How to mitigate smelling like your garden so you don't get fired?


Okay bear with me, I was unsure where to post this, and I'm a complete novice.

I have only grown one plant, outside, riddled with pests and that's fine because it was completely experimental, I learned a lot and had fun doing it.

Having said that, my tiny 3 foot White Widow outdoor girl made me reek (according to wife) just getting near it or hardly touching the branches. Mind you, this is after showering and changing clothes and washing arms/hands multiple times.

I intend to continue experimenting both in and outdoor, but I have hit a wall in a sense; I can't smell like cannabis ever, not even slightly or I will lose my job. I realize that it is likely many people have this problem, and that the obvious answer is to not grow or expose oneself to cannabis.

Buuuut, before I throw in the towel, and quit my seed buying addiction for good, I thought I would ask for some advice from anyone who is in the same boat but has overcome the inherit challenges of never being able to smell like cannabis for professional/career purposes.

So, how do you guys do it, what is your routine? Or am I just S.O.L.?
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When I sweat I smell like weed.
My shoes smell like weed.
Truck ..... Weed
Maybe I’m the same way and I don’t notice. I stopped smoking it in my car, but maybe I do smell of weed…
@GreenTeaHC about all I can contribute is that coconut oil is the best finger cleaner I’ve used after trimming. If you have oils on your fingers, use a little dab of that to get it off and then have a shower. Best I’ve go for you, other than telling you to pick weed or work…. I’ d Pick weed..
I grow 1 indoor garden a year during the winter. Pump the heat from the grow into the works out good.

Anyways last winter following a all night trim session with help from a bud. Kids went to school the following morning just after we finished. The school counselor called my wife saying that the teacher thinks our kid smelled of marijuana. We have a license for the grow so it was kind of like "yeah so"

So it is a pungent smell that you don't need direct contact with to stick to you.
Okay bear with me, I was unsure where to post this, and I'm a complete novice.

I have only grown one plant, outside, riddled with pests and that's fine because it was completely experimental, I learned a lot and had fun doing it.

Having said that, my tiny 3 foot White Widow outdoor girl made me reek (according to wife) just getting near it or hardly touching the branches. Mind you, this is after showering and changing clothes and washing arms/hands multiple times.

I intend to continue experimenting both in and outdoor, but I have hit a wall in a sense; I can't smell like cannabis ever, not even slightly or I will lose my job. I realize that it is likely many people have this problem, and that the obvious answer is to not grow or expose oneself to cannabis.

Buuuut, before I throw in the towel, and quit my seed buying addiction for good, I thought I would ask for some advice from anyone who is in the same boat but has overcome the inherit challenges of never being able to smell like cannabis for professional/career purposes.

So, how do you guys do it, what is your routine? Or am I just S.O.L.?
This may shock some but I'm a female. I SPEAK female, natively. What your wife was telling you was she does not want you to grow. You have some serious marital problems bro.
Yesterday I was 15mins late my boss busted my balls I told him I like to make people worry like 'is he comming?' that just shows how much you need me. He walked away
Oh oh!! Having been a boss (and coincidentally a female), I also speak boss, fluently. He just realized he needed to plan for your replacement! This translates to educate faster for you.
Oh oh!! Having been a boss (and coincidentally a female), I also speak boss, fluently. He just realized he needed to plan for your replacement! This translates to educate faster for you.
Lol. Good thing there's only a small pool to pull from! Not many people do what I do. It also helps being buddies with the owner ;) I've smoked a few joints in the shop with my boss over the years
I’m glad I own my own business. I have fired and rehired my self 4 times this week already
Yeah it's crazy in my industry; pretty much everyone indulges in cannabis, but they'd rat you out in a heartbeat if thought it might get them ahead somehow. Buuuut, drink till the wee hours of the morning, come in smelling like alcohol.... no problem.

Owning my business again is definitely a dream of mine.
Ask your wife to tend to the plants during the days where you can't have the smell on you.
This is actually a good suggestion. I suspect curious2garden is dead on with her assessment that your wife does not want you to grow. If you ask your wife to help and get a hard “hell no”, it would confirm this.

Growing weed is fun, but generally not worth a marriage. Happy wife happy life.