"I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize

If you haven't seen this video... it is a MUST:

Haters gonna...


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LmaO matt

i hate how this poor kid must already hate his baby pix by now..and the subsequent life that must have followed lol:

i hate how i kinda like this horrendous tattoo..

hey matt , you ever do any hydro growing along the lines of (r)dwc or aero? I see you hate synthetic nutrients, do you also hate aeroponics?
hey matt , you ever do any hydro growing along the lines of (r)dwc or aero? I see you hate synthetic nutrients, do you also hate aeroponics?

Never done any water or air cultures. I suppose aquaponics is the one form I do not hate. But hey, haters gonna hate.

rize up
Im not hating, I actually enjoy your threads very, very much..
but being a hydro guy, (Growing up in new mexico, and being involved in agriculture quite a bit, I understand the importance of water conservation. Water is a great commodity, I sometimes wonder if people realize how much good water is used in agriculture. In my opinion hydroponics is the future with the ever growing population and future water needs. using 70% of our fresh water to irrigate crops to me is incredibly irresponsible. Organic or inorganic is not so much as issue with me personally. Its the use of pesticides, gmos etc that really bother me. Although it would be interesting if more people married advanced hydroponic techniques with organic methods of growing..
I have never seen a true aerponic grow implementing organics, and maybe only one or two grows in recirculating deep water culture systems using true organics.(at least my opinion of truly organic :) )

So when you say you hate synthetic nutrients, in a way you are kinda knocking advanced hydroponic techniques. Plants can't uptake organic materials as Im sure you know.. as most people with agriculture degrees will tell you, organic hydroponics is kinda a oxymoron .
you seen water wars, or blue gold matt?

and if anyone is wondering, check out some collegiate studies showing how much water it takes to grow a crop hydroponically compared to an in-ground crop..
depending on the crop it can save up to 80% more water by using hydro ..
Im not hating, I actually enjoy your threads very, very much..
but being a hydro guy, (Growing up in new mexico, and being involved in agriculture quite a bit, I understand the importance of water conservation. Water is a great commodity, I sometimes wonder if people realize how much good water is used in agriculture. In my opinion hydroponics is the future with the ever growing population and future water needs. using 70% of our fresh water to irrigate crops to me is incredibly irresponsible. Organic or inorganic is not so much as issue with me personally. Its the use of pesticides, gmos etc that really bother me. Although it would be interesting if more people married advanced hydroponic techniques with organic methods of growing..
I have never seen a true aerponic grow implementing organics, and maybe only one or two grows in recirculating deep water culture systems using true organics.(at least my opinion of truly organic :) )

So when you say you hate synthetic nutrients, in a way you are kinda knocking advanced hydroponic techniques. Plants can't uptake organic materials as Im sure you know.. as most people with agriculture degrees will tell you, organic hydroponics is kinda a oxymoron .
you seen water wars, or blue gold matt?

and if anyone is wondering, check out some collegiate studies showing how much water it takes to grow a crop hydroponically compared to an in-ground crop..
depending on the crop it can save up to 80% more water by using hydro ..

very good points. aquaponics is the only organic hydro I know of. Water is a renewable resource of sorts, and in parts of the country is not an issue in any way. I am more concerned with my personal health, and the health of my patients, than my use of water for my 10x10 garden. I mean, hell, I make ice water hash. This obviously uses a crap ton of water, but compared to bho I still think it is WAY better for the environment, hashmaker, and smoker. Making kif would be the "best" option from the environment's view.

Synthetic nutrients, in the weed world, includes pesticides labeled as nutes: ie bushmaster, gravity, dr nodes, pure flowers, every phosphite flower booster ect ect.
"Im not hating, I actually enjoy your threads very, very much.."

get off the thread if you aint gonna hate lol jk


haters gonna hate:

graters gonna grate:

and maters gonna mate:


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btw i hate how mary's name makes me think she's a gurl... big let down lol

and i hate how i havent found any super models chicks on this site yet
I Hate: cops
the judicial system
not getting 2 lbs a light
mold on weed and trim
dolphins coaching staff
dr zoidberg on futurama
the jonas brothers
rappers that rap about stuff they think is cool but it really is retarded
oj simpson
stupid people
prissy stuck up people
stale food
getting pee on my shoes or leg
aa and na meetings
the jersey shore
all fertilizers that are not as good as what i use
not having enough money to get my perfect grow room