I Got Busted Last night

dude they violated 2 of your biggest rights..a lawyer will EAT this shit UP if you're rights weren't given to you, and for illegal search and siezure..u'll get off on this shit easy..especially cuz deep down we all know 80% of the nation blazes..everyyyyone..they just do..cuz..weed is god..and god is everywhere..and we all kinda wonder whether god is there..and if he is we love god..cuz we can smoke god and make really good brownies by sprinkling god inside of them..and yeah u'll win the court case
dude they violated 2 of your biggest rights..a lawyer will EAT this shit UP if you're rights weren't given to you, and for illegal search and siezure..u'll get off on this shit easy..especially cuz deep down we all know 80% of the nation blazes..everyyyyone..they just do..cuz..weed is god..and god is everywhere..and we all kinda wonder whether god is there..and if he is we love god..cuz we can smoke god and make really good brownies by sprinkling god inside of them..and yeah u'll win the court case

Thanks, I have a craving for god now. :p
Manufacturing. I have a clean record. My state is pretty harsh on this kinda shit i think, but mostly it's judge-to-judge in this county. i'm hoping for a drop of the felony and 1 year probation plus community service. it wasn't a big grow op and all evidence found had been damaged.

They didn't read me my rights.
They certainly illegally searched this house.

Any ideas?

Get yourself legal counsel immediately. Find A Lawyer - NORML

Best of luck to you.
Get yourself legal counsel immediately. Find A Lawyer - NORML

Best of luck to you.

i love that i started this thread a looooong time ago and i'm still getting advice as to what i should do about representation and court. all that's over with folks. i went and had my dern court case hurd by a judge and what not. came out pretty good but my dad is a dick and kicked me out b/c he thinks i'm still on drugs.:confused:

oh yeah, NORML said i could get out of it technically, but i couldn't. it's not purely accurate for every county and jurisdiction within NC.