I wanna grow cactus

Hey View attachment 3977307 have not updated this thread for awhile but here's how my T. Bridgesii cactus is growing. It's been about 10 months since I germed them. I count a total of 12 cacti in this cluster. I have removed the ziplock bag humidity dome. There was some surface algae growing so I took it off. They seem happy
Very cool Richard. They take about two years to reach 6-12" inches. I planted 100 bridgesii seedlings and noticed a ton of genetic variations and growing speeds
Ive been reading for years about mescaline cactus but never thought to grow some until now. I have just ordered some T. Bridgesii seeds and plan to try and germinate them. How difficult is it to grow cacti from seed and how long will it be before I have plants large enough to extract doses? Any and all helpful information is welcome thank you
Just have a search for san pedro or peruvian torch cuttings. Cut them in slices about 3 spines high and leave on a dry pot of ground, no watering is required as there are no roots. every month or so you can lift it lightly to see if the roots start grabbing, then you can start watering. the footpath to my house is lined on both sides with torches and san pedros.

Opuntia is a fancy name for a prickly pear, delicious.
Hey View attachment 3977307 have not updated this thread for awhile but here's how my T. Bridgesii cactus is growing. It's been about 10 months since I germed them. I count a total of 12 cacti in this cluster. I have removed the ziplock bag humidity dome. There was some surface algae growing so I took it off. They seem happy

If you add a 1/4 - 1/2 inch layer of coarse sand it will stop all that nasty green alge from growing it will also help support the young seedlings. Most people start with that layer as the first months are the wort for the alge growth. But so far so good. your soil mix looks like it could use some help thow, next time screen out all the large chunks of bark and material as they tend to grow alot of mold's.

In the right climate a seedling can grow several feet in a 6-7 years, either way you have to start somewear

Where did you get your seeds from, the last few years their have ben lots of great vendors pooping up

Opuntia's were once used as a additive to pedro brews, Its said the practice was discontinued because the medicine was to strong.
Opuntia's were once used as a additive to pedro brews, Its said the practice was discontinued because the medicine was to strong.
Very odd, some people chop the opuntia flesh up after skinning and despining then toss it in a normal salad. Pretty gross sounding. What do you think the compound is?

Webmd suggests it lowers blood sugar
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? ? ?

I think the opunita played some other significance besides psychoactive, but im not sure ? ?

Their are also quite a few different species of opunita, many unstudied espically ones in rural area's, So how now's
Some prickly pears have great tasting fruit. I've never eaten the stems, but I know people make salads with it.

If you want to plant cactus seeds always sterilise the soil first.
Sand eh? That sounds like a good idea. I'm sorry it's been so long I forgot where I ordered the T.Bridgesii seeds but I think it was a suggested vendor on eBay.

What's the big deal with sterilization of the soil? I just nuked it for 1 min in the microwave as per the germination instruction thread from the shroomery. Since removing the ziplock bag for humidity the algae has mostly disappeared; it has visibly colonized the perlite. I don't see how it does much harm to the cacti. Nor am I seeing much detriment from the chunks of bark & whatnot in the mix. It is just bagged miracle grow succulent mix. I've got a couple huge aloe plants in the same mix & they seem very happy. This is just for fun; I'm not planning on extracting mescaline; not any time soon anyway. Actually the more I read about people's experiences with the sacred cactus the more I think I'll just stick to trippin out on shrooms & LSD when/if the opportunity presents itself. I heard most people hurl; doesn't sound very pleasant.
I have a few lophophora growing in shredded bark and wild peat. Seedlings. Maybe 6mo. Stays pretty dry, I just mist them every other week. The adults are in better soil but the seedlings don't seem to care.
I have a few lophophora growing in shredded bark and wild peat. Seedlings. Maybe 6mo. Stays pretty dry, I just mist them every other week. The adults are in better soil but the seedlings don't seem to care.
I am fairly sure I've been overwatering these. My mister got all jammed up so I better get another one from the dollar store soon lol. Shredded bark and peat sounds like a perfect mix for cactus. I've still got a big ol bag of this MG stuff so I'm gonna try to use it up. A layer of of sand on top is my next move; hate seeing all this green on top.
Sand eh? That sounds like a good idea. I'm sorry it's been so long I forgot where I ordered the T.Bridgesii seeds but I think it was a suggested vendor on eBay.

What's the big deal with sterilization of the soil? I just nuked it for 1 min in the microwave as per the germination instruction thread from the shroomery. Since removing the ziplock bag for humidity the algae has mostly disappeared; it has visibly colonized the perlite. I don't see how it does much harm to the cacti. Nor am I seeing much detriment from the chunks of bark & whatnot in the mix. It is just bagged miracle grow succulent mix. I've got a couple huge aloe plants in the same mix & they seem very happy. This is just for fun; I'm not planning on extracting mescaline; not any time soon anyway. Actually the more I read about people's experiences with the sacred cactus the more I think I'll just stick to trippin out on shrooms & LSD when/if the opportunity presents itself. I heard most people hurl; doesn't sound very pleasant.
I am fairly sure I've been overwatering these. My mister got all jammed up so I better get another one from the dollar store soon lol. Shredded bark and peat sounds like a perfect mix for cactus. I've still got a big ol bag of this MG stuff so I'm gonna try to use it up. A layer of of sand on top is my next move; hate seeing all this green on top.
Yea don't sweat your mix rn let it dry out. Fan it for a day or two if you have one. Sometimes I get rainy seasons and I worry my soil will become too wet. I've lost three or four of the t bridgesii that way. The fanning really helps
The soil has to be sterilised to stop fungi growing in the warm moist environment one keeps cactus seedlings in. Also, the top layers of soil in the deserts where these plants are found have very few microbes due to the strong UV and lack of moisture, so these plants have virtually no antibodies and strategies to deal with this.
Growing them for use from seeds is not viable though. Best thing to do is look for a cutting as I said before.
Every wedge I put down puts out between 3 and 6 pups. Each pup can put on a foot or more per year.
i have a lot of sanpedro just laying outside my place and by a lot i mean like 20m , now they are just laying on concrete and still growing , its a tough ass plant it needs no babying in nearly a year one of the segments grew new fingers of about 15cm