Peyote is a piece if cake to germinate. Follow the teks coming out of mycotopia and such. Trichocerus bridgesii and peruvian etc are active in mescaline as well. They grow much much faster. To increase the growth of peyote, lophophora williamsii, you'll have to learn how to graft. Pereskiopsis is a popular root stock since it grows very rapidly. You can also pick up a large trichocerus Grandifloris from lowes or home depot amd graft onto that.
Here's a tek from kadas garden.
Get seeds from eBay. They're only 5$ and legal to order. Most likely will be coming from Asia. They need constant humidty and almost no light or just a cfl to germinate amd through the first few months. After a year you can graft onto pereskiopsis or something similar. A fresh graft should be kept out of sunlight for a month or two until its healed and then ne brought into the light gradually. They turn purple then tan when they get sunburned.
They're all basic williamsii variety except the large multi headed rock, that is a caesepetosa variety which is pretty hard to flower but very vigorous in growth. (Comparatively)
Opuntia is a good root stock for seedlings but not mature since its so narrow. have a really mature opuntia padel.
I just read that you bought seeds, germ them by soaking in water for 24 houra or until they sink. Then push them inti moist soil in a cup and seal them in a bag. Breath into the bag every so often as it loses humidity. Do all this out of the sun bottom of a grow room works of it's shaded by canopy. Ween then into light and dont put anything outdoors unless it like a few cm diameter and put THAT in the shade outside. Good luck research research research