"I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize

hate is a strong word, bu i hate england for their central banking system, socialism, class-ism, slavery, drugs, pornography, and homosexuality.....i hate how they view americans, and ruin many lives with their raping and pillaging of our country..most of all, i hate egland for fooling ppl of color into believing their white majic lies of the jesus story.

their crap further perpetuates ppl into remaining slaves of the mind, slaves of crappy food with no real nutritional value, and especially slaves of the television (the adult babysitter). if there are aliens in the world, best believe they are english...i believe that is why everyone here (except white ppl) have brown pigment in their skin--from thousands of years (probably much more) living under OUR sun....thats why i believe their skin is so, so sadly pale in comparison. and i believe if their is any truth to that bible about the antichrist being a five headed beast, look no further than england, ireland, netherland, scotland, and new zealand

...i digress
i hate when people dig up an old ass thread and get me all interested till i read three pages then find out its an old ass thread....
@post #52

that has got to be the worst musician/artist/singer? i have ever heard.. that damn jabberwocky deserves ALL the hate from this thread ......from this post, all posts in the past, and all the hate of the future posters posting until this thread is closed.

wut a loser.... singing about his pity party...sad sally needs to build a bridge over her issues.
and you though I was kidding, there's more of them

The Alliance of Black Lesbian Jewish Vegetarian Dwarfs
ABLJVD President Briana Friedkin
Springchickenfield, OR
Dear Sister,

As you know the struggle for civil rights has been a tough one. After many years we have made a lot of
progress, but we still have a long way to go to insure equality for everyone, and to wipe out bigotry. In the roar of the civil rights struggle some lesser known movements have been overlooked. I would like to enlighten you about one of these unfortunate overlooked groups of US citizens who every day meet ridicule and prejudice just because they are a little different than most people. Did you know that there are over 250,000 black lesbian Jewish vegetarian dwarfs in the United States and Canada?
As one of them I have met a lot of hardship in my life. I have been denied jobs, been pointed at, sexually harassed and victimized. But now, with the help of the Alliance of Black Lesbian Jewish Vegetarian Dwarfs I can stand up on a chair and yell out, "I'M PROUD TO BE A BLACK LESBIAN JEWISH VEGETARIAN DWARF!"
We need your help so that other black lesbian Jewish vegetarian dwarfs can have an equal chance in the world. Please send the Alliance of Black Lesbian Jewish Dwarfs a tax deductible contribution today so that our special group of people can have the possibly to fight for our rights. We will use your generous donations to fund Black Lesbian Jewish Vegetarian Dwarf support groups, a shelter in New York, and Berkeley for black lesbian Jewish vegetarian dwarfs who have been abused. Eventually, if we reach our financial goals with your generous support, we would like to have a full time black lesbian Jewish vegetarian dwarf lobbyist in the congress in Washington D.C.