Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

It's really about keeping government in check, but to do that some men may die.

But, they were in the way. That is the nature of war. These days, we don't go killing, we go destroying, infrastructure and weapon systems.

But, men will try to stop you from that.

I am quite sure, despite the nattering of Jefferson...a really conflicted man of peace, to me the 2nd is not about over thowing. It was about having the fight, again, if the British came back in the next generation, as expected. And indeed, we did end up fighting them again, with our good friends the French, in 1812.

A State is allowed to wage war until the other States can be notified. There is no Central govt here. The States run the show, rather ponderously, and the DEMS run that at the State level, by and large.
I think the framers were pretty clear on that.

The Founders had all sort of opinions but that one is not in there. Really Jefferson was in the clouds and a clear minority on this.

The slave rebellion question was a different story. Very real. So, man-killing, homestead protection is the 2nd A. Instant Militia. Minutemen. Self Preservation of self rule.
Slightly more accurate, but 100x dirtier.

That's for sure, its why I got a SIG 556. An Ar-15 married to an AK-47. Pretty much the best of both worlds with few of the negatives.
My most accurate semi auto rifle is direct impingement though, for a combat rifle to shoot 1/2 MOA all day long out to 800 Meters is pretty fucking impressive. Not like the 3-4 MOA of most military semi autos.
here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't

why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't

the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al;

so many things wrong with this statement.

the right to keep an bear arms was secured in the second amendment as a check on tyrannical government, not for hunting or defending against indian attacks or even for defense against bandits.
free men can bear arms, only the oppressed, or those who are about to be, are prohibited. thats been the nature of arms prohibitions since the dawn of time.

hunting is not a sport. some make their living from hunting, and some get their food from hunting. that you do not hunt changes nothing.

gun registration is a prelude to gun siezure. thats how the nazis did it, thats how the bolsheaviks did it, thats hoe ireland did it, thats how the brits did it, and thats how the australians did it.

if you hunt large game you need a heavy rifle, for deer sized game a medium rifle, for varmints, and rabbits etc. you need a small rifle, for fowl, a shotgun is required, for defense against banditos, or for those times you dont need to pack a big gun, pistols.
SOME people just need one gun, some need NO gun, others need a variety.

semi-auto rifles are common. my grandfather's deer rifle is a semi-automatic made in the 1930's. "hollow points" are designed to expand, and deliver all their energy on the target rather than passing through. only the military is prohibited from using hollow point rounds cuz that would be "cruel" i use hollowpoint, controlled expansion or partition bullets in all my arms, they are for effectiveness not "mass murder". cops use hollow points too. because they WORK and you dont have bullets passing through the target and off into the crowd.

retinal scanners, magical lock-boxes, atrocities, their mom's gun... those are bullshit talking points, not facts or reality.
" ... for it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion."
- Alexander Hamilton

luckily all the firearms in my family have been passed down for generations so no registration there, although i do want to purchase a 12 gauge, but i dont want some guy coming for my guns one day
" ... for it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion."
- Alexander Hamilton

luckily all the firearms in my family have been passed down for generations so no registration there, although i do want to purchase a 12 gauge, but i dont want some guy coming for my guns one day

unless you live in a liberal run state (CA MA NY NJ Etc) you can buy a shotgun without registration or the stupid "background checks"
"What we need is to control violence and insanity. "

video on the subject.

here's my thinking..the right to keep and bear arms was what one did in 1776 with 2.5 million peoples in an undeveloped land with current residents ready willing and able to defend what was once theirs after we stole it from them.

fast forward to 2013, with 310 million peoples in developed more land to steal no more indians to pilfer this really apropos for todays society?..i don't believe it is however, i do feel you have the right the right to protect home, hearth and family..i don't believe in hunting..however, many enjoy this sport.

so the question is..where can we meet in the middle on this?

what does gun registration do? imo..nothing

why does one have to have MORE than one gun? don't

why does one have to have semi-auto's..hollow points for hunting?..c' don't

the solution will be to develop a touch id or retina scanner in order to unlock after 10 seconds of non-use it seems most of those who commit these atrocities don't use their own gun procured for the purpose of mass murder..they get their moms et al;

If you think there are no more Indians, ie bad guys, cults and idiots, an other vicious persons, and if you think there is no more land to defend, my, my.....then you have not suffered a home invasion.

Yet, I have. I had life and land to defend and I did, the best I could. That was my responsibility. They say this happens about 1 Million times per year...saves that is.

So, is that 1/2 of home invasions are saves, or 10%? It is not the responsibility of government to take on the needs the few, the lonely, and afraid, in dire trouble. They cannot. Impossible.

So, the homestead still exists and the frontier is your front door. And they don't just shoot bows and arrows any more. But, where we are headed is Minority Report, sure as anything. Maybe not the future cast Witches, but submitting to Police Bots I may live to see.

You ever grok the meaning of that movie title? I only just did when I wrote it down.

However, even then, mistakes will be made and we are still all Sovereigns that have granted SOME rights to a governance, for the needs of the many. But, we still retain all other responsibilities.

This is a sad thing, that people forget that last sentence. We Constituted this mess, But now it seems too perfect, and it seems to be going all, I Robot. The fatal flaw of Vicky the uber-bot, Saving us all. I don't want that, but it may be the result of forming "...a more perfect Union." Like the 3 Laws, a hidden flaw, of "toss out all guns."

I don't want the Robots to pick and choose who gets shot invading my house or if I get shot. I'll be doing some shooting back regardless.

Print Guns, Robots and Drones. Fuck Them.
so many things wrong with this statement.

the right to keep an bear arms was secured in the second amendment as a check on tyrannical government

that was ONE of the MANY reasons why the second was written, and it is definitely the most obsolete reason in this day and age.

that you and sock puppets like mahsistah keep trying to spread that claptrap as the ONLY reason for the second is as retarded as any of your musings on multiculturalism or the conspiracy theory that we all know is the BLS.
I have no doubt about it.

Sometimes I think the people on the left won't be happy until we find ourselves in a total police state, Cali is getting closer and closer.

i just got back from the bay area and it was fucking great down there, perhaps you should stop driving slowly by school playgrounds in your van.
its still a dangerous world and its easy to die, so for me self defense is just as relevant today, just in a different context...
but its the hunting for 'sport' that captures my disdain...hunt for food if you need to or if you prefer wild food as apposed to factory farmed poison, but how is it 'sport' to go out and shoot another creature for 'fun' or trophy etc...?

dude, you're preaching to the choir..i'm am trying to comeup with IDEAS for COMPROMISE and SOLUTION..not keep debating over the same stale talking points..
Personally, I don't think I or anyone else who wants to protect their 2nd amendment right, needs to give any explanations.
If there are people who do not want to own or bear guns, then they have the right not to, end of story.

i came up with a valid idea that i have yet to see posted anywhere..instead of embracing the spirit of invention and expanding on the idea you choose to keep your mind closed and continue the debate.

the "it's my way or the highway" attitude is why whitey rightie racist will be defeated again in 2014 and 2016 respectively..
i came up with a valid idea that i have yet to see posted anywhere..instead of embracing the spirit of invention and expanding on the idea you choose to keep your mind closed and continue the debate.

the "it's my way or the highway" attitude is why whitey rightie racist will be defeated again in 2014 and 2016 respectively..

no, 2014 will be a good year for the repubs, they always do well when turnouts are lower not to mention the simple math of seats up for grabs.

but they'll have a difficult time getting the executive seat unless they drop racism as basically their entire party platform.