I have a penis


Well-Known Member
Dunno about ear wax, but there;s some right blackheads on there. Who in their right mind keeps a blackhead on their back for 20 years and then allows their family to film the squeezing of it like it's some big ceremony?? When the contents of your spots have turned to dust, you waited too long to squeeze the fucker!

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
I've seen some big pimples on you tube that have a lot come out of them though.

I bet there's a market for that. I'd look into it if I were you, or I could look into it for you and get a cut of any profits, like a manager what's that 18%?

You would have to be ok with doing hardcore porn of course. Pm me

5%.....the fluffer gotta get paid too man. lotta expenses on this op


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't consider myself an expert on the subject but I can say for certain that there is such a thing as "too big"!
Yeah I dated a girl that was 4'11" for a couple months and ended up with bruises on my lower head. It was not a great experience tbh. Everyone has a shape and size range that works for them, guys and girls. Although it's easier to take a tiny chick and break her into dealing with more than shed initially prefer, than i think it would be to take a small dude and make him work for a girl that wants more than he has to offer lol.