Homeless in America during COVID-19


Well-Known Member
One really significant item that seems to be under the radar with all the news about infections/deaths due to the Virus, is the threat of being thrown into the street.


With the reduction in Federal aid from $600 to $300 (the states have to contribute $100), most Americans that have been laid off/lost their jobs are totally fucking fucked.
What the fuck is going on in DC?
The Republicans are using the excuse that the $600 will lead to laziness?
Give me a motherfucking break.
People are dying & losing they're jobs/homes/apartments & they want too talk about incentives too work?
We are in a fucking World wide pandemic now & all those asshole Republicans can think about now is about adding to the deficit, after doubling it on they're own in 3.5 years due to military spending/tax cuts.
Well, do you really want too see a disaster and the total destruction of this economy/country?
Just watch and see what's coming down the road if needed monies are not provided to the helpless.
Possible bank collapse after that, good luck getting any federal money before the election for banks if they collapse and the financial system freezes up (2008 ). People's bank and credit cards will be useless, you might have 10K in the bank, but it's closed and your card does not work any more, nobody's does, there is not nearly enough real cash in circulation today either. American society is not structured for such economic and social disruption and it can have a chain reaction effect on the economy, we are dependant upon private banks for our existence, literally. There is not much cash in circulation any more and most people use cards, even checks are going out of fashion and they are banking instruments too. When the government does bail out the banks, it must assume ownership and the shareholders big loses, their eventual break up and selling off to compensate the government too.

I'm serious when I say we might have to send care packages of food before this is over, or if the USPS is fucked throw them over the heads of Trump's goons at the border. Starving Americans relatives and friends will migrate north in caravans, strung out along the northern border, refugee status will have to be granted to desperate Americans... Before it's over middle and upper class Americans might be queing in bread lines and soup kitchens in order to avoid starvation.

Told ya, ya shoulda made a run for the border and civilization James, good luck my friend, you might need it.
Seems like you can wait for some one to do it for you or you can do for self.
You're wrong about this just like everything else so no worries.
You really need to gird your loins for four more years of a retarded salesman cuz loopy Joe ain't gonna win shit.
You guys have set the stage for the start of actual federal intervention with all the rioting so expect that to be crushed right after the election with full support of the majority of the electorate...........REEEEEEEE!
Seems like you can wait for some one to do it for you or you can do for self.
You're wrong about this just like everything else so no worries.
You really need to gird your loins for four more years of a retarded salesman cuz loopy Joe ain't gonna win shit.
You guys have set the stage for the start of actual federal intervention with all the rioting so expect that to be crushed right after the election with full support of the majority of the electorate...........REEEEEEEE!
What in hell are you trying to say? It's your opinion that Trump will win. Not founded on anything other than "loopy Joe". I mean, OK, so you just pull opinions out of your ass. That's your deal. But what's this "can't wait for some one to do it for you" bit?

The economy is 2/3 what it was just four months ago. 30 million are unemployed. Your answer is "pull yourself together and do something". What is an unemployed restaurant worker or hotel clerk going to do? Be specific. You tards keep speaking in generalities and spouting your unfounded opinions as if they matter. So, where are 30 million jobs going to come from? We aren't all that far away from 30 million homeless and hungry people either. Dang, do some mind exercises.
Or better yet, market your own skills and cut out his lordship
Technology may yet help the lowly master jeweler and artisan of the future to survive, marketing online, designing on Autodesk fusion 360, exporting files to 3d metal printers and micro CNC machines for small scale custom manufacturing runs. While they do other work, perhaps of a more traditional nature. This is happening in other industries and markets like the RC world and I imagine this business will be like others.

The internet allows craftsmen and artisans to market custom wares easily and technology is making it possible to reproduce original works more economically and automatically for some parts of production. This has been happening in the graphic arts business for awhile now, painters and photographers use large scale printers to produce copies, 3d printing is making major strides. Instead of the master having apprentices slave away in the back room, robots will.
Possible bank collapse after that, good luck getting any federal money before the election for banks if they collapse and the financial system freezes up (2008 ). People's bank and credit cards will be useless, you might have 10K in the bank, but it's closed and your card does not work any more, nobody's does, there is not nearly enough real cash in circulation today either. American society is not structured for such economic and social disruption and it can have a chain reaction effect on the economy, we are dependant upon private banks for our existence, literally. There is not much cash in circulation any more and most people use cards, even checks are going out of fashion and they are banking instruments too. When the government does bail out the banks, it must assume ownership and the shareholders big loses, their eventual break up and selling off to compensate the government too.

I'm serious when I say we might have to send care packages of food before this is over, or if the USPS is fucked throw them over the heads of Trump's goons at the border. Starving Americans relatives and friends will migrate north in caravans, strung out along the northern border, refugee status will have to be granted to desperate Americans... Before it's over middle and upper class Americans might be queing in bread lines and soup kitchens in order to avoid starvation.

Told ya, ya shoulda made a run for the border and civilization James, good luck my friend, you might need it.

now let's not get crazy..
Aug 1-6 registered,"likely" voters (high quality). Country is going in right direction.

23% Yes (extreme racists morons)
72% Wrong track ( Normal folks, for the most part)
6% Not sure ( The stupid, confused and unsure Trumpers)
Seems like you can wait for some one to do it for you or you can do for self.
You're wrong about this just like everything else so no worries.
You really need to gird your loins for four more years of a retarded salesman cuz loopy Joe ain't gonna win shit.
You guys have set the stage for the start of actual federal intervention with all the rioting so expect that to be crushed right after the election with full support of the majority of the electorate...........REEEEEEEE!
You know what the definition of your user name is?
The area between one's anus & scrotum/vagina.
It seems with your comments, that name suits you perfectly.
Biden is up nationally by 14 points and the ride down for Donald and the GOP isn't over yet, there are many more to die in the south and mid west states by election day. There are also many scandals yet to be uncovered too, Donald and the GOP must either steal the election or ignore the results and grab for power by illegal and unconstitutional means. They are already allied with a hostile foreign power against America, so what's a grab for power going to cost people already looking at life behind bars? If Trump and Barr lose they will go to prison for life, as will a lot of other people, more will be ruined, this game is for keeps folks.

Aug 1-4 registered,"likely" voters (high quality).
Biden 54%
Trump 40%
Stupid 7%
You know what the definition of your user name is?
The area between one's anus & scrotum/vagina.
It seems with your comments, that name suits you perfectly.
I understand Alex Jones sells "tactical" wipes for such a purpose or so says John Oliver. They must be popular with Trumpers since they spend a lot of time with their tongues in the vicinity of Donald's asshole. Trump's asshole must be clean as a cat's by now, licked raw I imagine, no wonder it seems so sore and tender lately.