I wanna grow cactus

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Ive been reading for years about mescaline cactus but never thought to grow some until now. I have just ordered some T. Bridgesii seeds and plan to try and germinate them. How difficult is it to grow cacti from seed and how long will it be before I have plants large enough to extract doses? Any and all helpful information is welcome thank you
Ive been reading for years about mescaline cactus but never thought to grow some until now. I have just ordered some T. Bridgesii seeds and plan to try and germinate them. How difficult is it to grow cacti from seed and how long will it be before I have plants large enough to extract doses? Any and all helpful information is welcome thank you
are you serious? if so call me 541-345-7159 I have some that are very old you could purchase them from me the older the plant the more potent the produce these are marked for last harvest and propagation since 1978 and were given to me when the "NAC Roadman" died I dont use this medicine ...I have been told the plants have a value of several hundred each ... so make me an offer?
are you serious? if so call me 541-345-7159 I have some that are very old you could purchase them from me the older the plant the more potent the produce these are marked for last harvest and propagation since 1978 and were given to me when the "NAC Roadman" died I dont use this medicine ...I have been told the plants have a value of several hundred each ... so make me an offer?

Haha... Phone number, posted to a public board. Thats some crazy dumb sheeit right there bro... Lol.
Oh yes please I have hundreds of dollars I can't wait to give to a random stranger on the internet for some cactus that I may or may not ever receive. Plus getting a 4 foot cactus shipped to my door is totally how I roll; my neighbors won't think that's weird at all....
Thanks for the offer Q but I'm interested in growing it myself. I am tempted to give you a call just to chat though lol...NAC roadman sounds like an interesting dude.
Ok so older plants are more potent...that makes sense. 20 years is a damn long time though. I'm not in a hurry to trip out on mescaline. I'm more excited about the actual growing process of the cacti. I already grow shrooms if I wanna get all fucked up. My thoughts were that I would save it for a special vacation trip many years from now....like camping in Sonoma or something. I don't live anywhere near a desert so going hunting is out.
I know you can just order cuttings from cactus dealers & extract them or root them out & grow them larger. Either way I know that active Trichoceres cactus is legal to grow/sell but not to extract...except for peyote I think.
So there's no way you could grow out a few cactus in say 5-7 years and have it be potent enough to get a couple doses from?
So there's no way you could grow out a few cactus in say 5-7 years and have it be potent enough to get a couple doses from?
It's possible to graft payote onto a host cactus to help speed up the time but it's still gonna take forever, keep in mind you need more then a single button to trip. Look for some peruvian torch or San pedro, you don't have to wait years for it to mature. You can get cuttings of both online. In 1/4 of the time it takes for payote to mature you will have yourself a nice patch of cactus that you can pick from whenever you feel like it.
My grandpa used to live in Arkansas and his neighbor had a few pots with maybe 5-8 payote each, he told me he would never eat them because he loved them too much.
It's possible to graft payote onto a host cactus to help speed up the time but it's still gonna take forever, keep in mind you need more then a single button to trip. Look for some peruvian torch or San pedro, you don't have to wait years for it to mature. You can get cuttings of both online. In 1/4 of the time it takes for payote to mature you will have yourself a nice patch of cactus that you can pick from whenever you feel like it.
My grandpa used to live in Arkansas and his neighbor had a few pots with maybe 5-8 payote each, he told me he would never eat them because he loved them too much.
I know peyote takes a very long time to grow & that's why I decided on Trichoceres Bridgesii. It's a cousin of the San Pedro and Peruvian torch & is supposedly more potent than San Pedro cacti. I'm still waiting for seeds to come in but I'll post a pic when I get em to sprout.
Not looking for quick & easy cactus flesh. If I wanted to I could just order a cutting & eat it but I want to grow out cacti and have a selection in a few years. I'm just trying to find out if anyone here has grown cactus from seed & how long before it is active. I would think you need a lot considering I have heard it takes 12" of cactus for the avg dose. They sell 18" cuttings everywhere so I guess you could pull a dose and graft the stub.
Not looking for quick & easy cactus flesh. If I wanted to I could just order a cutting & eat it but I want to grow out cacti and have a selection in a few years. I'm just trying to find out if anyone here has grown cactus from seed & how long before it is active. I would think you need a lot considering I have heard it takes 12" of cactus for the avg dose. They sell 18" cuttings everywhere so I guess you could pull a dose and graft the stub.
Well the San Pedro and Peruvian Torch are supposed to be a lot faster than peyote and contain mescaline just not as potent as peyote.
This is a silly thread. You are very unlikely to find peyote cactus "in the desert".

If you do you should leave them alone as we have caused them to be endangered.

Don't start with seed. Get a decent sized cutting, it might cost ten or twenty dollars.

Put it in a pot of well drained soil. Not sand, OK? They are plants.

Wait till it roots, about three weeks and then water it once a week in summer and once every two weeks in winter. Feed it some 10 10 10 once a year.

When you get a sprite or pup, pick it off at the four inch point and plant that.

In a few years you will have several growing tips. Each tip will grow over a foot a year. A good dose of Mescaline is contained in a foot and a half of cactus.

Figure three years from planting your first. And every cutting you take will produce more sprites.

Peruvianis is generally a stronger plant than brigesii.
Too late just got my seeds....Searching the desert for cactus doesn't sound like much fun. Plus peyote is almost impossible to find growing naturally except maybe on native lands where it is grown for religious rites. Like the title says I wanna grow cactus not find some or graft a cutting.
I have proper mix for succulents & I've got a good idea how to grow these. Figure it is much like the other cactus I have growing on my windowsill just not the active kind. I just wanted to know how long it takes for the cacti to become active. Guess I'll have to wait a few years until they are big enough but I got nothing but patience. Thanks canndo for your input; nice to hear an informed opinion.
Seeds arrived in a plastic pack with T. Bridgesii written in sharpie...sketchy AF but whatever guess we shall see how it does. If I get them to germ & grow I'll post some pics.
Peyote is a piece if cake to germinate. Follow the teks coming out of mycotopia and such. Trichocerus bridgesii and peruvian etc are active in mescaline as well. They grow much much faster. To increase the growth of peyote, lophophora williamsii, you'll have to learn how to graft. Pereskiopsis is a popular root stock since it grows very rapidly. You can also pick up a large trichocerus Grandifloris from lowes or home depot amd graft onto that.1466636983228-636920494.jpg

Here's a tek from kadas garden.

Get seeds from eBay. They're only 5$ and legal to order. Most likely will be coming from Asia. They need constant humidty and almost no light or just a cfl to germinate amd through the first few months. After a year you can graft onto pereskiopsis or something similar. A fresh graft should be kept out of sunlight for a month or two until its healed and then ne brought into the light gradually. They turn purple then tan when they get sunburned.
They're all basic williamsii variety except the large multi headed rock, that is a caesepetosa variety which is pretty hard to flower but very vigorous in growth. (Comparatively)
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Opuntia is a good root stock for seedlings but not mature since its so narrow. Unless.of.course.you have a really mature opuntia padel.

I just read that you bought seeds, germ them by soaking in water for 24 houra or until they sink. Then push them inti moist soil in a cup and seal them in a bag. Breath into the bag every so often as it loses humidity. Do all this out of the sun bottom of a grow room works of it's shaded by canopy. Ween then into light and dont put anything outdoors unless it like a few cm diameter and put THAT in the shade outside. Good luck research research research