commerce clause as an unlimited power to "regulate" everything, even selling your old jeans to the thrift shop.
the Controlled Substances Act itself
the formation of the FBI as a national police force
the formation of the NSA as a national secret-police force
the formation of a standing army despite the provisions prohibiting such.
embarking on foreign adventures without a declaration of war
the IRS laying taxes directly on the people
the courts laying fines against people in excess of $25 without a trial by jury
warrantless searches of your electronic correspondence cuz "the bill of rights dont say shit about electronics"

thats what DD is speaking against.

Indeed. Thank you kindly, Doc. I had so many arguments going at once that I could not give this discussion the attention it deserves. I would rep you, but I think I have to spread it around...
Indeed. Thank you kindly, Doc. I had so many arguments going at once that I could not give this discussion the attention it deserves. I would rep you, but I think I have to spread it around...


ohh sorry, i was steaming some asparagus in tinned tuna water.

when my cat eats this his piss will be EXTRA pungent.

the perfect foliar spray for my new line of dope.

im gonna undercut bucky's market and see if he stays in business through the magic of Aggregate Demand.
you just made a literalist/constructionist argument which is the opposite of the "Living Document" ideology.

"Living Document" means the language in the constitution, and all of it's provisions are subject to the sort of tortured parsing and re-definition that bill clinton excels at.
examples of the "Living Document" principle in action:

the commerce clause as an unlimited power to "regulate" everything, even selling your old jeans to the thrift shop.
the Controlled Substances Act itself
the formation of the FBI as a national police force
the formation of the NSA as a national secret-police force
the formation of a standing army despite the provisions prohibiting such.
embarking on foreign adventures without a declaration of war
the IRS laying taxes directly on the people
the courts laying fines against people in excess of $25 without a trial by jury
warrantless searches of your electronic correspondence cuz "the bill of rights dont say shit about electronics"

thats what DD is speaking against.

Indeed. Thank you kindly, Doc. I had so many arguments going at once that I could not give this discussion the attention it deserves. I would rep you, but I think I have to spread it around...

ok thanks to both ya :) i tend to sometimes drift from the 'higher educated' meaning of some terms lol...
in my view its a contract plain and simple so the words must be taken literally..
it was originally called the "white nationalists and white separatists group", which you knew. and you joined anyway.

UncleBuck, i dont join groups, its odd to me...
but my question isnt about that, im wondering about your views on human rights?
do you feel that you were born with certain rights?
what are those rights?
do you feel you have the inherent right to grow any plant for own personal use for example?
are we in need of reaffirming such rights in the usa in your opinion?
Gun registration is dumb for the most part.

If you want a silencer, or a full-auto I agree that registration should take place. For rifles, shotguns and handguns, it's just a waste of money.

Look @ Canada, the supposed gun registry was supposed to cost $2,000,000 and ended up costing more than $2,000,000,000.... such a crock of shit.