• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?


Well-Known Member
This country may be going down the tubes, but ... there are probably people and places here that you love. That's reason enough to maintain faith, isn't it? And if not... just put one foot in front of the other and be determined to make tomorrow a little better than today... even if it's in a small way.


Well-Known Member
Producer man!!!

Ok all the deep intense thinking is gone now I'm just baked!! Is it this bad? No man a good 3 hits off the vape with some serious dank makes the world a much nicer place!! It's all good.....

Peace man!!


The Producer

Active Member
Well RT76,
I would love to take your advice but I actually don't smoke but I love marijuana. Haha. My friends think I'm crazy for how much I love it and don't smoke. I am kind of like Bicycle Racer, I maintain an athletic lifestyle and have a serious fear of affecting my lungs in any way. Although I don't smoke my friends and I have made brownies and canna-cookies (thanks to RIU's Cooking with Cannabis section) and got totally and utterly baked. I am actually waiting to order the Vaporizer Extreme and am so stoked about it. So once I order the vaporizer I will be more than willing to take your advice any day. Haha


Well-Known Member
As the title suggests, I simply need someone to let me know if I am just bitching about nothing or if things have gotten as bad as I fear. Right now I literally have a sickening feeling in my stomach as to the politics and politicians that surround the American government. It is a very claustrophobic feeling to know that no matter what "knight and shining armor" goes through to become a president and to "stand for change" will only be tainted by the sick growth that continues to grow during the electoral process. For many of you this is just old news to you; been there, thought about that. But for some this may be a very eye opening experience. In current news as many of you all heard and know, Obama and his cute entourage of brain trusts literally could not speak the word marijuana without laughing! It is so sick to think that for many of us, marijuana is the reason we are still alive. Marijuana is the reason we have a quality of life! So all I ask is to know whether this is just a figment of my imagination or does America deserve the "Scum of the World" seal of approval. I am just so god damn sick of politicians and their secret agendas!
call me rude if you want cuz i dont care!
many of the people i meet on a regular basis on the street, bus, workplace, wherever it is the fact is the same, people are just generally FUCKING RETARDED (i am not making fun of or calling out people that actually have a mental illness, i have respect for them, even though they are challenged most of these people have COMMON sense)
politicians are the worst, they are like a lie producing machine and their mouth just raffles these lies, picks one, and blurts it out [FUCK YOU BUSH!] [Obama is doing wayyyyyy better]


New Member
We're all fucked. I'm sure we can all see that, it's just a matter of opinion of who to blame.

Population is only going to increase, resources are only going to decrease.

I see no happy ending to the current situation.

I'm just watching and waiting.

As the title suggests, I simply need someone to let me know if I am just bitching about nothing or if things have gotten as bad as I fear. Right now I literally have a sickening feeling in my stomach as to the politics and politicians that surround the American government. It is a very claustrophobic feeling to know that no matter what "knight and shining armor" goes through to become a president and to "stand for change" will only be tainted by the sick growth that continues to grow during the electoral process. For many of you this is just old news to you; been there, thought about that. But for some this may be a very eye opening experience. In current news as many of you all heard and know, Obama and his cute entourage of brain trusts literally could not speak the word marijuana without laughing! It is so sick to think that for many of us, marijuana is the reason we are still alive. Marijuana is the reason we have a quality of life! So all I ask is to know whether this is just a figment of my imagination or does America deserve the "Scum of the World" seal of approval. I am just so god damn sick of politicians and their secret agendas!


Well-Known Member
We're all fucked. I'm sure we can all see that, it's just a matter of opinion of who to blame.

Population is only going to increase, resources are only going to decrease.

I see no happy ending to the current situation.

I'm just watching and waiting.
"its just a matter of who to blame" -> People as INDIVIDUALS need to take responsibility for their actions
its people who are ignorant and selfish that will preform a task for a superior but if there is something small the individual can do to benefit everyone else they wont do it cuz its not their job and why do they have to go out of their way, people like that shouldn't be allowed to live in our society


Well-Known Member
Vape is the only way to go. Got my hotbox 2 months ago and absolutely LOVE using it!!

Training some friends on how to use it in about an hour or so ... got the bong attachment for it ... cool down the vapor for the non-smokers. :hump:


The Producer

Active Member
Vape is the only way to go. Got my hotbox 2 months ago and absolutely LOVE using it!!

Training some friends on how to use it in about an hour or so ... got the bong attachment for it ... cool down the vapor for the non-smokers. :hump:

I see you "love" your Hotbox but would you recommend it to anyone? Say.... me? Haha. What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? And what is this bong attachment you speak of? I think I understand from the name but do you have a link so I could check it out myself?



Well-Known Member
you can get a glass attachment for some vaporizers (anything by the Vapor Bros. for instance) that has water in it that cools the vapor. It re-hydrates it and makes it easier on the lungs. Some basic research could've gotten you that for. Google it.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
you can get a glass attachment for some vaporizers (anything by the Vapor Bros. for instance) that has water in it that cools the vapor. It re-hydrates it and makes it easier on the lungs. Some basic research could've gotten you that for. Google it.
the reason were g oing through tough timesright now is because americans the rich and some of the middle class got greedy and tried living above their means. bought shit with money they didnt have, wall street took chances with peoples money as well.

it's not the end of the world as much as some people on the internet might want you to believe. half of the conspiracy shit has no evidence or proof.

we're going through tough times, we'll be alright

give it some time


Well-Known Member
its ok it really is, we have the best country, we could possibly need or want and historically it is agreed, we the people have the power, an awesome far reaching power to promote and create, change.
Our lands are gorgeous and generous and our people are good.

Did you know just this week Mrs.Clinton and Gove Jim Webb were out - in public- discussing the wrongful path of the war on drugs and not only that they were doing so as a precursor to an effort to change those laws. Dont let Obama fool you or cause you to loose heart, momentarilly or otherwise. I too did not agree with his response, but I knew then as now that there is a movement underfoot. It is quiet and formative, in Washington DC yet as we saw Two major major members of the Administration held a press meeting to discuss what is the prob;ems and possible solutions. The state of Mass. has effectively made some of those talked of changes- so have many it is true but what is noteworthy is representative Barne Franks impressive bill to end the persecution of the pot community - nationally. Mind you not in a quiet way either - he and others are actively working on this in the floor of the senate the hallways- the places were real things get done. No he isn't going public really but over all in the wider view there seems to be a three point effort, deflection, public discourse, and quiet steady efforts at bringing in the rank and file to the table. Politics are subtle and making legal the one plant that threatens fertilizer timber pharma giants and cotton industries with extinction is - in the formative period at least- one of finesse. Trying to get a positive spin on tv stations that sell their advertising space to the very companies and industries mentioned is a tad uphill too.
Look, President Obama was working in the senate before any presidential bid... this was the guy who would look over to his aids and whisper God kill me now to them due to the droll uninformed elected officials blowing wind over non issues to look good in 30 second ads for election year, commercials built on those moments photo'ed film and edited to fit the need. I don't always agree with him and in a few areas he is dangerously close to sides of issues I find quite wrong. But anyways take heart I think the guy has a long game and its subtle in a town entrenched in fear of change.
In closing I say to you be the change you want, it is the only way.


Well-Known Member
the reason were g oing through tough timesright now is because americans the rich and some of the middle class got greedy and tried living above their means. bought shit with money they didnt have, wall street took chances with peoples money as well.

it's not the end of the world as much as some people on the internet might want you to believe. half of the conspiracy shit has no evidence or proof.

we're going through tough times, we'll be alright

give it some time
That's basically what I'm going to do. But, before things get better, they're going to get worse. That's just how economies work! There are highs, and there are lows, and we're on a downswing right now.

It's gonna be awhile, but eventually things'll be okay.

And most conspiracy theories are bunk. Total bunk. And it pisses me off that people buy into 'em so much...

But what can you do? People are people, and they're not happy unless they're convinced the people in charge are sneaking around keeping secrets from us all.


Well-Known Member
That's basically what I'm going to do. But, before things get better, they're going to get worse. That's just how economies work! There are highs, and there are lows, and we're on a downswing right now.

It's gonna be awhile, but eventually things'll be okay.

And most conspiracy theories are bunk. Total bunk. And it pisses me off that people buy into 'em so much...

But what can you do? People are people, and they're not happy unless they're convinced the people in charge are sneaking around keeping secrets from us all.
Very well stated Coyote! The reasoned mind is always heard.


Well-Known Member
the reason were g oing through tough timesright now is because americans the rich and some of the middle class got greedy and tried living above their means. bought shit with money they didnt have, wall street took chances with peoples money as well.

it's not the end of the world as much as some people on the internet might want you to believe. half of the conspiracy shit has no evidence or proof.

we're going through tough times, we'll be alright

give it some time
The reason we are in a tough time right now is because of our loose monetary policy creating a mass of inflation which expressed itself as a housing bubble which had to collapse eventually. The american people were just following the incentives given to them, it is our monetary policy which is to blame IMO. It is quite a big deal though, contrary to your belief. Heres the problem: besides our economic woes surrounding our banks, the US has a massive national debt, and huge trade and budget deficits which add to the figure constantly. Besides our national debt, we have trillions in unfunded liabilities, a figue totalling somewhere around 53 trillion dollars. Guess what, we can never reallistically pay all of this money. We are basically bankrupt. We depend on countries such as china, japan, and suadi arabia buying our debt, and guess what...these countries are not going to continue to buy our bonds with the way we are destroying the value of our currency. It is throwing good money after bad. The majority of the private sector has know this for quite some time, and it basically been the robotic bureacratic momentum of national banks around the world that has kept us afloat, but I promise you the rest of the world sees what we're doing and they will put a stop to this. We have already created trillions upon trillions of dollars, the outcome of course is going to be a mass of inflation, add that to a stagnant market and you get an economic anomolie known as stagflation, the extreme of which being Inflationary depression. Yes, we are definitely screwed, but it might be a few years before we feel the real pain.


Well-Known Member
LOL... The reason people are going through such hard times right now is because: WE ARE SLAVES TO WORTHLESS DOLLARS, WORTHLESS CURRENCY WORLDWIDE. ABOLISH MONEY AND CURRENCY ALL TOGETHER!


Well-Known Member
Bah, we need money. Like it or not, we need it. Even if all of our currency is abolished, there will still be exchanges of goods/services and IOUs. Even animals use currencies of that sort.


Active Member
Well at the G20 meetings there handing more BS too the world saying things are going to get better in the future and people are going oh great finally things are going to get better.Ahhhhh no it's not like that.In fact things are going to get much worse.You want the real truth got to (leap2020.eu) Here is the truth on what is happening in the U.S. and all over the world.Unemployment is not 8.5% double that number and this will grow in the near future.People are living in tents who were in houses a year ago.All good jobs in North America have been out sourced all that is left are Mcjobs and Walmartization low paying service jobs.America,Canada the U.K. all over is going to be in deep crapola by years end.The U.S. does not build 800+ fema camps for nothing.Marshall law by yr's end.Marijuana should be legal well before booze or gambling but pharmaceutical companies and dea would be out profits and jobs.Obama is not the real leader it is the guys behind him who call the shots.Read the geabs 31-33 on leap2020.eu and also go too dollardaze.org there is info on what has been going on the last 250 yrs in North America and the world concerning goverment and money value.Goverment if f'ing us ver bad and it only get's worse from here.CNN will be a riot come this fall literally.


Well-Known Member
Bah, we need money. Like it or not, we need it. Even if all of our currency is abolished, there will still be exchanges of goods/services and IOUs. Even animals use currencies of that sort.
Can you eat money? build a house with it? Can you use it as clothing? We don't need money! Thats ludacris.
Sure you can use it to buy all these things. But what if you don't have any? Trillions of dollars sit in banks that don't go anywhere. Millions of people are broke and out of work. There isn't enough money for a lot of employers to hire more people, there isn't enough money in peoples pockets to buy the goods. Our money is printed and distributed by a privately owned bank that charges interest on every dollar printed.

Here is a perfect example:
We birth a country on this system. We have 10 bricks of gold worth 100,000 dollars, there are 200,000 people, people produce more people, but no more gold is found or accumulated, money is printed for the increase in population and the creation of CREDIT. another 50,000 dollars is printed and distributed by this private money producing privately owned bank that is the only entity creating money. The bank releases the new currency with interest. There has been no new gold accumulated, therefore the value of each dollar is reduced because in reality the money is paper certificates that represent a property of value. But there are more people, and they are passing around this money that is becoming worth less all the time. For the U.S., our debts far outstretch our assets, as with any country that has a similar system (which the largest most powerful do), and we owe money that doesn't exist on whats currently available in the public.

Currency is worthless.