Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

Has anyone given a good reason why making law abiding citizens register their guns is beneficial to the public?
An similar argument could be made that permanent gps tracking devices must be worn by all US citizens. It may sound like a stretch now but give it time.

The feds make me pack a GPS on my work boat that tells them what I am doing every minute of the day. You could be next.
Gun registration is dumb for the most part.

If you want a silencer, or a full-auto I agree that registration should take place. For rifles, shotguns and handguns, it's just a waste of money.

Look @ Canada, the supposed gun registry was supposed to cost $2,000,000 and ended up costing more than $2,000,000,000.... such a crock of shit.

Registration for silencers is pointless. I can make a suppressor for most shoulder fired weapons with duct tape, a 2liter jug, and steel wool.
This is an excerpt from an idiotic editorial in a Connecticut newspaper about the new idiotic "assault weapons" law in Connecticut passed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook incident.

The only reasonable response to gun grabbers is: Fuck you. No.

"Register your firearms!" Fuck you. No.

But the bottom line is that the state must try to enforce the law. Authorities should use the background check database as a way to find assault weapon purchasers who might not have registered those guns in compliance with the new law.

A Class D felony calls for a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Even much lesser penalties or probation would mar a heretofore clean record and could adversely affect, say, the ability to have a pistol permit.

If you want to disobey the law, you should be prepared to face the consequences.

here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't

why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't

the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al;
here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't

why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't

the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al;

its still a dangerous world and its easy to die, so for me self defense is just as relevant today, just in a different context...
but its the hunting for 'sport' that captures my disdain...hunt for food if you need to or if you prefer wild food as apposed to factory farmed poison, but how is it 'sport' to go out and shoot another creature for 'fun' or trophy etc...?
its still a dangerous world and its easy to die, so for me self defense is just as relevant today, just in a different context...
but its the hunting for 'sport' that captures my disdain...hunt for food if you need to or if you prefer wild food as apposed to factory farmed poison, but how is it 'sport' to go out and shoot another creature for 'fun' or trophy etc...?

I need steak. I track down a deer and kill it. I then proceed to skin it, gut it, and divide it up. Upon my return home: I have meat and a sweet new hide to work on.That's a "hunt for food.". <--Hunter

I need to kill something because my dick feels small, I track down something living and kill it. <--Sport

Honestly, I'd make hunting a regular part of my diet over meat from the store if poaching wasn't such a pain in the dick
The feds make me pack a GPS on my work boat that tells them what I am doing every minute of the day. You could be next.

I have no doubt about it.

Sometimes I think the people on the left won't be happy until we find ourselves in a total police state, Cali is getting closer and closer.
Registration for silencers is pointless. I can make a suppressor for most shoulder fired weapons with duct tape, a 2liter jug, and steel wool.

The best home made silencer is just a car oil filter screwed onto the barrel, it's magic and can be used over and over and over.

I never understood why silencers need to be licensed, its not like they actually make the gun silent, they don't, they just quiet them down.
here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't

why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't

the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al;

I have a counter proposal. Accept the fact that some bad things cannot be prevented without doing other things that are even worse. For example, if you want total security from middle east terrorists, then you have to let the NSA read every email, and text and eaves drop on every phone conversation, i.e. you have to accept the patriot act and NSA wire tapping. Does this total state surveillance prevent some terrorists from killing innocent people? I am sure it does, but that security comes at a price. Many of us have lately come to realize that the price is "too damn high", just like the rent. We need to accept that total security is anathema to freedom. Freedom, in my opinion, is more valuable than total security. That's why I object to the NSA reading Cheesy's feverish email exchanges with other rape aficionados. While I am sure the wire tappers are both horrified and amused by those emails, I don't want the NSA snooping into Cheesy's strange life style.

The same argument applies to "gun violence". In point of fact, violence of every type in the US is quite low and dropping. Mass shootings are no more common today than they have been for forty years. The chance of you being shot is vanishingly small. Creating 'total security' from a danger that has been declining for decades is a solution looking for a problem. Instead of pretending that the second amendment does not mean what it says, let's just accept that it does indeed mean exactly what it says.
The best home made silencer is just a car oil filter screwed onto the barrel, it's magic and can be used over and over and over.

I never understood why silencers need to be licensed, its not like they actually make the gun silent, they don't, they just quiet them down.

If you can find a filter with an opening exactly the size of a gun barrel and a matching thread pitch, then I would be impressed.
but how is it 'sport' to go out and shoot another creature for 'fun' or trophy etc...?

Hunting animals is about game management of numbers. If we didn't hunt the deer, the population would explode and the new complaint would be "why isn't government managing the deer population?" Deer would be dead all over the countryside causing disease and carrion problems.
Ever wonder why there are bag limits? You can't hunt anything to extinction anymore, if the Government agents notice animal populations dwindling, they outlaw the hunting of that particular species until numbers improve. That's how hunting is SUPPOSED to work, they actually learned from the fishermen and the passenger pigeon hunters what NOT TO DO.

PS and those government agents are STATE agents for the most part.
If you can find a filter with an opening exactly the size of a gun barrel and a matching thread pitch, then I would be impressed.

I know it's crazy right? You would have to go and buy something like this to make it work:


Are you impressed yet?

Why pay $300 for a silencer, when you can make your own for $15?

here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't
Please validate your point with some reasoning. I'm not going to hunt boar with a deer rifle; or vice-versa. "Right tool for the job" and whatnot.
why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't
A quick follow up shot is humane. Have you ever hunted?
the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al; Retina
Maybe one day when it becomes as reliable as good old mechanical actions. Until then, I'd rather not have to do a soft reset on my shotgun when a wild animal or person is trying to kill me.

I wish to point out that hunting is not just a sport. Hunting is pest control, population management, and damn cheap food. $1 in ammo can score you $100's in meat easily.
Personally, I don't think I or anyone else who wants to protect their 2nd amendment right, needs to give any explanations.
If there are people who do not want to own or bear guns, then they have the right not to, end of story.
And the Nazi among what to define sport also. We have Amendments for that.

There is a county in PA were you can murder, shook up pigeons all day long and the Sheriff is part of it. It is sport?

It is illegal.

What do you care if Bammi gets killed for the skin? I don't.

In Alaska the biggest crime in hunting is wastage. To Kill it but don't use it. Taking a doe out of season, accidentally is a fine, but if you don't turn it in to feed the locals, that can be jail time. Besides hunters are not sportsmen. That is something the stupid press repeat. And taking trophy? That can be a killer, for you. And no one takes trophy but not the meat, legally in Alaska, at least.

I am quite sure this is just more sophistry.. The 2nd A, is not connected to hunting or sport. It is about man-killing, with modern battle rifles.

See DC vs Heller - SOCTUS.