I Got Busted Last night

something like 23g is felony i think its just a little less than a oz is felony and growing any is like 5 year mandatory im pretty sure
something like 23g is felony i think its just a little less than a oz is felony and growing any is like 5 year mandatory im pretty sure

Your way off....but your right florida laws are fucking insane....

Heres florida state laws on marijuana

Florida - NORML

Possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

Possession of greater than 20 grams of marijuana is a felony, punishable by UP TO five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
Your way off....but your right florida laws are fucking insane....

Heres florida state laws on marijuana

Florida - NORML

Possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

Possession of greater than 20 grams of marijuana is a felony, punishable by UP TO five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.

im not in florida

the dirty dirty refers to the whole south

im not from florida but im not saying where im from the reefer laws are too harsh here to fuck around telling on my self on the internet
so it's been a loooooong time now since i posted on the site. no more growing for me. getting busted changed me a little i guess.

being in NC, i got a 9096 plea agreement where i conceded possession of less than 1/2 ounce marijuana. for this infraction, i was put on supervised probation for 1 year, made to take 20 hours of drug education classes, did 24 hours of community service, and i've taken drug tests twice a month since January.

overall, i'd say i got off pretty good. my record is totally clean (expungement). i have pain in the ass parents now who think i'm a ridiculous junkie. i do get off of proby and all in December. Guess who's getting a bong for christmas!?!?!
fuck dude i got busted with like 7 gs of shake and a xannax and i got fuckin 15 months prob 120 hrs community service and 3 classes and a evaluation, now that i read other peoples bust i got straight fucked! i guess the class A xannax got me??:cry:

but dam man consider your self lucky. So the dead plants they didnt do anything with??

damn its a lot in NC...where at?

spencer. why, do you live in NC?

rowan county sucks ass on drugs. the NORML website is bullshit when it really comes down to it. at least in NC, the counties are the determinants of your fate in the end. for example, I contacted an attorney from NC's NormL website and asked for a consultation. I visited his office and he laid it out for me like this...

(paraphrased) Basically, if you were busted somewhere like Raleigh or Winston-Salem, you would get a lesser sentence. Your county is particularly tough on drugs. They push for non-violent felony arrests for a number of reasons.

sucks to be here pretty much...

fuck dude i got busted with like 7 gs of shake and a xannax and i got fuckin 15 months prob 120 hrs community service and 3 classes and a evaluation, now that i read other peoples bust i got straight fucked! i guess the class A xannax got me??:cry:

but dam man consider your self lucky. So the dead plants they didnt do anything with??


wow. if you got busted that harsh in NC for that, i'm very surprised. have a bad record already? from what i gathered, a lot of your sentencing depends on the judge you are set in front of. if he/she is a major drug asshole, you're gonna get a shitty sentence. most attorneys know how to circumvent those judges and find one that is more tolerant of drugs, ESPECIALLY just marijuana.

I am very sorry to hear about all that nonsense for a quarterbag and a pill.

The dead plants, the weed, the pipes, everything were sent to a lab in Raleigh. There isn't a drug exam lab in Rowan County. That is a huge benefit for anyone growing drugs here b/c it takes so long to have specimens examined. this situation probably tends to hinder the effectiveness of the system analyzing narcotics.

When i went to court, none of the lab results were discussed. the district attorney didn't have any information on it. so, nothing that i had confiscated was presented in court as evidence or anything.

I sat in my chair while my lawyer spoke behind closed doors with the judge and district attorney. he came out, we got the plea bargain, and i met with my probation officer a month later. REALLY funny thing is that i smoked up until 6 days before my first meeting with the PO and i had a piss test. I totally passed it!

I did have to spend one night in jail b/c the phones are so fucked up in there. I couldn't get in touch w/ anyone. So here I am now pretty much living like i did before i was busted (but totally legal), just a little more careful. :joint:
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ok -- first things first go get a double sized blunt.... roll that shit....n smoke that shit

then think about court --(good luck tho):p
haha damm well i was living in dallas texas at the time, when i got busted and i paid like 1500 on a lawyer and i stillll got max sentence i was sooo pissed he didnt do shit

ya my judge was a dick
Definently get a lawyer, and make sure you remember every detail.
Be ready to spend like a G on a lawyer and court costs alone.

It doesnt matter they didnt read u your rights, theyll say the did and they will believe them and its gonna cost way more than a g unless you got some crackerjack lawer
I had a charge as a juvenile and my lawyer was 1100. Prepare for a long and drawn out process, but don't let it ruin your life man.
ok -- first things first go get a double sized blunt.... roll that shit....n smoke that shit

then think about court --(good luck tho):p

with the drug classes i have two staggered drug tests a month. i can't smoke. they watch me piss. any of those pills/drinks work? haha. i heard all of them work if you use them right by drinking about 90 oz water total and pissing out at least 3 times before going to take the test. from what i've read, from Labrion's site online, those kits work at maximum 1 hour after taking either/or the pills and drink.

i've read threads about this stuff and one of my friend swears by it. any ideas??
im in alot deeper shit than u n i cn honestly say if u have $ then get a good ass lawyer its fukin amazing wut they can do i got felony weapons charges and marijuana posession completely dropped. also i have been in 2 mandatory IEP drug programs so i no bout testing. Pills cover it up but dnt get rid o it. Also drinkin water only dilutes thc metabolites, THEY ARE STILL DETECTABLE, they just show up in lower levels. Both methods also lower creatin levels in urine which will show the urine is tamprd with. Idk how extensively your class tests your urine but in my program it is lab tested and i have seen multiple people get caught because of low creatin levels from pills and drinking water. (not the muscle growth shit) there are certainly ways of passing tests but its much safer to just switch substances to alcohol, dxm, or somethin else. Good luck
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Manufacturing. I have a clean record. My state is pretty harsh on this kinda shit i think, but mostly it's judge-to-judge in this county. i'm hoping for a drop of the felony and 1 year probation plus community service. it wasn't a big grow op and all evidence found had been damaged.

They didn't read me my rights.
They certainly illegally searched this house.

Any ideas?

damn man, sounds like your up a certain creek without a paddle! and for them not doing it right.. doesnt matter cause they wear a badge!!!:peace::joint:
I'm sorry to hear about this...its not right. Folks, if you ever serve on a jury there's a little thing called jury nullification. Jury Nullification That's one way to fight back...if you get a case where there's pot involved, stand firm against these unjust laws. And the next time a cop comes to the door,tell your brother to fetch you.Have him shut the door, lock it and then you can come to the door and tell the nice officers that if they don't have a warrant, theyre not coming in, have a nice day. This applies to child protective services as well, just in case you have non- custodial exes that wanna start shit too.
yea. i was busted last august. i'm pretty much talking about all that came out of it. all i got was a year proby and some classes with community service. i piss test a lot too. this shit's been over with for quite a while and i actually went with a court-appointed lawyer and got really lucky with that as i've used the attorney before in a DWI case 6 years back. i only had to spend $250 on the lawyer, HAHA. i guess i could have taken the case to appellate court in Raleigh (the capital of NC ha) but that could mean legal fees in excess of $30,000. i'm not down with that and neither are my parents. obama got the nod today or last night tho, so let's just hope the man makes some llaw changes in this disgusting government and bureaucracy .