I Got Busted Last night

Lynch, did you end up getting the felony then? Or did it get reduced?

I'm just curious because my girlfriend has her court date coming up for selling some pot to an undercover cop at a music festival. She got charged with 2 felonies for 4 dollars worth of brownies. Her lawyer told her it's most likely going to get reduced down to a misdemeanor since she has a clean record. But if she gets one of the felonies she'll be in it like you with classes and probation and such.
i was charged, not convicted of anything yet b/c of the plea design, of possession of less than 1/2 ounce of weed. it was a reduced/suspended sentence. if i violate probation, then i'll be defending two felonies (maintaining a domecile to manufacture/distribute & manufacturing). I was also charged with paraphernalia possession but that wasn't even mentioned in court. if all goes well, in December, i'll have no drug record, no convictions of any sort. pretty good deal?
i was charged, not convicted of anything yet b/c of the plea design, of possession of less than 1/2 ounce of weed. it was a reduced/suspended sentence. if i violate probation, then i'll be defending two felonies (maintaining a domecile to manufacture/distribute & manufacturing). I was also charged with paraphernalia possession but that wasn't even mentioned in court. if all goes well, in December, i'll have no drug record, no convictions of any sort. pretty good deal?

Hm, it doesn't sound like a bad deal ... but I'd still want a professional to look over it. You might be able to find a lawyer that specializes in drug law, they'd know right away if you were getting hosed. Yeah, lawyers are expensive ... but there are sympathetic ones out there.

Isn't it fucked up that only the rich people in this country have a decent chance at defending themselves (see: getting off without being punished)?
Lynchburgfall was caught with a lousy half oz of weed ... and look at all the money that's been made off of it by the criminal justice system. Pathetic!

Here in California, anything under an ounce is like getting a traffic ticket ... just a $100 fine and confiscation of the weed.

We have more important things to waste our money on here in California ... like a complete welfare system and education system for ILLEGAL Aliens. ~lol~

theres a lot of crooked lawyers down here that will tell you "dont talk and dont worry about it"

heh.. those guys are cool.
Lynchburgfall was caught with a lousy half oz of weed ... and look at all the money that's been made off of it by the criminal justice system. Pathetic!

Here in California, anything under an ounce is like getting a traffic ticket ... just a $100 fine and confiscation of the weed.

We have more important things to waste our money on here in California ... like a complete welfare system and education system for ILLEGAL Aliens. ~lol~


that's what i think about most. all the money i pay for drug classes and shit, it's ridiculous. i know i'm kinda lucky i guess for not getting in trouble but i'm a clean-record college kid on the honor roll. fuck the judicial system and all the little stemming companies that exist only because the state doesn't want to front the bill on qualified professionals. i wish i could smoke, that does suck for sure. i do dream about it a lot though.:joint:
that's what i think about most. all the money i pay for drug classes and shit, it's ridiculous. i know i'm kinda lucky i guess for not getting in trouble but i'm a clean-record college kid on the honor roll. fuck the judicial system and all the little stemming companies that exist only because the state doesn't want to front the bill on qualified professionals. i wish i could smoke, that does suck for sure. i do dream about it a lot though.:joint:

The wait will make your Freedom!Smoke the best ever. Hang in there!
I've seen and heard of people getting busted before, But I've never heard of anyone doing any kind of hard jail time unless your grow op is huge.

My brother got busted a year ago with a dozen plants, and ended up with probation. He got himself a really good lawyer.

I'm growing only 3 plants, and I'm even thinking of buying a surveilance camera that records continuously. I'll put one camera at the front door and one pointed at my grow room. Just in case I do get busted, I'll have everything on video. From the moment the cops enter my house and when they see the grow op.
The wait will make your Freedom!Smoke the best ever. Hang in there!

thank you Coyote. i agree.

on the bright side, i just got kicked outta my house last night for "being high." i haven't done any drugs besides my PK's for my knee surgery in 2008. pretty fun shit. now i'm homeless too. :hump:
Friend of mine gets free internet at his place every other Tuesday ... he leeches off of his neighbor's connection ... I have no idea HOW it works, I've just seen it. ^^
homeless and internet must be the life :hump:

thanks. i needed that. going to the library or coffee shop all the time kinda sucks. i hate coffee. i guess i should just go homeless without the laptop. sounds more entertaining. that way, i could stop posting dumb shit all the time, eh?
Posting dumb shit is the best part of life! Having a place to post dumb shit where people'll love you anyway is even better!

Have you tried entering back into the fold? Maybe they'll take you back after a few days... Try to have a three-day growth on your chin and some twigs in your hair when you show up at the door.