"I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize

.............they eat up all the chicken!!!!........I almost had an accident.......! still laughing!! Thanks for this............add fricken Canadians and hockey is stupid!
coconut milk is okay, but not real milk. and no creamed vegetables. i like cream of coffee and cream of breakfast cereal............lol. that's it. and no fancy flavor coffees or creamers. hate them.
I hate when I put something in a special place so that I don't lose it.....then lose it.

OMG! I hide things from myself all of the time. It is aggravating as hell, especially because every time something is not where it should be, my wife blames me.
i hate okra

Whaaa??? Okra is awesome, buddy.

I don't hate much, just people who drive like shit.

And people who hate on hydro.
I hate people with names that aren't spelt the way that they sound
I hate styrofoam and the sound it makes
I hate people who don't like me
I hate working hard.
I hate not having weed.
I hate the shitty cannabis laws and those who support them.
I hate not getting laid.
And that's all.
I hate nothing. Hate is such a strong word.

I dislike and discourage others of doing: poor grammar, lying and laziness. That's about it. Stealing too. I don't like stealing. Ok, so lying, cheating, stealing, bad grammar and laziness. Those are my dislikes and would try encourage those around me not to do them. Other than that, to each their own.
I had a girlfriend that was babysitting a 5 or 6 yr old. The kid said he hated peas (or something), she turned around with the rath of god and told him "you are too young to hate, you might dislike, but you cannot hate until you are older."
Poor guy's wheels spinnin in his head, seemed ok with it, made me think too.
Phonies would be on my list. People, can we just be real with each other????

Oh and I'm getting pretty sick of Political Corectness too. I would rather someone tell me to my face they don't like me or what I stand for rather than sugar coating it. NO real dialouge that way.