I Got Busted Last night

Well, a good lawyer would probably say that since your brother is not a legal resident in your place he had no right inviding them in, in which case they were trasspassing while they searched your house...Are you ganna loose the scholarship now?

That's how it SHOULD be, but that is not how the law works in the USA. Any guest of your property can let in a LEO; they can even come in if a door is left open. It is NOT trespassing for a law enforcement officer on duty, he/she is NOT a normal citizen at that point, they are in a position of power.

The possiblity of him losing his scholarship, in my opinion, is nill. As of now, this is an accusation and he is not a high-profile student such as an athlete. If the case is pursued before he graduates, I personally, would suggest appealing until graduation. The scholarship will likely be pulled immediately following the person/organization learning of the accusations (spring term, fall if he's lucky).

I'm sorry brotha. I'm also a college student that grows and I feel your pain.
Still wondering why the cops were at your place to begin with? Shame that you did get caught, best of luck with this.
not to sound all doosh like, but some mothfuckers have bitch-headed mouths man..keep everything d-low...if its your grow..only you should know bout it...not a bro, a sis, a friend..d-low...if u sell it to buddies and they are curious where you get it, just tell em its a guy you know..work with, old high scool buddy...whatev man .. thorinw my advice out...ha i hear it all the time man when i chill with dudes.."aAWW im gonna grow man!!!"...dude, shut the fuck up. use your head, its on top of your neck for a reason..people can be bitch asses man, they will snitch for the fuck of it.
If your brother was "threatend" to make him let them in...it's perfectly legal.....he should have dropped his nuts and said, in that case you must provide a warrant to search this property, else you cant come in........once they are so "Invited" in(sorry about your luck, and no disrespect, your ignorance of the law)...it's all legal....
And bump on the Miranda Rights...I'm sure you signed something at book in, or before your bond was set, to the Miranda rights...then again....anything said BEFORE those were read are still admissable....
So Sorry about your luck...you said manufacturing in your first post.....I didnt think you could manufacture pot...hint hint...
But be ready to spend more than a grand....try a minimum of 5G's if you dont want a Rodeo Ticket ~ You may be ok, if you dont have any priors....your Bro fucked up letting them in, they intimidated him, and he fell for it.......you may get out that way, but I doubt it....start doing push ups, just in case.
loose lips sink ships

Dont stress it bro, whatever happens happens. You'll get off with probation or something. Tell them that you have visions of killing ppl and weed is the only thing that helps. You'll either get off or be mentally incopentent. Win win situation.
loose lips sink ships

Dont stress it bro, whatever happens happens. You'll get off with probation or something. Tell them that you have visions of killing ppl and weed is the only thing that helps. You'll either get off or be mentally incopentent. Win win situation.

or end up in a mental institution with no access to your natural meds
He got 3 years probation. I guarantee it. That's the standard for felonies with no prior convictions....Mine are up in two months:hump::hump::hump:
Still don't know how i did it(knocks on wood). I been chiefing and growing for the last year and a half of it.
4 soups for a brownie.
That's a bet..............I got theese brownies for .15 cents...my soups r .25...wait a minute...you still want this brownie...i want chili soups....else, I gotta send yo my bitch...
Send me two buglers, one chili soup....and my hoe will be by when the doors roll....send the brownie down to LEO....It's Xmas!
dont be sacered man let it be, just make sure they dont use this as evidence
that you Destroyed it fucking up man get a lawyer though also agree
with legalizenature420 good shit hell of an approach
if they do put u behind bars it will be a little less fuckedup
if your under 21 and have not used it yet just plead youthful offender status and you wont have to do anything really