"I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize


-synthetic nutrients/supplements
-butane extract
-synthetic herb
-unflushed herb
-spider mites and every other Cannabis problem
-old school haters who can't comprehend that they have been usurped.
"Haha! Your position has been usurped!" nelson muntz
-schwag, beasters, and any other crappy commercial ganja.
-people who grow with money as the priority
-outdoor only growers who give indoor advice, and vice-versa
-McDonalds, Cocacola and the rest of BABYLON
-wangster & gangsters, and other fools who grow
-dudes who wear new hats with stickers on them
-white rappers
-big business
-big gov't
-the media
-fox news (just to make sure)
-Obama, Bush, and the rest of them. Same policy, different label.
-Religious extremism on all sides.
-America's two current wars. About to be three or four.
-The jerk who erased my eff butane thread. EFF BUTANE EXTRACT!
-The girl whose dog killed mine, eff her too.
-Dr. Paul who told me that Cannabis is not an academic pursuit
-Powdery Mildew (deserves it's own, got my grapes this year)
-people who hate things, haters
-corporate america
-commercial food
-how obese americans are
-being tricked into smoking crack (true story)
-mainstream...well pretty much anything mainstream or pop
-auto-tune's overuse. damn, when cee-lo did it, it was okay.
-anyone who can post over 35 times a day for years on end...get a life
-Cannabis prohibition

AHHHHH, what did I miss?

You take it easy here. I can tell :)
i could see this getting crazy. do you guys want to know my room design? my environmental parameters? my feeding details? all the high yield techniques i use? the name brands on my gear? what's it gunna take? you guys asked for picts, i posted picts,. you guys asked for video, i posted video. you want a video of me watering too? or videos of me doing my training techniques? i could spend more time putting this together than actually gardening.

Yes............ especially the watering video

HAHA stalkin..... i dont know anybody else on this damn sight...


Dave Chapelle as Lil' John: Sometimes i like to sit on my hand until it gets numb and then masturbate. I call it the stranger.
Talk to me Matt ... why do you hate bho, and what about it do you hate? cn
The ghetto tec extractions, and therefore the ghetto tec made product. I enjoy good bho from professional systems like a tamisium. I majored in CHEM, this fad of open system blasting is horribly misguided. There is no way to make open system blasting of pressurized butane/propane safe, period, from a lab perspective.

This, and the BHO explosion deaths, BHO explosions resulting in injury, BHO explosions resulting in kids going into foster care, ect, is affecting the legitimacy of medical marijuana and cannabis legalization.
Oh. Okay. I agree that butane and the lower alkanes in general, handled by adults, can provide a lovely extract. My biggest complaint with kitchen-table bho is the inconsistent purity of the working fluid. cn
Oh. Okay. I agree that butane and the lower alkanes in general, handled by adults, can provide a lovely extract. My biggest complaint with kitchen-table bho is the inconsistent purity of the working fluid. cn
Using lighter refills, as a chemical solvent, is sketch. Those cans are not made for that use and the purity of the actual gases is relatively unknown. I've had too much lab training to not cringe when I see the youtube bho revolution. Its going to result in lighter refill restrictions, all its going to take is someone blowing up and injuring a kid.
I hate being late to a thread!!!
I hate butane lighters!!! I hate going to a friends house and he doesnt have a wand!!
I hate people that spend all their time growing organic dank so idiots can suck it out a a bong with chemical lighters!!!!!
I hate getting out of a line for a new line only for it to go slower than the one I was just in !!!
I hate comercial growers that are keeping sativas out of the shops and off the streets because they take longer than 8 weeks
I hate whoever created weedmaps cuz that bitch doesnt ever fix that shit so it works right!!!! how hard is it
I hate pussy ass jujitzu fools who have to wrestle you on the ground and put you in an armbar cuz they cant stand up and fight like a real man should..
I hate going to a shop when there are like 30 fucking strains of kush and the only sativa they have on the menu is trainwreck!!!!!! I hate people that smoke cannabis that dont know jacks shit about it
I hate people that still call cannabis marijuana! marijuana is a type of spanish tobacco that is extinct as stegasaurus for fuck sake
I hate weed that makes you sleepy when you are trying to stay up
I hate weed that keeps you up when you are trying to sleep
I hate rudaralis
I hate gypsy nirvana for kicking out subcool on the day his best friend died
I hate dreaming im taking a piss only to wake up and still have to take a piss
I hate going to a friends house and he doesnt have a wand or an herb iron
I hate that nowhere in San Diego can I find any TGA strains consistantly
I hate having to search to for sour diesel clones from people that Ive given my cuts to and cant get them back !!!! :wall: ...
i hate MOOCHES.
people that expect things.
smelly dogs.
oldschool growers that think they know everything.
lifted trucks.
bud light.
ignorant people.
the industrial food system.
the 1%.
public school.
metal mulisha.
street fighter.
people that stereotype pitbulls.
chevy avalanche.
arrowhead water.
wasting electricity.
bad drivers.
How Much Time You got buddy? Where would I start?

Well, let's see, fella...... Niggers, Jews, Homo-sexuals, Mexican, A-rabs, and all different sorts of Chinks stink, and I hate 'em! Let's talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly ching-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer country! White power! If you don't like "Will & Grace", don't mean there's something wrong with you! Means there's something wrong with Will; he's a homosexual! Damn Niggers; they're lazy good for nothin' tricksters... crack-smokin' swindlers! Big butt havin', wide nose, breathin' all the white man's air! They eat up all the chicken , they think they're the best dancers and they stink! Did I mention that before? White Power!

Just open up yer heart and let that hate out!
I hate douchebags that think veganics is a real thing. Even worse is the tool that nicknames himself veganics.
I hate people that take the time to hate when they could be doing more productive things like growing true grade medical marijuana!
I hate people you think that the word marijuana hasn't adopted a new meaning since it was founded 100 years ago. Things change buddy.
I hate people who can't change with the times and realize change can be a wonderful thing.
I hate people that think they are true cultivator of marijuana because they follow a schedule.
I hate not having enough time in the day
I hate closed minded growers
I hate half ass explanations about growing. Put some time into explaining things so, everyone can learn.
I hate the green bars under your names that seem to make you more knowledgeable. When really you just post a lot.
I hate fem. seeds
I hate people that grow for quantity over quality.
I hate the easy way out
I hate the fact that I can hate
I hate that I haven't grown veganiclly (soon)
I hate that Matt is the shit at making hash (pure jealousy)
I hate the fact that I have to hide what I enjoy from certain people's
I hate that I haven't grown outdoor